
Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

author:Wooden Bridge said


Excellent companies will be used on the proposition of the test paper, which seems to be an "unspoken rule" that everyone knows.

Like Apple and Tesla in the United States, Panasonic and Sony in Japan, etc., are all frequent visitors to the test papers.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

However, in recent years, people have found that the enterprises on the test papers have gradually been replaced by our domestic excellent enterprises, and more and more national enterprises have appeared on the test papers.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

Some people think that this is a symbol of the gradual strengthening of our national enterprise, and some people think that education is serious and should not have too much interaction with the enterprise.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

It wasn't until a father in the second year of junior high school that pushed this controversy to its peak.

Enterprise "hard broad"?

Recently, a parent of a second-year junior high school student in Changzhou posted a video on social platforms, holding his child's geography test paper in his hand, and angrily asked why his child's test paper had so many Huawei elements.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

In the video, the father first criticized that Huawei's trademark should not appear on the test papers.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

Then, the father thought that the test paper was too detailed about Huawei, and not only introduced the company's profile, but also briefly described the company's "transnational" business.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

Not only Huawei itself, but even Huawei's vice chairman Meng Wanzhou's return to China route and return speech should be introduced.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

In the question stem, the father asked angrily, why should the geography test paper test the coordinates of an enterprise?

It is even necessary to introduce the vice president of Huawei and the newly launched car in the question stem!

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

A small test paper actually uses Huawei as an example. Where is this still like a geography exam, it is clearly Huawei's advertising Amway!

On June 26, the staff of the Changzhou Municipal Education Bureau said that they had received relevant feedback about the geography test paper and were investigating and dealing with it.
Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

On June 27, the Changzhou Municipal Education Bureau responded to the fact that many questions in the geography test paper involved Huawei elements.

Staff said that in the context of the new curriculum reform, the curriculum plan and curriculum standards advocate and encourage the telling of Chinese stories, and Huawei is one of the representative enterprises.
Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?
The test paper uses the Huawei spirit as the main context, and there are more Huawei elements as a whole, and different Huawei elements correspond to different geography subject knowledge points.

The purpose is to "tell Chinese stories, use Chinese wisdom, and show Chinese strength"!

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

After the video was released, the keywords of domestic enterprises and exams quickly aroused discussion among netizens.

Some people think why companies in other countries can be written into the test papers, but Huawei can't!

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

Some people also think that it is okay to write into the test paper, but is it a bit outrageous that the entire test paper is Huawei?

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

Excellent Enterprise & Education

In fact, it's not just the Huawei brand.

In recent years, some outstanding national enterprises in the mainland have gradually entered the campuses of students.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

For example, the car brand BYD, two models have also appeared in the physical test paper. Even the Xiaomi car SU7, which was launched not long ago, has appeared on the test paper.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

So what are the benefits of this for the education of the next generation of the motherland?

First of all, for students, it can enhance national pride in a subtle process.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

In the past, foreign brands appeared on the test papers, and the accumulation of time led us to chase foreign brands, and we felt that foreign things were high, such as the extremely fanatical "apple powder".

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

However, in today's rapid development, our national products are not lagging behind compared with foreign products in terms of scientific and technological content, quality and quantity, or brand influence.

Starting from students, promoting national brands can enhance the national self-confidence of the next generation of the motherland.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

Secondly, the choice of enterprises used as examples on these test papers just reflects our affirmation of outstanding national enterprises.

Otherwise, how can the choice of enterprises lead to a change from foreign enterprises to domestic enterprises?

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

Even, on the current test papers, there is not even a trace of foreign companies.

How to grasp the degree

At present, the education model we advocate is quality education, which is an education model that advocates improving the all-round quality of students.

How to skillfully integrate the vivid examples that can be encountered in life into the classroom, without ignoring the original meaning of education, is indeed a big problem.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

Take this Huawei turmoil as an example, some netizens will think that enterprises should not appear in the test paper at all!

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

However, the scope of geography is too wide, and the appearance of enterprises on geography test papers is really a "routine operation" for teachers and students.

Because the discipline of geography is divided into two parts: physical geography and human geography, and enterprises are included in the industrial scope of human geography.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

Especially in recent years, the development speed of some high-tech industries in our country has attracted the attention of the world, and it can often be encountered and heard in daily life.

So what's wrong with having students do geography problems that are relevant to them?

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

Not to mention other middle and high school subjects, which more or less involve enterprises.

Do we have to remove all of this content from textbooks?

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

In addition, the test paper in this turmoil is not to test students' knowledge of Huawei enterprises, let alone some ridiculous words such as "a big test paper, half of Huawei's history".

Instead, the students' mastery of geographical knowledge was examined based on the background of Huawei enterprises and the natural geographical environment.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

In other words, in this Huawei turmoil, replacing Huawei elements with any enterprise will cause a lot of discussions.

It may be that the overly dense corporate elements make this parent and other netizens think that the test paper is not like a test paper, but like a "hard broad" enterprise.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

Whether it is Apple, Tesla abroad, or Wuling Hongguang and Lenovo in the mainland, they only account for a small part of the number of test questions.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

In the material part of the topic, we do not exclude that there are excellent national enterprises as typical cases, combined with the knowledge of various disciplines for investigation.

Therefore, it is very important for us to grasp the "degree" of the company's compilation of test questions!

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

Grasp it well and play the role of the finishing touch.

It can not only show the excellence of national enterprises to the next generation of the motherland, but also test the students' adaptability to innovative ways of solving problems.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

Over time, it will also be of great benefit to the implementation of quality education.

Once this "degree" is exceeded, there will be people like Changzhou's father who will question the test papers and even the education system, which will not be good news for either schools or businesses.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?


Excellent national enterprises are our pride, and there is no problem in compiling them into the test questions.

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

However, education is serious after all, and it is necessary to grasp the "degree" of the preparation of test papers.

In this way, we can more effectively publicize the outstanding national enterprises in the mainland and increase the national self-confidence of young people!

Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

What do you think about this "Huawei turmoil"?

Source: The Paper
Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?
Source: Jinan Times
Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?
Source: Qilu Evening News Sure Video
Huawei was included in the test paper and was angrily denounced by opponents, is this a geography exam or a corporate recruitment?

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