
Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

author:Senluo original

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Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?


In that distant and silent silver world, human footprints and dreams are intertwined into an epic that transcends the ages. From the gentlest watch in the night sky in ancient times, to Armstrong's step of "a small leap of the individual, a big leap of mankind", until today, Chang'e-6 has carved immortal Chinese characters on the dark side of the moon, our exploration has never stopped.

Imagine what future travelers will find when they visit this lonely moon hundreds of thousands of years from now? Are the shallow footprints of the Apollo astronauts still quietly telling the story of courage, or are the Chinese characters engraved on the lunar soil silently telling the persistence and romance of the earth's civilization?

In this land free from wind and frost, the imprint of humanity has become the whisper of time, inviting us to listen to this wonderful journey of exploration, of dreams, of time itself.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

Chang'e-6's "Lunar Soil Calligraphy"

Not long ago, China's Chang'e-6 probe quietly staged a unique "calligraphy performance" on the far side of the moon. Unlike any calligrapher on Earth, the "brushstrokes" are made by a sophisticated robotic arm, and the "ink" is the soft layer of lunar soil on the surface of the moon.

In the process of carrying out the sampling task, the lunar soil was gently turned to form a pattern like the word "Zhong", which is not only a chance encounter between nature and high technology, but also a moment that amazes the world.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

Why does this "zhong" character survive on the surface of the moon for 100,000 years? This is thanks to the unique environmental conditions of the Moon. Unlike Earth, the Moon has no atmosphere, which means there is no wind and rain erosion, and no oxygen to promote decay.

In addition, the Moon's geological activity is extremely slow, and there is no plate movement and erosion as frequently as on Earth. Therefore, whether it is a man-made imprint or a naturally occurring landform, once formed, it can almost remain its original appearance, as if frozen in time.

This "Chinese character" inadvertently left by Chang'e-6 is like a love letter to the future, quietly waiting for the explorers who may arrive hundreds of thousands of years later, telling them the story of our time.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

Time Capsule on the Moon – Apollo's Footprints

Half a century back, when Neil Armstrong stepped out of the Apollo 11 hatch in 1969 and stepped on the unknown land of the moon, he left footprints that became the first extraterrestrial "footprint" in human history.

These footprints, simple as they are, are like direct evidence of human bravery and exploration, forever etched on the dust of the moon. But have you ever wondered if these footprints are still there today?

The answer is yes, and it's likely that they're here to stay for tens of thousands of years or more. The Moon lacks the natural weathering processes on Earth, there is no erosion from wind and rain, no plant growth, no animal activity, and even a faint moonquake is far from enough to erase these subtle traces.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

Every footprint, rut, and even the shadow of the pedestal of the American flag planted on the moon by the Apollo astronauts is like a carefully arranged time capsule, lying there silently, guarding the memory of the first human landing on the moon.

Each footprint is a story, and they are not just physical depressions, but imprints of human ingenuity and courage. Imagine astronauts in bulky spacesuits struggling to walk in low gravity, with a thirst for the unknown and a quest for science at every step.

These footprints are the common memory of mankind, reminding us that no matter how technology progresses, the courage and determination to explore the unknown are always our most valuable assets.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

Scientific and technological progress and future prospects of lunar exploration

From a small step in the Apollo era to the unique mark left by Chang'e-6 on the far side of the moon, human exploration of the moon has never stopped its pace, and every scientific and technological progress is pushing us towards a more far-reaching cosmic dream. The Moon, the closest celestial body to us, has become the perfect laboratory for humans to test new technologies and test new theories.

Since the Apollo program, space technology has undergone revolutionary changes. Advances in remote sensing, artificial intelligence, and automated control systems have enabled today's probes to operate more accurately on the lunar surface, such as the Chang'e-6 automatic sample return, which not only demonstrates advanced engineering skills, but also lays the foundation for more complex space missions in the future.

These technological leaps have given us a deeper understanding of the Moon, from the surface topography and geological structure to the possible water resources, and each new discovery is creating a more detailed map of the Moon.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

Looking to the future, the moon is no longer just an object to be explored, it is becoming a springboard for mankind to go into deep space. The concept of a lunar base proposed by various countries indicates that mankind may soon start long-term residence and scientific research activities on the moon.

The envisaged lunar base will use local resources, such as mining water ice to convert into rocket fuel and domestic water, to enable a sustainable way of living in space. This is not only for scientific exploration, but also an outpost for the expansion of human civilization into outer space.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

At the same time, awareness of the protection of the Moon, the "common heritage of mankind", is growing. The international community is working on laws and regulations to ensure that space activities do not damage the Moon's natural environment and historical sites, such as the footprints of Apollo, which should be properly protected as direct proof of the first human landing on the moon.

As an emerging field, space archaeology has also begun to attract attention, aiming to record and study the traces of human activities in space and maintain this precious cosmic memory.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

Humanistic Reflections on the Lunar Imprint

In the boundless silence of the moon, the "Chinese characters" of Chang'e-6 and the footprints of the Apollo astronauts are not just cold physical traces, they touch the strings of the common human soul at a deeper level.

These imprints, transcending the limitations of time and space, have become a bridge connecting the past and the future, and have inspired the infinite reverie and deep resonance of all mankind for the universe.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

From a humanistic perspective, these imprints on the moon are an ode to the human spirit of exploration. They remind us that no matter how ever-changing technology is, the desire for the unknown, the courage to face challenges, and the humility and reverence for the vast universe are eternal themes that are ingrained in our human DNA.

Like those ancient myths, the legend of Chang'e's flight to the moon echoes the modern feat of astronautics, showing the wonderful symphony between the romantic imagination of the moon and the actual exploration of the moon.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

For education and popular science, these marks on the moon are excellent teaching materials to stimulate the curiosity and exploration of young people. They have made the distant reaches of space no longer abstract but accessible, inspiring generations to devote themselves to science and pursue the stars and seas.

From vivid narration in the classroom to interactive exhibits in the museum, these stories of the moon have become the spark that ignites dreams and illuminates the starry sky of exploration in the hearts of countless children.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?


In the journey of lunar exploration spanning the century, from the initial hazy fantasy to the concrete practice today, the moon has always inspired mankind's desire for the unknown and curiosity about the universe.

The legend of Apollo and the sequel to Chang'e are not only milestones in scientific and technological progress, but also a glorious portrayal of human courage, wisdom and cooperation. The collection of every grain of lunar soil and the imprint of every footprint are a solid step taken by the earth's civilization towards the sea of stars.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

Looking to the future, the Moon will become a bridge for human deep space exploration, a new frontier integrating scientific research, resource development and international cooperation. Here, astronauts from different countries and cultures will work hand in hand to write a new chapter in the vast universe of a community with a shared future for mankind.

We have reason to believe that just as the ancients looked up to the bright moon and pinned their dreams, future generations will build a new home on the moon, so that the blue of the earth and the gray and white of the moon will complement each other, and jointly weave a more brilliant cosmic future.

In this journey, let us stay true to our original aspirations, adhere to the principle of peaceful use of space, and respect and protect this boundless space. Just as the Moon is to the night sky and is the beacon guiding the direction of travelers, human space exploration should also be the light that guides our hearts and minds forward, illuminating a tomorrow full of peace, cooperation and infinite possibilities.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

In the end, when we look back on this exploration process, we will find that those imprints left on the moon are not only a proof of human courage and wisdom, but also a spark that inspires those who come after us to keep moving forward.

In the long river of the universe, the story of humanity is far from over, and the moon, this old and young companion, will continue to witness every miraculous moment of our exploration.

Chang'e-6 dug up the Chinese character "中", which can exist on the moon for 100,000 years, and are Apollo's footprints still there?

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