
Love surging, press the "accelerator button" for all efforts to "re-emerge"

author:Guilin Life Network

After the heavy rainfall and floods, the people of Guilin have joined the team of helping each other and contributing their own strength to restore the normal production and life order of the city. Some people overhaul flooded electric bicycles for citizens free of charge, and some people send various materials to front-line personnel who are busy dredging and sanitizing. During the interview, the reporter saw touching scenes and heard touching stories.

Free inspection of low-cost repairs

Let's get back on the run

Wei Tao, the person in charge of Emma's after-sales service center (Longchuanping store), has been busy with one thing these days - providing free trailers, free inspections, and repairs for electric vehicles immersed in water.

Wei Tao is responsible for the after-sales service of 43 stores of Guilin Emma electric vehicles, but this time he repaired the water-soaked electric vehicles not just "Emma". Wei Tao said that since the 20th, he has been receiving calls from customers for consultation and maintenance, and has received more than 100 calls a day at most. This gave Wei Tao an idea - electric vehicles should be repaired faster and better, making it more convenient for everyone to travel.

Starting from the 21st, Wei Tao is no longer only responsible for the maintenance of Emma's electric vehicles. He organized after-sales staff from 43 stores to participate in the maintenance of water-soaked electric vehicles. We first went to Nanxishan Hospital and Anxia Century City Community to inspect electric vehicles for free for employees and residents here, and replace damaged parts at cost price. Then, Wei Tao applied to the company's headquarters and transferred more than 10 professional maintenance personnel to enhance the strength of the maintenance team.

He set up 10 rescue teams with a total of about 50 people. As of the 26th, about 1,500 electric vehicles have been overhauled.

Ms. Lai, a citizen who received a free inspection of her electric vehicle at the Emma after-sales service centre (Longchuanping store), said that she was the owner of the electric vehicle of Emma. This time, I saw several other brands of electric vehicles, which made her feel very touched. "I don't mind waiting to have other brands of electric cars serviced, but I think it's good to do it in the shop. In the face of difficulties, everyone should help each other. ”

On the 26th, the reporter saw that there were hundreds of electric vehicles waiting for inspection and maintenance. Wei Tao said: "There are fixed-point maintenance here, and the other 9 teams are mobile maintenance in various communities and units, and some help citizens tow trucks. ”

The maintenance team has been to more than 10 communities such as Anxin Community, Australian Holiday Community, and Longchuanping Community. After Wei Tao took the initiative to contact the streets and communities, the community staff notified the citizens in need in advance, and the maintenance team arrived later, which improved the work efficiency. Wei Tao said that as long as everyone has a need, the work will continue.

Donate love materials

Empower communities to rejuvenate

Wutong Community, Dongjiang Street, Qixing District, was greatly affected by the flood and received help from many caring enterprises and caring people.

On June 26, truckloads of donated materials arrived in Wutong community one after another. On the same day, Hsu Fu Chi sent 100 condolences to the Lijiang community and Wutong community. The relevant person in charge of Hsu Fu Chi said that as a local enterprise, they selected Hsu Fu Chi's biscuits and shaqima for donation, considering that there is a greater need for hunger-filling and convenient packaging products on site.

Guilin Qixia Volunteer Service Center for the Elderly sent bottled water, rice, oil and other condolence materials to Wutong Community, Guilin Lifeng Company sent 30 pieces of disinfectant water, and Sanyang Yishi sent 50 boxes of Guilin rice noodles.

The relevant person in charge of Wutong community said that the donations of caring enterprises and caring people have encouraged everyone, and everyone will devote themselves to their work in the best state to eliminate the impact of flooding as soon as possible.

In order to help the community recover as soon as possible, recently, China Chemical Industry Guilin Engineering Co., Ltd. and Guilin Rubber Design Institute Co., Ltd. donated 7,740 yuan worth of summer cool drinks to Chuanshan South Community and Chenshan Community in Qixing District, sending a cool drink to the frontline workers who are fighting to sanitize and build a harmonious home with the community.

After the flood came, Guilin Qixia Volunteer Service Center for the Elderly quickly organized and carried out love activities. From June 20th to 26th, the center organized more than 50 volunteers to go to the front line to participate in the rescue, and together with the Suzhou Charity Federation, Suzhou Honghua Society Charity Foundation, and Hunan Xixin Public Welfare Foundation, donated nearly 90,000 yuan of materials, mainly to Wumei Community, Huayuan Community, Lijiang Community, Yangjiashan Community, Municipal Minority Service Center, Qianjiaping Village, Rongjiang Town, Xing'an County, and Blue Sky Rescue Team.

Staff Zeng Xiaoqing introduced that the materials they donated to residents were mainly pillows, mattresses, quilts, bed sheets, rice, oil, water, and disinfectant, and the main materials donated to the Blue Sky Rescue Team were rubber boats, walkie-talkies, headlamps, strong flashlights, etc.

On the 26th, Qixia Care for the Elderly Volunteer Service Center donated pillows, mattresses, quilts, bed sheets, rice, oil, water, and disinfectant to 12 residents in Jiugangling Community, Xiufeng Street.

Condolences to front-line devotees

Express our heartfelt gratitude and respect

In order to thank and care for the people who have made selfless contributions in the flood fighting, the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Municipal Shared Traditional Chinese Medicine Intelligent Distribution Center have specially boiled the traditional Chinese medicine prevention prescription "Huohe Drink" to dispel dampness and heat, awaken the spleen and relieve fatigue, so as to provide everyone with a health guarantee.

Deng Jianhua, vice president of the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that "Huohe Drink" has the effect of dissolving dampness and neutralizing turbidity and awakening the spleen, and is especially suitable for people who lose appetite, fatigue and fatigue after the flood.

From June 23rd to 25th, Tang Gangjian, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Tan Yongxing, President of the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, led a team to present more than 3,000 copies of "Huohe Drink" to the Municipal Fire and Rescue Detachment and the Municipal Environmental Sanitation Management Office, thanking them for their heroic efforts in the face of floods and efforts to restore the cleanliness of the city.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, recently, the outpatient hall of the hospital headquarters provides free "Huohe drink", and citizens and friends can go to taste it.

After the flood waters receded, the task of dredging and cleaning was arduous. On the 23rd, Lv Jun, general manager of Guanghang Home Furnishing Co., Ltd., sent 200 pieces of pure water to urban management and sanitation workers. "They are working hard to restore their homes, and we should pay tribute to them." Lv Jun said that enterprises will pay condolences to urban management, sanitation, traffic police, etc. every year, and this critical moment should be more responsible, which can be regarded as a contribution to the city.

During the flood, Ningyuan Primary School was seriously waterlogged and suffered great losses. In order to ensure the drinking water of teachers and students, Su Jieyu, a member of the CPPCC Xiangshan District, plans to raise and donate a batch of drinking water. Through Su Jieyu's matchmaking, at noon on the 24th, the factory delivered 50 barrels of drinking water to Ningyuan Primary School.

In addition, on the evening of the 23rd, Liu Shaobing, member of the Standing Committee of the Xiangshan District CPPCC, Secretary-General of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Chairman of Yisabel Kindergarten, and Zhang Feibing, member of the District CPPCC, Executive Committee of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Chairman of the Promotion Trade, sent supper, fruits and drinks to the front-line sanitation workers.

Source: Guilin Evening News