
Little Ears Hide the Health Code! 7 Ear Massage Methods to Learn

author:Shanghai Xuhui

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the ear is closely related to the meridians and internal organs of the human body. "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing, Lingshu, and Oral Question" said: "Those who have ears are also gathered by the lineage." "When the internal organs or body of the human body are sick, there are often tenderness and sensitivity, electrodermal specific changes, deformation, discoloration and other reactions in the corresponding parts of the ear, and this phenomenon can be used as a reference for diagnosing diseases. These specific reaction areas are the auricular acupoints, which can dredge the meridian qi and regulate the function of the internal organs by stimulating the corresponding auricular acupoints, so that the essence of the five internal organs is abundant, and the meridians and blood flow smoothly, so as to achieve the effect of preventing and treating diseases. Here are 7 ways to massage your ears that you can practice at home and are beneficial.

Little Ears Hide the Health Code! 7 Ear Massage Methods to Learn
Little Ears Hide the Health Code! 7 Ear Massage Methods to Learn
Little Ears Hide the Health Code! 7 Ear Massage Methods to Learn
Little Ears Hide the Health Code! 7 Ear Massage Methods to Learn
Little Ears Hide the Health Code! 7 Ear Massage Methods to Learn
Little Ears Hide the Health Code! 7 Ear Massage Methods to Learn
Little Ears Hide the Health Code! 7 Ear Massage Methods to Learn
Little Ears Hide the Health Code! 7 Ear Massage Methods to Learn

Synthesized from: Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine

Editor: Chen Haixiao

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