
Listening丨The "Queen of Chopsticks" in colleges and universities, where is the cool point?

author:Oriental News

Commentator: Zhang Li

Don't mess with anyone, because they really "go crazy".

Recently, according to Red Star News, a female student from a university in Xiamen bought 2 meals and took 6 pairs of chopsticks in the cafeteria, and was angrily reprimanded by the staff for "stealing", which caused heated discussions among netizens.

Listening丨The "Queen of Chopsticks" in colleges and universities, where is the cool point?

After the incident, the girl distributed 10,000 pairs of disposable chopsticks for free at the door of the cafeteria, shouting "take as much as you want" on the spot, calling her classmates to come forward to collect them.

Such a cool literary response, the generous operation of the party with a "yin and yang weirdness", made netizens feel very relieved, admired her courage to dare to argue with the school, and called her "chopsticks king".

After the incident fermented, the two sides quickly reached a settlement, but the person in charge of the canteen said in an interview that they were the victims, and such a response was too small.

Listening丨The "Queen of Chopsticks" in colleges and universities, where is the cool point?

On the e-commerce platform, a pack of chopsticks (100 pairs) is priced at five or six yuan, and a pair of chopsticks is a few cents, so why bother to search so much. The quality of some chopsticks is uneven, there are burrs, mold, splits are not a few, students eat together, it is not too much to prepare two pairs of chopsticks.

If you don't want chopsticks to go to waste, you can put up a notice in the cafeteria to remind students to take them as needed, so you don't have to angrily accuse others of being "thieves" because of a few pairs of chopsticks. The staff has an arrogant attitude, humiliates students in front of them, ignores the law and directly "convicts", who gave him the courage?

The girl's seemingly cool reply, but it is a righteous call for justice, which hits everyone's cool point. As netizens asked rhetorically, if this is all theft, then is it illegal to shake the spoon in the canteen?

Listening丨The "Queen of Chopsticks" in colleges and universities, where is the cool point?

Although holding chopsticks is a trivial matter, the attitude of the staff can also show the daily rough style of the school cafeteria. Now that the comment area of the school's account has fallen, the one-sided "righteous attack" of netizens may affect this year's enrollment plan.

Schools should be managed humanely and more tolerant, but on the basis of facts, we cannot use a canteen to negate a school and use it as a "garbage school" to qualitatively summarize.

This kind of campus incident should not only rely on the "Chopsticks Queen" to defeat magic with magic, but also clarify the boundaries of the use of school public resources, give students the freedom they should have, and return the rationality that "campus justice" should have.

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