
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!

author:Haida agriculture and animal husbandry
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!

Text | Picture: Changzhou Haida Dong Hanxu

In recent years, the number of breeding soft-shelled turtles has increased rapidly, most of the new farmers have not been able to get a piece of the pie on the market and the economic losses caused by the disease on a lesson, the market we can not control, but some losses in the breeding as long as early detection, prevention in advance, after the disease according to the specific situation of the fish pond analysis, calm response, terrible such as soft-shelled turtle "mumps", can also be avoided or can be reduced.

In Changde, Hunan Province, the soft-shelled turtle greenhouse turned to the outer pond soon, the density of seedlings in the pond increased because of the market, coupled with the continuous rainy weather, resulting in turbid pond water quality, deterioration of the substrate, a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, mumps disease repeatedly, in order to help more farmers reduce the loss caused by the disease, the following is mainly on the early prevention of the disease, the later prevention and control of the disease and other aspects to make a summary, in order to provide some help to the farmers and friends.

Introduction to mumps in soft-shelled turtles

1 Overview

Mumps, also known as turtle hemorrhagic sepsis, is a kind of respiratory tract disease, and it is also the most harmful and contagious disease in the soft-shelled turtle disease, which makes the farmers talk about the tiger discoloration, the disease is mainly prevalent in May-October, and the peak of the disease is from June to July, and the onset temperature is 25-30 °C.

2 Pathogens

The pathogens are mainly bacterial and viral mixed infections, among which the bacterial pathogens are caused by the highly pathogenic Bacillus cereus and Aeromonas hydrophila, and the viral pathogen is the Chinese soft-shelled turtle hemorrhagic syndrome virus, which is a membraneless globular virus.

3. Pathogenesis

At first, the soft-shelled turtle showed restlessness and slow response, head back or neck extension and shaking, mouth and nose spraying water, patting water on the water surface and walking, and then due to edema, the movement was slow, and the neck was stretched out and died at the feeding table and pond.

Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!

4Symptoms of the disease

Compared with the conventional external symptoms in Zhejiang, the external symptoms are plaque hemorrhage in the abdominal armor and limbs, bleeding from the mouth and nose, severe swelling of the neck, edema of the whole body, and blindness in the white of the eyes, but the body surface is smooth. Aquaculture species such as loach, bullfrog, raw fish, etc., soft-shelled turtle is relatively low in the cost of feeding per mu.

Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!

Further dissect the gill gland has ciliated protrusions and redness and swelling, erosion in severe cases, ulcerative lesions, internal organs are "flower liver", later is earthy yellow, there is ascites in the intestine and body cavity, and the diseased fish is slow to move due to edema, and the neck is stretched out and dies on the food table, sundeck or slope protection.

Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!

Preventive management programmes

1. Pre-prevention

As mentioned above, mumps is highly common in poor water quality, large temperature difference and continuous rainy weather, which causes great loss and difficult treatment after the onset of the disease. For the management of the disease, it has always been "prevention is greater than cure", therefore, it is necessary to raise friends and friends, and do the following breeding planning and prevention management in advance to minimize the probability of the occurrence of the disease.

01Rational density

In the process of soft-shelled turtle breeding in greenhouses and ponds, most farmers in Changde, Hunan Province choose high-density aquaculture in order to pursue soft-shelled turtle production, but often fail to achieve the ideal yield, mainly because of mutual bites caused by overcrowding, infection with germs, thereby aggravating losses and increasing costs. Does low density mean high yield? First of all, soft-shelled turtle is a very predatory animal, and the predatory ability of soft-shelled turtle decreases at low density, which is not conducive to growth, and secondly, the density of soft-shelled turtle is small, the unit output is reduced, and the production efficiency of infrastructure can not be fully exerted in the greenhouse, and the return on investment is reduced. The relationship between stocking density and survival rate of some greenhouses in Changde this year is as follows.

Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!

As can be seen from the above line chart, the overall survival rate is lower when the stocking density is higher than 200 birds/square meter, while the average survival rate is more than 80% when the stocking density is less than 160 birds/square meter, and overall, the survival rate is negatively correlated with the stocking density.

In addition, the stocking density of soft-shelled turtles should also be reasonably planned according to their own infrastructure conditions and management level to ensure the healthy growth and high yield of soft-shelled turtles, so as to obtain a higher return on investment.

02 Multi-patrol pond

In addition to the feeding time, it is necessary to do a good job of patrolling the pond every day, whether the various facilities are in good condition, the mental condition of the soft-shelled turtle and whether there is any leftovers, whether there is any body surface damage, timely discovery, and timely use of reasonable drugs and appropriate doses according to the severity of the disease.

After the rainstorm, it is found that there are still a lot of floating heads who do not want to go into the water, especially those who lie on the slope protection and open their mouths to breathe should be carefully observed, and when there is such a situation, they must be caught to dissect and observe whether the throat part is normal, if there is redness and swelling, etc., timely internal consumption of heat-clearing and detoxification Chinese medicine can effectively prevent it.

03 Use good materials

To ensure the physical health of soft-shelled turtles, feeding high-quality feed is the foundation, if the feed used is not good, it will cause slow growth of soft-shelled turtles, low immunity, and even curling edges, white bottom plates, prolapse and other symptoms.

At present, there are many types of feed on the market, and the quality varies greatly, so it is particularly important to choose the right and suitable feed. For example, Changzhou Haidazhou Haida soft-shelled turtle puffed material and soft-shelled turtle powder material, "strong fragrance, fast growth, low material ratio, good color". Choose a big company, a big brand, and the quality is guaranteed.

Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!

04 Strong physique

No matter how good the feed is, it is not enough to face the invasion of diseases caused by various factors, so we must prevent it first, and we should also do "protect the liver and gallbladder and protect the intestines", so as to further improve the body's immunity. Regularly feed with Hailianke 3505+ cod liver treasure mixture, continuous mixing for 7 days, stop for 7 days, speed up the repair speed of liver and pancreas, and strengthen intestinal physiological function.

Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!

05 Frequent supplementation

On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the regulation of pond water quality, beneficial bacteria are not only to decompose organic matter in the water body, reduce ammonia nitrogen nitrite and other harmful substances, but also to make the beneficial bacteria in the water body become the "dominant group", so as to inhibit the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria in the water body. If you want to do this, you need to replenish bacteria regularly, it is recommended to use Hailianke Living Water Spirit, with probiotics or 3102 compound photosynthetic bacteria, to effectively decompose the organic matter of the water body, maintain the microecological balance of the water body, and replenish the bacteria in time according to the weather conditions.

Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!

06 Weak sanitization

The so-called weak sanitization, not to despise disinfection, sterilization, bacteriostatic bacteria, but to recommend a small amount of multiple use, recent rain, humid and stuffy environment, pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to sterilize and disinfect in time, so as to reduce the risk of diseases such as mumps in soft-shelled turtles, and during high temperatures, it is necessary for farmers to regularly disinfect the pond mouth to kill all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms. It is recommended to use Hailianaceae Quick Clear + povidone-iodine, which should be used 2-3 times (one day apart) at the beginning of the disease, and 3-7 times in case of severe disease, and should be avoided for a long time when using strong light.

Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!
Soft-shelled turtle "mumps" repeatedly? It's important to do these things well!

2. Ideas for prevention and control in the later stage

01 Mumps occurs in the early stages

By mixing some plant-derived drugs (banyan root, arborvitae leaves, honeysuckle, andrographis, dandelion, etc.) in the feed and splashing five yellows, iodine preparations, etc., can play a better therapeutic effect, and then cooperate with multi-dimensional and other vitamin products to enhance physical fitness, regular bottom disinfection, can reduce the probability of mumps recurrence.

02 middle and late stages of mumps

Antibiotics need to be stopped first. In fact, antibiotics are used to treat bacterial diseases, while mumps is caused by viral infection, and subsequent secondary bacterial infections aggravate the condition. The diseased soft-shelled turtles usually have poor physique, and they grab healthy soft-shelled turtles with good physique, and take antibiotics continuously for a long time, so that these already healthy fish have drug resistance and aggravate liver damage, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of follow-up treatment, which is why antibiotics cannot be stopped, and the more you eat, the greater the casualties.

Secondly, it has been taken internally for a long time, and antiviral drugs have been poured externally, and there is still no obvious improvement in the situation, at this time, it is necessary to pay attention to the water environment, combined with the inlet and drainage, there is a good water source and the temperature is suitable, and the water can be changed step by step. Finally, to reduce the probability of mumps recurrence, the above prevention and management plan and reasonable treatment according to the severity of the disease, weather and drugs should be carried out.


Prevention is better than cure, but when the disease comes, do these things well, and mumps, which cannot be cured, can also be prevented in advance to reduce the losses caused by its occurrence.


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