
At the engagement banquet, my mother-in-law gave my mother a chopstick dish, and my mother said a word that made me break up

author:I'm a March Fish


Coming out of the hotel, we took a taxi, and on the way home, my dad and I kept complaining about our mom.

But my mother was also very aggrieved, she was even more angry, she said, "How did I know it would be like this? What did you do earlier? You've been talking for more than a year, why don't you know the real situation in his family? ”

I couldn't speak for a while, and this became mine, didn't it? At the beginning, Zhang Tao said that he had bought a house, and he also took me to see the decoration site, and also said that there would be a bride price, but didn't my mother think he was bragging.

My name is Yang Qianqian, 25 years old this year, and my boyfriend Zhang Tao is 26 years old.

Last Saturday was our engagement day, and after breakfast, I started to freshen up.

My mother said that I didn't need to be so stubborn, I just dressed up according to my usual clothes, and I would amaze Zhang Tao's family.

I didn't let her say it, knowing that she wanted to dislike Zhang Tao's parents as farmers. In the past, she felt sorry for me, saying that marrying a girl in the countryside is not worth it.

I don't care, I like Zhang Tao, although he is a rural guy, but like me, he also graduated from college. He is now an associate director of a new media company.

His parents are in the countryside, and the whole village lives in the building. The furnishings in his house are also very modern, no worse than in the city.

But when I told my mother, she was dismissive, saying that no matter how good the house in the countryside was, it was not worth much.

She also asked me to tell Zhang Tao that we must buy a house in the city.

At the engagement banquet, my mother-in-law gave my mother a chopstick dish, and my mother said a word that made me break up


It's past ten o'clock, and my mom is still sitting there looking at her phone. I asked her and her dad to quickly change their clothes and go out early to avoid traffic jams on the road, and it would be bad to be late.

But my mother said, "Look at your unproductive appearance! We are women, we have to hold it, we have to be late, so that we can be worthy of our identity.

I asked, "Mom, what are our identities?" ”

"We're from the city, that's the advantage." My mom said a little arrogantly.

Watching my parents change their clothes unhurriedly, I was really anxious. On such an important day, we can't wait for it, right? It's also rude.

I had already made an appointment for the car, and as soon as the car arrived, I hurriedly urged my parents to get in the car. On the way, I asked the driver to drive faster, but we were still more than 20 minutes late.

Faced with Zhang Tao's parents and his relatives, I had to explain to them: "I'm sorry, uncle and aunt, there is a traffic jam on the road." ”

Zhang Tao's mother smiled and said, "It's okay, it's all our own family, we don't pay so much attention to it." ”

After everyone sat down, Zhang Tao's parents smiled and introduced other relatives to us.

When the dishes came up, our uncles and aunts warmly beckoned us to eat. My aunt also sandwiched a piece of fish and put it on my mother's plate.

Unexpectedly, my mother was upset. She picked up the plate and dumped the piece of fish into the trash can next to her. Everyone was stunned when they saw it.


When everyone looked at each other, my mother spoke: "It is very rude for you to just serve food to others regardless of whether they like it or not." Besides, you should use chopsticks, not your own chopsticks, how unhygienic. ”

My aunt hurriedly explained to my mother: "In-laws, I haven't used these chopsticks yet." ”

My mom didn't even look at her, and said to herself, "That's not going to work, it's a bad thing." ”

My mother turned her face and said to Zhang Tao: "Xiao Zhang, you are also a city man now." In the future, when you and Sissi are together, those bad habits in the countryside must be changed. ”

Zhang Tao stood up unhappily, he was just about to say something, but was stopped by his uncle.

No one ate much of this meal, except for two children who turned the table and ate happily.

My mother whispered to my father, "Look, the children in the countryside haven't entered the big hotel, as if they can't grab it." ”

After the meal, everyone sat on the sofa, the tea was brewed, and no one poured it.

My mom looked around and said, "Let the guests sit dry, is this how you treat guests?" ”

My dad told her to say less, and she whispered, "You have to give them some majesty, or Sissi will be angry in the future." ”

Zhang Tao hurriedly poured tea for everyone, and I saw that he was very unhappy, so I sat down next to him.

At the engagement banquet, my mother-in-law gave my mother a chopstick dish, and my mother said a word that made me break up


My mom started talking again, she said that I was an only child, and that I had been pampered since I was a child, and that she had never let me do the housework.

I also asked my uncle and aunt if they had bought a house? My aunt said that I bought it in full, and I didn't have to pay the mortgage when I got married.

My mom said, "Young people have their own way of life, and when you get older, you must have a generation gap with them." Therefore, those who are elders should be able to carry it clearly, and do not go to the children's house to disturb them.

Since you want to become relatives, you still have to have the number of courtesies you should have. It's not easy to see you, and I don't want much for the bride price, just for an auspicious getdy, 160,000 is good.

Also, the house must be added to Sissi's name, where did the house go? It has to be in the city, not in the suburbs. ”

At this time, Zhang Tao sat opposite my mother, he stabilized his emotions and said, "Auntie, our house was bought in the city center, with three bedrooms and is being renovated.

Also, my parents only have one child, and they originally prepared a 200,000 bride price for Sissi. ”

My mom was very happy when she heard it and said that's good. However, Zhang Tao's words later stunned everyone.

At the engagement banquet, my mother-in-law gave my mother a chopstick dish, and my mother said a word that made me break up


He said: "Uncle and aunt, today we sincerely want to get engaged, and my parents have been busy for several days. The reason why I chose this place is because this hotel is owned by my uncle, and our family also has shares.

My parents are from the countryside, but our family is not poor in money. Our whole village now lives in the building.

You are a rural person, what happened to the rural people? Three generations up, who doesn't have a rural relative?

Just because I am a rural child, every time I go to your house, you always look like you are on top, and you look down on me in and out of your words.

For Sissi's sake, I endured. But I didn't expect that you would look down on me. It's hard for me to accept that you humiliated my parents and my relatives.

They are all my elders, and I can't let them be angry with me. Therefore, since this meal was not eaten, the engagement banquet was also nullified.

Sissi, let's break up. ”

I took Zhang Tao's hand and said, "I don't agree to break up." ”

He pushed my hand away and said, "I'm sorry, Sissi, our two families are not compatible in all aspects, and there will be all kinds of conflicts in the future." Marriage is a matter of two families, and it is easy to talk about it now. Otherwise, it would not be good to wait until you can't get over it and then get a divorce. ”

My mother couldn't care about face at this time, she took Zhang Tao's hand and said again and again: "Child, Auntie is wrong, you and Qianqian will live a good life in the future, I won't say anything."

Zhang Tao said coldly: "It's late, but I'm grateful that you taught me a lesson, thank you." ”

After he finished speaking, he pulled his parents and relatives out of the room. The three of us were left standing there dumbfounded.

We don't know how we got out. My mother was unwilling, so she called Zhang Tao when she got home, but she was blocked.

Needless to say, I was also on his blacklist, and when I looked at it, it was. I looked at my phone and tears flowed down my face.

I know that Zhang Tao is a determined man, and he wants to break up so decisively, I probably have nothing to do with him.

Only, who is to blame for this?

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