
It's useless to study history

author:Kodama Historical Institute
It's useless to study history

Sentence / Kodama

People always want to draw some ready-made experience from history to guide themselves in reality, in fact, due to different times and conditions, the successful cases of historical figures cannot be copied, and at most have reference value. Compared with those who have made great achievements, perhaps talents like Wang Yangming and Zeng Guofan who have achieved achievements in self-cultivation and spiritual construction are more worthy of learning.

In essence, people are keen to read the personal biography of the historical cattle and the entrepreneurial records of many business wizards at present, in fact, they are a kind of "Mu Qiang" psychology, people are born with the gene of wanting to be strong, so they always unconsciously approach the strong, men from the wine bureau, social cut, women with feelings and strong links.

Approaching the strong, one is to share their resources, and more also want to get the methodology from the strong, so that they can also become a strong person that people look up to.

Discovering the strong, getting close to the strong, and becoming strong are the basic cognitions of those who want to counterattack. The difference is that the strong people around them can still get it, while the strong people in history and the heroes in various fields in the world can only use books as a medium to "communicate" with them.

This is the fundamental reason why the biographies of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign characters will sell well, which is essentially people's obsession with the strong.

But the reality is that many people not only don't get nourishment from it, but they mislead themselves. When people mention Qin Shi Huang, Han Gaozu, Napoleon and other historical figures, their eyebrows flutter, as if they have participated in and witnessed the lives of these people. But even they don't know it, this is actually just a kind of knowledge point display, trying to gain the attention of others by showing their erudition, and trying to make others have the illusion that they are also strong through the narration of the life of historical cattle and business wizards.

In the end, it's all personal obsession.

So the question is, is it useful to study history?

The answer is that it depends on the learner's identity attributes. Liu Bang is the emperor, so he can learn some of the practices of Qin Shi Huang to govern the Han Empire; Emperor He of the Han Dynasty wanted to crack down on the forces of his relatives, so he turned out the "Biography of His Relatives" to find experience from the historical events of the previous dynasty; Sima Guang wrote "Zizhi Tongjian", which was a textbook for the Zhao and Song officials; It was the summary of the experience of the rise and fall of the Qing Dynasty that the Qing Dynasty emperor built a vast empire and created a prosperous Kangqian era...

For another example, a general who studies history can not only sum up advanced experience, but also avoid stepping on pits, because the fighting style in the era of cold weapons is almost the same, and the geographical environment will not change much. For example, when the Sui Dynasty attacked and destroyed Southern Chen, it referred to the Western Jin Dynasty's style of fighting to destroy Wu.

The higher the degree of condition matching, the more valuable it is to learn. Tang Taizong said that "using history as a mirror can know the rise and fall", that is because he is the emperor and the person who created history.

It's useless to study history

The emperor has a strong sense of substitution in learning history Source/stills

That is to say, only if the identity attributes of both parties are the same or similar, it is worth learning, because there is a sense of substitution. In the same way, if you are an entrepreneur, then you can learn from the biographies of other entrepreneurs. For example, if you are engaged in manufacturing, then you can learn from the big names in the manufacturing field. The advanced experience of others can be directly copied, and the pits that others have stepped on can be perfectly avoided by themselves, and there is no need to sum up experience through trial and error.

In this way, due to the different times and different conditions, the historical cattle only have reference value for the descendants of the same identity attribute. At most, it is to reprocess what others have done well, and then summarize their own things, or mark the pits that others have stepped on to avoid falling into the pit.

In the same way, for the same entrepreneurs, due to the difference in enterprise size and culture, the entrepreneurial experience of others only plays a reference role.

For amateurs, learning history is just an increase in knowledge points, and it is just a matter of showing off knowledge in some public places to win the attention of others, because the gap in identity attributes is too big, so it does not have the value of learning and reference at all.

Everyone talks about Cao Cao, but the fact is that the distance between you and Cao Cao is 108,000 miles, and the identity match is basically zero.

If you have to squeeze out some nutrients, it is only limited to the spiritual level, for example, Liu Bang's optimistic and open-minded mentality, Liu Xiu's strong mental strength, Liu Bei's indomitable will not to give in to fate...

Don't say that this is chicken soup, in fact, people need this kind of energy, and in the case of their own sluggish state, the tenacious spirit of historical figures in adversity can still inject some chicken blood into the reader of history. If you don't believe it, if you read Cao Cao's poems when you are in a low mood, your mood will be different immediately.

Luo Yonghao once said that the secret of his trough is to read the biographies of successful people. Existence is reasonable, don't blindly reject chicken soup.

If you are a manager, then there are more places to learn, for example, you can learn from Liu Bang's advantages of valuing talents and being willing to share benefits with everyone; You can learn from Tang Taizong's practice of being good at listening to the opinions of his subordinates... I can always squeeze out some nutrients that I can use in actual combat.

That is, the higher a person's level, the more nourishment he can draw from history. The essence is that the conditions are matched with a high degree.

For most people, if you really want to draw something practical from history, it is best to classify historical figures, Qin Huang, Han Wu, Tang Zong and Song Zu are naturally too far away, but people like Wang Yangming and Zeng Guofan are very close to everyone.

Although Wang Yangming's life is still far away from us, the mental system he built is still worth learning from ordinary people - to conscience, the unity of knowledge and action, and the heart is reason... Anyone can practice and improve themselves step by step through deliberate practice.

There are two kinds of historical figures, one is the person who has made meritorious contributions, and the role of this kind of person in history is more limited to the era in which they live, for example, Li Si's merits can only serve the Great Qin. However, Wang Yangming's role is able to summarize a set of philosophical systems with practical value that can travel through time through a lot of practice and in-depth thinking.

The study of mind covers a wide range of areas, can serve people's inner engineering, and change people's lives by solving people's spiritual problems, which can really affect and influence a person's destiny and future.

Everyone says that Bai Qi is very fierce, but so what, he can't have any connection with your life, but Wang Yangming can influence generation after generation, as long as you are willing to pick up the book.

Historically, most people can only serve the present generation, but some people's values can travel through time. The difference between historical figures is whether they have summed up in practice a system of ideas that can serve future generations.

It's useless to study history

Wang Yangming has his own ideological system Image source/stills

and Zeng Guofan. His career is also not replicable, because the admission to the Jinshi to become a ministerial-level senior official and the creation of the Hunan Army and the establishment of immortal military merits are inherently probabilistic events, but his personal evolutionary history is something that every amateur can benchmark. The former Zeng Guofan was lustful, vain, and addicted to ineffective social interactions... It is closely related to you and me in reality. However, he was able to constantly optimize himself and continue to improve by writing a diary, reflecting and reviewing, and finally completed the evolution from a mediocre and layman to a saint.

In Zhang Hongjie's words, Zeng Guofan's case proves that a Chinese person can reach the height of life through willpower.

Zeng Guofan is like a persistent well digger, insisting on digging a little bit every day, and finally dug out the water. This set of "well digging theory" can be used to guide our work and life.

Compared with Wang Yangming, Zeng Guofan's learning value is greater, because learning psychology requires a certain foundation, and not everyone can cut into the theoretical system of psychology. But Zeng Guofan is different, eating, sleeping, dealing with people... Such a concrete approach to every detail of life can make it easy for ordinary people to cut in and constantly improve themselves.

is the character of Xu Xiake, and there are things worth learning from. A person who can bravely take a path that others disdain to take and achieve certain achievements in the environment of learning and excellence can be used as a reference case.

Just like now, everyone is swarming with bee chicken babies, but there will always be people in this world who have more resources than you, and you can't compete with others on the same track. Only by discovering the areas that children are good at and interested in, and then guiding them, can they widen the distance between them and others, so as to achieve overtaking in corners.

For example, when you get out of the subway, everyone flocks to take the elevator, but in fact, the person who takes the stairs gets out of the station faster than most. Commodities pay attention to differentiation and scarcity, and the same is true for the road of life, so we must try to avoid excessive homogeneity.

Again, we also have a misunderstanding, that is, some people are always limited to learning and not to practice, even if you draw some nutrients from the cases of ancient and modern historical cattle, but if you don't practice, you will never be able to form your own, with practical value.

Any theory needs to be verified in practice. You migrate some of the things you can learn from the cases of historical figures, this is only the first step, and the most important thing is to practice in reality and then adjust to finally form your own things.

Pure learning is a misunderstanding, there are limitations to simply fighting without learning, the correct way is to learn while fighting, so that the growth rate is the fastest.

In short, if you simply want to get knowledge points, then you can read through, but if you want to sum up experience, then it is best to screen, and learn things that can have an impact on your life and have guiding significance.

History is almost mass production of cattle people, if you want to know everyone, it will only be a waste of time, smart people are first screened and then learned.

In addition, compared to learning history bulls and business tycoons, those around you who have already obtained results seem to have more learning value, because your identity matches is high. For example, if you want to do self-media, then you can find a benchmark account to copy the other party's experience.

For example, if a classmate who used to be on the same starting line as you has obtained results that others look up to in a few years, then his methodology is also completely worth learning from you, because the conditions are more matched.

Learn from experience, books are not the only channel, the road in front of you and the people in your life are carriers.

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