
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

author:Gangfeng sees the world

Interpret the anecdotes and anecdotes of Tianya District and show the essence of Sanya's humanities



Notes of Wenmen Village, Sanya

Caifeng Wenmen Village, dialogue and ask the elderly,

The stone gate becomes the text gate, and the ancient charm of Li Zhai is deep.

Inscription: When I rushed to Wenmen Village, Tianya District, Sanya City, the time was just right, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was shining. A unique pastoral mountain scenery of Lixiang in the south of the island, just like this, just like this, carelessly, rushed to my face, and crashed into my mind.

Wenmen Village is known as the first village in the beautiful countryside of Sanya. Legend has it that during the Southern Liang Dynasty, Xian Ying, the leader of the Lingnan Slang Dynasty, asked Emperor Wu of Liang to "reset Yazhou", led the army to land on Shanghai Island, appeased more than 1,000 Li Tong in Hainan, and set up a county to establish a county, and re-incorporated Hainan Island, which had been "remotely led" by the Eastern Han Dynasty for more than 600 years, into the embrace of the motherland. After the Sui Dynasty unified China, in recognition of the merits of Mrs. Xian, the "Linzhen County" (now Sanya) in the south of the island was given her "Tang Muyi" and canonized as "Mrs. Xian". In order to develop the south of the island, Mrs. Xian appointed the white tiger general to set up an altar in the south of Wenmen Village, spread the matter of farming, open the door of civilization, and educate the people of Li, which has been more than 1,000 years so far, so it is called the millennium Li Village.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The author took a photo in Wenmen Village

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Wenmen Village

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Lan Peng, the branch secretary of Wenmen Village, and the old man Lan Dingzhang

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The author is collecting style in Wenmen Village

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The idyllic scenery of Wenmen Village

The legend is beautiful, but the historical data is difficult to prove. Although Mrs. Xian has Linzhen County as Tang Muyi, there is a record of history. However, although the Li people are the native people of the island, they do not have their own script, and it is difficult to have a pen and ink record. Inherited to this day, and thousands of years have not been wasted, presumably, from generation to generation, this word-of-mouth legend is not easy to adhere to. Walking through the villages and alleys to dig up the history, the petitioners checked the genealogy and studied the humanities, because of fate, I met Wenmen Village, met in the summer of the sunshine, blue sky and white clouds in Tianya District, Sanya City, and met in the vision of this beautiful legend. Responsibilities and obligations, just like the green and lush "Longhai Basin" pastoral scenery in front of Wenmen Village, stirred my thoughts and tempted my heart, so that I couldn't help but be like a wild goose soaring in the sky, traveling through time and space, to have a bird's-eye view of the past and present life of Wenmen Village, to prove the legendary historical rhyme...

(Note: It takes 5 minutes to read the full text of 8,000 words)


On a sunny morning in the early spring of February in 1851, a handsome young man named Ji Dawen walked out of Jinghu Village, Chongpo Township, West of Yazhou City. When he staggered to the front of a "stone gate" surrounded by stones in front of the Maling Post Shop, an ancient post road in Yazhou, fifty miles east of the city, it was almost dusk.

The sunset shines brightly on the five-meter-high Kuang Lei, and the afterglow reflects the young man's square face. He couldn't help but sit in front of the stone gate, sweating, letting the breeze blow on his face, and his thoughts were coming to him. He couldn't help but think of a young man named Zhong Fang 300 years ago, who went out of Shuinan Village, Yazhou, passed through Qiongzhou Mansion, crossed the surging Qiongzhou Strait to Beijing, and finally entered the Shi and the first, chased the Central Plains, and the official to the household servant, and respected as the "Lingnan Confucian" generation of great village sages, and glorious Yazhou for hundreds of years. His mind suddenly echoed that the young Zhong Fang went to the Central Plains to chase his aspirations, and when he passed by this stone gate, he faced the scenery of the mountains and the sea, and left a poem in "Pearl Cliff": "The mountains are across the sky and there are obstacles, and the earth is boundless and the sea is boundless." "Famous words, I can't help but feel a lot of emotion.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Ancient Stone Gate Ruins

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The site of the ancient stone gate in front of Wenmen Village

Because he knows that since Zhong Fang's father and son entered the high school in the Ming Dynasty, for more than 200 years, no one in Yazhou has been promoted, let alone the Jinshi and the first. On the first day of the first month of the first year of Xianfeng (1851 AD), Aixin Jueluo Yisu ascended the throne and was known as Qing Wenzong in history. This time, it was he who received the emperor's grace and went to Guangzhou to participate in the township test "Spring Cool". At this time, he couldn't help but think of the entrustment of Lord Zhizhou before leaving, the ardent expectations of the gentlemen of Yazhou, a revival of the Yazhou imperial examination, and the end of the heavy responsibility of "Yazhou Wuju" in the past 200 years.

Chisel the danger through the Li boundary, Xiongguan stone open door.

The windy mountain is a tiger, and the ape hangs on the far wall of the spring.

The world is chaotic and lives are light, and the sky is cloudy and ghosts.

The general who broke the captivity, Baitong was subordinate to the Ping Domain.

Ji Dawen's poem titled "Stone Gate" vividly shows his ambition as an outstanding representative of Yazhou scholars, going north and south from the island to Guangzhou, and symbolizing the "stone gate" of Maling Pass, an ancient post road on the east line of Yazhou, as a symbol of the "Wenmen" of restarting Yazhou's cultural movement.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The author took a group photo with the descendants of the Ji family in front of the former residence of Wenjinghu Village in Jida

Who is groaning on the rocks and crying on the steep mountain roads?

Curious, it immediately attracted the attention of a Li villager named "Shenting Village" not far from Shimen. As a result, people flocked to communicate with the youth, only to know that this young talent was originally the famous "coastal show" in Yazhou. Three years ago, at the age of 20, he also passed through Shimen to go to Qiongzhou Mansion to participate in the all-Qiongzhou examination, and was praised by the Qiongzhou prefect for his talent.

It was late, and the night was about to be deep, and Ji Dawen, a scholar in Yazhou, was welcomed into the village by the Dong clan and the Lan clan in the village. Accompanied by the wine in the wind and the Li dance, the young talent was drunk and slept with his head covered, until the sun climbed the mountain.

The sun is just right and the scenery is pleasant. On the morning of the next day, Ji Dawen was surrounded by all the villagers, and inspected the ditch where the ancestors in the village opened a ditch to divert water to irrigate the fields, and gave a poem entitled "Goukou" to the villagers, and then walked through the stone gate and went east. Poetry Cloud:

The Wuzhi River has a long source, and many mountains and rivers converge.

The building is handed over to the tiger tracks, and Li Tong cuts the chasm.

The sound of the stone stream is strong, and the forest is cold and the plank road is quiet.

It's really dangerous here, and you need a golden bull to open up the land.

170 years ago, the two poems left by Ji Dawen, a genius in Yazhou, in front of the stone gate have been included in the full text of the "Yazhou Chronicles" in the last years of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty. It's a pity that no one has interpreted and interpreted the poetry so far, especially the poem "Goukou", in fact, this is a feng shui poem left by Ji Dawen to Wenmen Village, Tianya District.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Wenmen Village Official Hat Stone

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The author is collecting style in Wenmen Village

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Wuzhi Mountain is not only the highest mountain in Hainan, but also the ancestral mountain of Hainan Feng Shui vein that was explored and determined after the depreciation of Su Dongpo in the Song Dynasty. Ji Dawen's first couplet in the poem tells the villagers that the Longhai Basin where Wenmen Village is located is "the confluence of mountains and rivers", and it is also a blessed land that is "surrounded by green mountains, left and right dragons to the sea, water and wind, and auspicious clouds and purple light". "Xulou" refers to the watchtower of the imperial court set up in the Malingxun military camp garrison by the stone gate. Although the "chasm" clearly refers to the ditches and canals dug by each Li village for irrigation, it implies that these ditches broke a little feng shui and cut off the dragon veins of Wuzhi Mountain, resulting in a gap between Li and Han culture.

The "Golden Bull", in fact, is a symbol that represents wealth and fortune feng shui. Historically, the ancestors of the Li nationality gathered here, cut down wood and soil, and built a squatter village, which was very difficult. So, Ji Dawen used the couplet at the end of the poem "It's really dangerous here, and you want a golden bull to open up the land." One sentence gives the feng shui a point of layout.

It can really be said: "Nine words to persuade the lost to wake up, and one word to wake up the dreamer". The poem "Goukou" left by Ji Dawen should have woken up the destined people in Wenmen Village. Otherwise, I wouldn't have seen that there is a stone statue of a golden bull in front of the gate of the Wenmen Village Committee.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The golden bull at the gate of the Wenmen Village Committee

Shenting Village has since been renamed "Wenmen Village", and Shimen has become Wenmen, which should belong to Ji Dawen.

Ji Dawen, who traveled to the east, finally lived up to the expectations of the Yazhou villagers, and in the first year of Xianfeng (1851) Enke Township test, he became the first person to lift Yazhou in the Qing Dynasty, ending the history of more than 200 years of "Yazhou without lifting", and creating a precedent for Yazhou cultural movement at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Later, although he failed to try the spring at the third meeting, and although he was given the post of cabinet secretary, he resigned and returned to his hometown. Enthusiastic about the education of his hometown, he actively advocated the construction of the school palace, took charge of the Aoshan Academy, and donated all his family property to Yazhou Social Science before his death.

Ji Dawen's ability to become a great sage in Yazhou is related to his ambition as a young man. I attach an inspirational poem from his youth to express my reverence for this sage. The poem says:

The young man is determined to enter the department, what is the article for me?

Reading five cars is still too little, and thousands of poems are not too much.

If the sea water is like an inkstone, I am willing to use the rivers and mountains as ink mills.

The edict gave the sky as a blank paper, and wrote a song of peace.

Today, Ji Dawen's inspirational stories and his poems have gone away with history. But I think that if there is a fate, Tianya District should carve a bronze statue of Jida in Wenmen Village, and engrave it with poems to remember the ancestors and inspire future generations...


In fact, the history and historical records of Wenmen Village can still find some traces of its spider and horse tracks, that is, the "Xiamaling" contained in the mountain and river volume of "Yazhou Chronicles".

It is a unique mountain range on the east line of the ancient post road in Yazhou, there is a mountain range like a horse, from the mountains of the lofty mountains, the momentum goes straight to the sea. The back of the horse is Shangmaling (near present-day Guoling Village), and the front back of the horse is called Xiamaling (present-day Maling Community), and Wenmen Village is located in the geographical position of the saddle in Shangmaling. Moreover, there is a "stone gate" surrounded by a pile of rocks such as a house of boulders on the side of the saddle ridge, which isolates the mountain from the sea, separates Li and Han, and only has a small path like a gap in the stone chiseled by the ancients for people to pass.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The end of the world scenic spot looks at the lower horse ridge

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Xiamaling is like a house

The record in the "Yazhou Chronicles" is very clear: "Xiamaling is sixty miles away from the east of the city, thirty miles around, and seventy zhang high. There is only one line of viable in the oblique bay. Rocks are like houses, towering on the seashore. The tide is long, and it is impossible to come and go. After this, there are two ways into the Sanya mirror. Once the ridge traveled from the mainland, it was dangerously close. One from the seashore, open and far. In the northeast, there are Li villages, the largest one is said to be Lingli, and there are more than 1,000 households. There are more than 70 dwellings in Wuli in Lingxi, and Malingxun is stationed here. He also said: "Guolingtong is sixty miles away from the east of the city, and there are more than 30 Li villages. The mountains and mountains on all sides, such as the barrel shape, there is only one stone gate, enter the stone gate after the flood from Maling, the two mountains confront each other, chisel the stone to pass, the depth reaches two miles. Therefore, it can be seen from the historical records that Li Village in the historical Wenmen Village area is located in a steep stone gate on the east line of the ancient post road in Yazhou, which is called the second pass of Xiamaling. In ancient times, the merchants, scholars, and emigrants wanted to enter Yazhou from the eastern front, but they had to pass through this stone gate from the Maling Flood Camp.

As a result, this stone gate has not only become the lifeline of the past guests to close the mountain and obstacles, but also the cultural hub station of the Central Plains culture in the Tang and Song dynasties, and it is also an inspirational door for many Yazhou scholars in the Ming and Qing dynasties, out of the south of the island, through Qiongbei, into Guangzhou, and in Beijing, chasing the Central Plains, and lyrical songs.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Yazhou Chronicles recorded Xiamaling

This two-mile-deep "stone gate" has not only become the "lifeline of the village" of Wenmen Village, the first village in Sanya's beautiful countryside, but also carries the symbol of Sanya's history and the present and the future, the mountains and the sea, Li and Han, the ancient and the modern, the wilderness and civilization, the closure and development of the bitterness and the new and the phoenix nirvana! Moreover, the blessed land of "Longhai Basin" in this stone gate, "surrounded by green mountains, left and right dragons to the sea, get the water and hide the wind, and the auspicious clouds and purple light rise", has been incorporated into the eyes of the imperial court since the Sui and Tang dynasties, and it is used as a demonstration place for governing the Li District, spreading agricultural affairs, and enlightenment education.

In history, in the sixth year of Tang Yonghui, the imperial court set up an ancient town called "Luotun County" here.

This matter is recorded very clearly in the "Yazhou Chronicles", and the Zhi says: "Luotun Waste County, "Yuan and Zhi" Yonghui first year place, in Luodian ring, because of the name. "Jisheng of the Land" is now Luotun Village, Lizhong, fifty miles east of the state. Huang's "Tongzhi" Ming Wanli Bingchen, Zhizhou Zhangsu Shugou, and Luotun County Yin. ”

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Yazhou Chronicles record Luotun County

The first year of Yonghui (650 AD) was the first year of Li Zhi of Tang Gaozong. Li Zhi used this era name for a total of six years, and made great efforts to create a prosperous era of "Yonghui Zhizhi". The full name of "Yuanhe Zhi" is "Yuanhe County Atlas", which is a general geographical chronicle of the Tang Dynasty and the oldest historical record preserved since the Wei and Jin dynasties. The book was written in the eighth year of Emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty (813 AD), with the purpose of facilitating the emperor's overview of the national situation after the Anshi Rebellion, so as to achieve the purpose of "strangling the world and controlling the lives of the masses".

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

More than 100 years later than the "rule of Yonghui", the "Yuan He Zhi" said that the name of Luotun County came from the local village name "Luodian Xiang". In the middle of the Southern Song Dynasty, during the Jiading and Baoqing periods, the "Jisheng of the Land" compiled by Wang Xiangzhi was estimated to have felt that Tang Zhili's transliteration was inaccurate, so it was renamed "Luotun" Village, and clearly pointed out that Guyi was fifty miles east of Yacheng.

Where are the ruins of Guyi in Luotun County? Shi Zhi didn't say it clearly, and later generations didn't go to verify it, I went around the Longhai Basin for a week, and I couldn't distinguish it because of the time.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Longhai Basin

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The author is collecting wind in Guoling Village

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Mr. Lan took the author to the archaeological site

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Longhai Basin walks around to look at flowers and looks for historical sites

Why did Tang Gaozong Li Zhi set up a Guyi in Sanya, a place where birds don't? Why do I have to go so hard to pursue the ruins of this ancient town? This is because Luotun County, which is only a short-lived town in Chinese history, but the word "Tun" in the name reflects the area centered on Wenmen Village, and the password of the origin of agricultural civilization from the primitive ecological method of slash-and-burn cultivation in a radius of 100 miles; Because of the word "fall", it reveals the Central Plains Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty and the strategic layout of Hainan Island. Because, since the establishment of this county, let us see that in history, groups of Central Plains degraded officials and literati and writers wearing square scarves have stepped on this southern wilderness known as the end of the sky and the corner of the sea. Since then, it has opened the prelude to the Central Plains degrading official culture to begin to settle in Sanya, South of the island.

So, who was the first minister to be demoted to Sanya and "settled" at the end of the world?

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

It was at dusk more than 1,300 years ago, a Central Plains official named Han Chuan walked more than 2,000 kilometers from Chang'an, grief and indignation, and finally stepped into a yamen named Zhenzhou in the far river of Nanning, Island. Who is Han Jin? Why did he come to Zhenzhou? The official history records that Han Ying was the prime minister of Tang Gaozong, and the historical records said that he was exiled here because he offended Wu Zetian.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Why did he offend Wu Zetian? Zhengshi said that in the sixth year of Tang Yonghui (655), when Tang Gaozong Li Zhi wanted to depose Empress Wang and re-establish Wu Zetian, Han Yuan, who had been worshiped as the prime minister, couldn't help crying and tears to dissuade him, causing Gaozong to be furious and ordered someone to pull him out of the hall. The following year, Wu Zetian lowered the curtain to listen to the government, and changed the name of the year to Xianqing. In the following year (657), Wu Zetian instigated Tang Gaozong to demote Han Ying to Zhenzhou Assassin on the grounds that Han Ying had colluded with Chu Suiliang to plot misdeeds, and ordered him not to return to Beijing for life.

As a result, Luotun County, which had just been established for seven years, came the first prime minister in Chinese history to depreciate Zhenzhou, Han Yuan. I don't know if it's because of the water and soil, or because I was framed and full of grief and indignation, in short, a year later, Prime Minister Han Ai died in Zhenzhou, and his soul was buried in the world, where is his tomb in Sanya? It remains a mystery to this day. It was not until 47 years later, in the first year of Shenlong (705), that Tang Zhongzong complied with Wu Zetian's last order to recover Han Ming's official title and pardon his relatives who were exiled to Lingnan.

Han Ying has not been in office for a long time, his story is very short, and there is no record of his achievements in governing Luotun County under him during his one-year tenure in Zhenzhou.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Shuinan Village

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The ancient city of Yazhou

Legend has it that the second prime minister of "Luotun" Tianya is named Li Zhaode, who also came to Zhenzhou after 32 years of Han Slow, he did not come to be the boss (Thorn History), but to be a small public security chief (county lieutenant) in a county below Zhenzhou. Li Zhaode was the prime minister of the Zhou Dynasty when Wu Zetian was the emperor, and in 689 AD, he was convicted of raising a bar with Emperor Wu because of his autocratic power, and was demoted to the county lieutenant of Jiyang County, Zhenzhou (there is a saying that he is the lieutenant of Nanbin County, Guangxi, which is controversial).

Aside from the controversy, the official history remembers the second prime minister who was clearly demoted to Sanya to serve as the assassin of Zhenzhou, named Cui Yuancong. In July of the third year of longevity (694), Cui Yuanzong, who had been the prime minister for two years, was dismissed as prime minister for "sitting on the matter" and "transferred" to Zhenzhou, which was regarded as the most farthest and most wild overseas. Why did Cui Yuanzong "sit on the crime"? The two Tang books do not mention it, and there is still no mystery to this day. But he was demoted from the prime minister to the assassin history, and the matter of "Luotun" the end of the world is not only recorded in the official history, but also rich in wild history. In particular, his return from Sanya to the north, the sea experience of nine deaths in the Qiongzhou Strait and the life of feng shui anecdotes and legends, have also enriched the content of the culture of degrading officials at the end of the world.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Shuinan Village

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The statue of General Fubo in the scenic area of the end of the world

From Han Ying to Cui Yuancong, there is only 37 years in the middle, why did the imperial court send two prime ministers to Zhenzhou as officials? In fact, behind this period of history, it reflects the strategic layout of the Tang Dynasty on Hainan Island, especially in the area of Sanya in the south of the island.

This background can be traced back to Emperor Wen of Sui, Emperor Yang of Sui and even Emperor Wu of Han.


In 110 B.C., Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent General Lu Bode Fubo to Pingling South and Hainan, and set up two counties, Zhuya and Dan'er. Zhuya County is on the bank of the river in the north of the south, and the tortoiseshell and purple shell are in the three counties, not to mention first. Judging from the two counties set up in Dan'er County in the southwest of the island, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's strategy for Hainan was mainly placed at the mouth of the Thanksgiving Plain in the southwest of the island, and the sword guided the sea.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The statue of General Fubo in the scenic area of the end of the world

From the Western Han Dynasty set up "Zhilai County" (now Changjiang County) at the mouth of the Changhua River in the northwest of the Thanksgiving Plain, and set up "Jiulong County" at the mouth of the Jiulong River in the southeast of the Thanksgiving Plain (Sui changed to Thanksgiving County, now Dongfang City), we can get a glimpse of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who regarded the southwest of the island in the southwest of Hainan Island, the largest coastal alluvial basin on Hainan Island, as a demonstration area for Wanghua's education and exemplary governance of "old and young remote". In particular, the Western Han Dynasty turned the wharf of the five major rivers estuaries of the Thanksgiving Plain into a sub-port of Hepu Port, the home port of the Maritime Silk Road in the Han Dynasty, and the ambition of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to guide the sea through the southwest of Luo Island. It is a pity that the ambition of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was abandoned by Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty in the Eastern Han Dynasty. In the first year of Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty (48 B.C.), due to the power of the minister Jia Don to abandon the Pearl Cliff, he wrote a post of "Abandoning the Pearl Cliff", so that the two counties of Hainan Island that had been returned to the Central Plains Dynasty and the counties to which they belonged were all abolished and abandoned, and only a "Zhulu County" was placed in Hepu on the other side of the Qiongzhou Strait. Unexpectedly, this "remote leader" was more than 600 years away, until Mrs. Xian, the leader of the Lingnan slang clan in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, asked Emperor Wu of Liang to "ask for orders in the dynasty, so place the state" in the fourth year of Emperor Wu of Liang (532), restore the county system, and Hainan Island returned to the embrace of the Central Plains Dynasty.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

It was not until Emperor Wen of Sui unified China that in recognition of the merits of Mrs. Xian in supporting the unification of the country in the three dynasties, she was not only canonized as "Mrs. Xian", but also deliberately set up a "Linzhen County" in the southernmost part of Hainan Island, and gave it as its food yi, also known as "Tang Muyi".

What is "Linzhen"? Mrs. Xian's hometown was in Gaozhou, Lingnan, and Mrs. Xian's highest capital on Hainan Island was located in Danzhou (now Zhonghe Town). Emperor Wen of Sui deliberately set up a county in the south of the island as the "temporary" capital of Mrs. Xian, whose significance is not only to commend Mrs. Xian's merits, but also to hope that with the help of Mrs. Xian's Lingnan power, this wild area in the south of the island can be "revitalized". This is the true meaning of the origin of the name of Linzhen County in Sanya's previous life. It also represents the ambition of Emperor Wen of Sui to follow the ideas of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and guide the sea after Emperor Wen of Sui unified China. It's just that Emperor Wen of Sui gradually moved the center of strategy from the Thanksgiving Plain in the west of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to the south, and moved to the shore of Tianya Bay at the mouth of the Baisha River and the Ningyuan River in the south of the island, making Linzhen County the first ancient town recorded in the official history of the island, and becoming the political, economic and cultural center of the south of the island.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The end of the world scenic spot

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Tianya Bay

Linzhen County is not just a private domain given to Mrs. Xian by the Sui Dynasty; It is also the first special political and economic zone for ethnic minorities in Chinese history opened by Emperor Wen of Sui on Hainan Island. Its value and significance are extraordinary. What policies did Mrs. Sin introduce in this special zone? And what are the merits? It's a pity that there is no record in the official history, and the history is long, so naturally few people know about it. Only the mountains, rivers, fields, and villages in the southwest of the island remain, and there are still rumors that Mrs. Xian sent people to help the local implementation of agricultural water conservancy and enlightenment and education.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

For example, the name of the Thanksgiving River in Dongfang City. Whose kindness is it grateful, why should we be grateful? According to the legend of the Su family in Baoshang Village, it was because Mrs. Xian sent people to help the villagers of Baoshang to open water to repair canals and divert water to irrigate Gaotian, and the original name of Jiulong River was changed from Baoshang Village to the mouth of the Thanksgiving River.

For another example, as mentioned in the previous introduction, the beautiful legend of the historical source of Wenmen Village: it is said that Mrs. Xian appointed General Baihu to come south to Wenmen Village to set up an altar, spread the matter of farming, open the door of civilization, educate the people of Limin, and so on.

It is a pity that these beautiful legends of the countryside and fields have not been able to be corroborated in the official history.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Statue of Madame Sin

What's even more regrettable is that a year after the establishment of Linzhen County, Mrs. Xian died of illness. Soon, Emperor Wen of Sui also passed away, and was replaced by Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of Sui, the first emperor of the ages, who was even more ambitious and had excellent strategic thinking. A few years after the death of Mrs. Xian, and six years after Yang Guang succeeded to the throne, in the sixth year of Sui Daye (610), he redivided Hainan Island into three counties and ten counties of Zhuya, Dan'er, and Linzhen, and established the administrative structure of Hainan Island that has continued to this day. His abolition of Linzhen County was not the goal, but the promotion to a county. And under Linzhen County, Ningyuan and Yande counties were placed, and the county seat was set up in Shuinan Village, Yacheng, Ningyuan County. Since then, Linzhen County, embraced by the Ningyuan River, has officially become the political and cultural center of the southwest of the island, and the Da Dan and Baoping ports at its outlet to the sea have also become the largest sub-port connecting the home port of Hepu in the mainland and the most prosperous supply wharf on the south coast of South China for maritime trade on the islands of Southeast Asia.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Where was Linzhen County located in the Sui Dynasty? There is no record in history, and the research of later generations of scholars is also controversial. According to Mr. Li Bo's article "Examination of the History of the Construction of Hainan Island in the Past Dynasties": "The former site of Linzhen County in Sui should be eighty miles southeast of Yacheng in Sanya City. This is the former site of Mrs. Xian's 'Tang Muyi'. (Historical Examination, p. 155). According to Mr. Li's research, Linzhen County is 80 miles east of Yacheng, that is, near the "Longhai Basin" between Wenmen Village and Guoling Village behind Maling, which is now under the jurisdiction of Tianya District. Because the "Yazhou Chronicles" said, "Burning flag ditch, 80 miles east of the city, originating from the Lingtong, injected into the forbidden port, into the sea, Ming Ji Wang Xi burned the flag here, hence the name." And this place is very close to the direction of 50 miles east of the city of "Luotun County" placed by Li Zhi of Tang Gaozong.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The ancient forbidden port is now the West Island Wharf

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Yazhou Zhiyao flag ditch

Although this argument is the words of Li Bo's family, Mr. Li Bo is a professor of Haida and a well-known scholar of literature and history in Hainan, and I think his research has a certain basis.

From this point of view, Tang Gaozong Li Zhi's strategic intention to set up Luotun County is actually to continue the original intention of Emperor Wen of Sui to set up Linzhen County, and to set up the county near the original Linzhen County. And successively degraded the two prime ministers to Zhenzhou and "settled" here, but also wanted to revitalize this area through education and tuntian farming.

The revitalization of the southern part of the island is known as the wild corner of the sea, and Tang Gaozong Li Zhi is actually the implementation and inheritance of the strategic thinking of his grandfather Tang Gaozu Li Yuan. Because, in the fourth year of Wude (621 AD), Li Yuan, the ancestor of the Tang Dynasty, renamed Linzhen County, a traditional Li area in the south of the island of the Sui Dynasty, as "Zhenzhou" and implemented the liuguan system of "changing the land and returning to the stream". This measure not only inherited the ambition of Emperor Wen of Sui to govern the south of the island; He also respected Mrs. Xian's contribution to Hainan Island. The word "Zhen" represents the expectations of the revitalization of the traditional Li area in the south of the island from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to Emperor Wen of Sui, Emperor Yang of Sui to Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The Longhai Basin on the shore of the burning flag under the Xiamaling is suspected to be the site of Luotun County

Judging from the administrative pattern of the five counties of Zhenzhou, Lingningyuan, Yande, Jiyang, Linchuan and Luotun in the early Tang Dynasty, as early as more than 1,000 years ago, the imperial court had regarded the area of Sanya as a model experimental area for the Central Plains Dynasty to govern the remoteness of ethnic minorities. Tang Gaozong will demote the two prime ministers and settle here. Since then, from the beginning of the Tang Dynasty to the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, in a long period of more than 1,000 years, there have been more than ten famous ministers, virtuous ministers, and bachelors who were degraded and exiled here by the Central Plains Dynasty. In addition to the prime ministers of the early Tang Dynasty, Han Ying and Cui Yuancong, there were also the prime ministers Lu Duoxun, Ding Wei, Zhao Ding and the famous minister Hu Quan after the Song Dynasty changed Zhenzhou to Yazhou, and Wang Shixi, the deputy prime minister of the Yuan Dynasty. and more than a dozen people such as Pei Ying of the famous family. In addition, nearly 1,000 officials of all sizes, such as Zhizhou, Xuezheng, Warden, Zhixian and Jiao, have served in this land, and too many merchants, Moke literati and ancestors of all surnames have come to the end of the earth to check in and settle down, so that Sanya in the south of the island has become a unique charm of Chinese regional culture, and "Tianya" has become a famous symbol and monument in the history of Chinese culture and philosophy.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The author wrote a book about Sanya's degrading official culture 20 years ago

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years
Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The author is in Shengde Hall, Shuinan Village

It is precisely because of the two prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty that the Central Plains culture was settled in Sanya and the cultural precedent of degrading officials was opened, and there was a cultural gathering of the Ming Dynasty on Hainan Island. Including Yazhou in the south of the island of the Ming Dynasty, it was careless, and it became a grand scene with "the sound of string recitation, and the eunuch tour of the capital of Xiaosu and Hangzhou".

This poem comes from the poem "Hainan Landscape" by Xing You, one of the famous three masters of the Ming Dynasty in Hainan. The poem says:

The southern wilderness is thousands of miles away, and the sky and the sea are pale.

The two counties prospered from the Han Dynasty, and the five states were prosperous in the Tang Dynasty.

Most of the old family came to Middle Earth, and the thick production was more than the outer village.

The sound of string chanting is complicated, and the eunuchs travel to the small Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Xing You, who was the post-Shang of Xing Menghuang, the head of the four great talents of Hainan, was a classmate of Qiu Jun, the prime minister of the Ming Dynasty, who was the first of the four great talents of Hainan, in the Qiongzhou School Palace. Qiu Jun and Xing You are in the era of Hainan Island's humanities and literary style. Batches of Hainan sages "refer to the Central Plains overseas", and they have been promoted and promoted to the first and become the courtiers. Among them is Zhong Fang's father and son Jinshi and Di, who were born in the high mountains of the south of the island, becoming one of the seven pairs of father-son Jinshi in the history of Hainan Island, and shining in Yazhou.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

The statue of Zhong Fang in the scenic area of the end of the world

Especially Zhong Fang, when he was young, his family was poor, but he studied hard and worked hard. When he was young, he went out of Yazhou, arrived in Qiongzhou to pay tribute, and then went north to Guangzhou Zhongju. Then he went to Beijing to enter the Shi and the first, experienced hardships and dangers along the way, and wrote books and other bodies in his life. Not only is the official to the household servant, but also because of his doctrine through the ages, he is known as the "Lingnan Giant Confucian" and has become the pride of Yazhou. Yazhou in the Ming Dynasty was able to produce a pair of outstanding father and son talents from Zhong Fang, which was actually due to the achievements of Wang Hua education accumulated over hundreds of years since the two prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty were demoted. The source of this achievement is just like the words in Xing You's poems, from the Han and Tang Dynasties.

In fact, after the Tang Dynasty implemented the Wanghua education in the south of the island, it produced results in the late Southern Song Dynasty, and an outstanding figure named Chen Guohua came out, also known as "the first Jinshi of Yazhou". He was a scholar and the first Zhong Fang for more than 200 years, and he was born out of thin air, and when Mao Kui, a native of Fuyang, Guangxi, was appointed as the Jiyang Zhijun in the Chunxi period of the Southern Song Dynasty, he rebuilt the Yazhou School Palace and implemented the results of the imperial examination after the education of Wanghua.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Yazhou Confucius Temple

"Yazhou Chronicles", Chen Guohua, a native of Jiyang Linchuan (now Yuechuan Community). In the fourth year of Song Baoyou (1256), he went to Beijing to participate in the examination, and ranked first in the second class of high school, ranking fourth in Jinshi, and was on the same list as Zhuangyuan Wentian. Imagine, if there is no Central Plains culture settled in this area of Sanya, a seaside scholar who is far away in the south, how can he cross the stone gate of Xiamaling from the distant Yazhou, cross the stone gate of Xiamaling, cross Qiongzhou in the north, and then cross the surging Qiongzhou Strait, and be able to take the fourth place in the national college entrance examination?

Looking at the culture of degrading officials in Sanya from this point of view, in fact, in addition to being a punishment measure for officials who made mistakes in the Tang and Song dynasties, the greater original intention was to bring cultural and educational revitalization to the degraded places through the talents of these degraded officials and the resources of their famous families.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Therefore, the search for the ruins of Luotun County and the study of its legacy are not only meaningful for exploring the enlightenment source of Lixiang culture represented by Wenmen Village and Guoling Village; It also has practical value for the research and development of Sanya's history and culture. Because the Longhai Basin, where the ruins of this ancient town of the Tang Dynasty are located, has not yet been built and developed into a unique scenic spot in Sanya, which combines the pure ecological scenery of lakes and mountains and the unique humanities of Li and Han dynasties.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

Where exactly are the ruins of Luotun County? Although I didn't find its specific location, I found a beautiful legend in the villages and alleys, petitioners and old people, which may be able to prove that about the millennium Lizhai Wenmen Village, in the end, when Emperor Wen of Sui gave Mrs. Yu Xian in Linzhen County, set up a thunder altar? It is also the historical rhyme of Tang Gaozong's enlightenment and humanities in Luotun County.

Wenmen Village Notes|Shimen becomes Wenmen, and the ancient rhyme of Lizhai for thousands of years

It was a sunny afternoon, and I visited this old man, accompanied by Secretary Lan Peng and Director Dong of Wenmen Village. The old man's name is Lan Dingzhang, and he is the only inheritor of the word-of-mouth legend of the "Shinto Sutra" in Wenmen Village. He not only told me the beautiful legend of an ancestor named "Monk with a Separate Surname"; He also took me to see the stone relics left in the village by this legendary ancestor when he divided the fields and planted Shanlan rice for the Li people, and the tomb stele that lay in the village after his death.

The story is very long, but unfortunately the space is limited, so I have to continue it in the next issue.


Gang Feng is a well-known humanistic travel writer, scholar, and Internet V. He used to be the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Xiangyuan", and wrote and published more than 2 million words of essays on the history and culture of Hainan. He is the author of books such as "The Story of Qiongbei", "Impression of Sanya", "The End of the World", "Journey of the Heart", "My Taiwanese Friend", "Guta Secret Language" and so on. Good at writing essays on urban culture, welcome to write about it!