
A team of experts from West China went to Zhenxiong County to carry out medical assistance activities

author:Zhenxiong Media

On June 25, Professor Yin Rutie, vice chairman of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party and chief physician of the West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University, led a team of more than 10 experts from the West China Second Hospital and the West China Fourth Hospital of Sichuan University to Zhenxiong County People's Hospital to carry out medical assistance activities.

A team of experts from West China went to Zhenxiong County to carry out medical assistance activities

The experts who came this time cover a variety of disciplines such as gynecology, pathology, reproductive medicine, pediatric infectious diseases, dermatology, ultrasound medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, and pharmacy. During the event, the experts carried out free free medical services for the people who came to the clinic, and they carefully checked the patient's previous medical records and current condition, asked the patient about the relevant situation, and gave professional advice and suggestions on the next step of diagnosis and treatment. The expert team also went into various departments in groups, carried out special lectures, teaching rounds, surgical demonstrations, etc., guided the business development of each department, and held a discussion with Zhenxiong County People's Hospital on the next step of assistance.

A team of experts from West China went to Zhenxiong County to carry out medical assistance activities

Since 2017, the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Peasants' and Workers' Party has joined hands with experts from West China Hospital of Sichuan University to carry out medical assistance to Zhenxiong County, and has always focused on the health needs of the people, given full play to the advantages of the sector, coordinated the sinking of medical resources in West China to Zhenxiong, and carried out medical assistance to Zhenxiong in terms of specialist assistance, discipline construction, development planning, talent training, and smart hospital construction through the method of "online + incumbency". In the past seven years, more than 110 professional and technical talents in more than 20 specialties have been trained for Zhenxiong County People's Hospital free of charge, more than 60 heads of hospital departments have been accepted to learn advanced management experience and advanced service concepts, more than 8,000 medical personnel have benefited from in-service academic lectures, and nearly 10,000 medical personnel have been trained through online distance teaching, which has effectively helped Zhenxiong build a strong health fortress, consolidated the medical foundation, cultivated specialized talents, and poured new quality productivity into the development of health care in the old revolutionary area, which has effectively promoted the high-quality development of Zhenxiong medical care.

A team of experts from West China went to Zhenxiong County to carry out medical assistance activities

The relevant person in charge of Zhenxiong County People's Hospital said that he would take this assistance as an opportunity to strengthen the foreign exchanges and cooperation of the County People's Hospital with the help of the advantages of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Peasants and Workers Party, and deepen and implement the assistance mechanism of "helping the horse and walking together", continuously solve the problems of the masses in seeking medical treatment, improve the quality of medical services, build a solid health barrier for the masses, and work together to promote the high-quality development of Zhenxiong's health cause.

Reporter: Zhou Hong

Web editor: Wen Qinghua

First instance: Chen Xin

Second trial: Chen Lin

Third trial: Cheng Hong

Submission email|[email protected] Zhenxiong County Financial Media Center

A team of experts from West China went to Zhenxiong County to carry out medical assistance activities
A team of experts from West China went to Zhenxiong County to carry out medical assistance activities

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