
Huining: Go up to the basket and let the children run

author:Huining Fusion Media

On the evening of June 25, the 2024 "Run, Youth" Huining County Primary School Student Campus Basketball Match came to an end in the county gymnasium. The holding of this competition has cultivated the spirit of unity and hard work of students, demonstrated the positive spirit of students, further enriched students' extracurricular life, and also created a good cultural and sports atmosphere.

Huining: Go up to the basket and let the children run
Huining: Go up to the basket and let the children run

Before the closing ceremony, the finals of the men's and women's groups were held between the women's team of Rudong Friendship Primary School and the women's team of Wenchang Primary School, the boys' team of Jiaochang Primary School and the men's team of Wenchang Primary School. On the field, the players dribble, pass, steal, break, jump shot and other wonderful actions won the audience's shouts and cheers, the whole game was tense and intense, wonderful, after fierce competition, Wenchang Primary School boys' team and Rudong Friendship Primary School women's team won the men's and women's championships respectively.

Huining: Go up to the basket and let the children run

Yang Na, a student of the sixth grade (6) class of Rudong Friendship Primary School in Huining County: I am very happy to participate in this basketball competition, I am very happy to achieve such results, first of all, I would like to thank my parents and teachers for their cultivation and support to me, in the next training, I will continue to work hard and strive for better results.

Huining: Go up to the basket and let the children run
Huining: Go up to the basket and let the children run

Since the start of the game, the participating teams have shown superb basketball skills and tenacious competitive spirit, sweating and working the field, and all coaches, referees and staff have effectively guaranteed the smooth progress of the game with dedication and perseverance.

Huining: Go up to the basket and let the children run

Yang Han, a student in the sixth grade (6) class of Wenchang Primary School in Huining County: First of all, I am very honored to participate in this basketball game, and secondly, I am very grateful for the training of my coach, the help of my classmates and the strong support of the school. Finally, I would like to hold more events like "Let's Run, Junior", and I will work harder in my future training.

Huining: Go up to the basket and let the children run
Huining: Go up to the basket and let the children run

This competition not only provides an excellent platform for students to show themselves and enhance their physical fitness, but also promotes the exchange of friendship and competition between schools, enhances team cohesion and centripetal force, greatly stimulates students' interest in basketball, and effectively promotes the healthy development of students' physical and mental health. In the next step, Huining County will continue to implement the party's education policy, closely follow the theme of education development in the new era, solidly promote the "five educations at the same time", pay attention to the all-round development of students, especially carry out novel and colorful events, encourage children to actively participate in physical exercise, better enjoy the health and passion brought by sports, and strive to cultivate good teenagers in the new era with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, art and labor.

Huining: Go up to the basket and let the children run

Xi Ti, Principal of Huining County Children's Amateur Sports School: The 2024 "Let's Run, Junior" Huining County Primary School Campus Basketball Tournament came to an end with the joint efforts of the main organizers and the perfect cooperation of all teams. The successful holding of this event fully demonstrated the achievements of physical education teaching in primary schools in the county and effectively promoted the improvement of the competitive level of basketball in primary schools. Next, we will take the integration of sports and education, sports and tourism, and sports and health as the starting point, and vigorously carry out a series of activities of "Running Youth" to promote the healthy development of the county's young people's physique.

(Huining financial media reporter Wang Juan)