
Ziqiang Road Street, Xincheng District, carried out a series of publicity activities of "Youth is not 'poisonous' and health accompanies me".

author:Xi'an New Town

In order to create a good social atmosphere for the whole people to fight drugs, effectively enhance the active participation of residents and social forces in the anti-drug struggle in the jurisdiction, and promote the creation of a national anti-drug demonstration city, on June 26, the Ziqiang Road Police Station of the Ziqiang Road Sub-district of Xincheng District and the Ziqiang Road Police Station of the former branch of the public security station carried out a series of anti-drug publicity and education activities of "Youth does not 'drug' and health accompanies me".

Ziqiang Road Street, Xincheng District, carried out a series of publicity activities of "Youth is not 'poisonous' and health accompanies me".

At the scene of the event, the community police vividly told the dangers of drugs and how to correctly prevent and resist the harm of drugs by showing drug portraits, and at the same time watched short anti-drug videos to guide residents not to be greedy for small gains, not to accept food and drinks provided by strangers at will, not to enter complex places of public security, to make friends cautiously, and to establish a correct world view, outlook on life and values.

Through the interpretation of part of the "Anti-drug Law of the People's Republic of China", professional lawyers are invited to deepen everyone's understanding by explaining the law through cases, and through classic cases, the obscure legal knowledge is vividly and simply passed on to everyone, calling on everyone to resist the harm of drugs, and develop a good awareness and habit of abiding by the law.

Ziqiang Road Street, Xincheng District, carried out a series of publicity activities of "Youth is not 'poisonous' and health accompanies me".

Community police and anti-narcotics specialists display anti-drug knowledge display boards, distribute anti-drug propaganda color pages, and explain the serious harm of drugs to the residents face-to-face in combination with real cases, especially the types of new drugs that are currently popular and their camouflage, and advocate that the residents consciously strengthen the study of anti-drug knowledge, always keep a clear head, resolutely resist temptation, establish a benign circle of friends, and actively participate in the anti-drug volunteer team.

Ziqiang Road Street, Xincheng District, carried out a series of publicity activities of "Youth is not 'poisonous' and health accompanies me".

In the next step, Ziqiang Road Street will continue to do a good job in anti-drug publicity and education activities, create a good atmosphere for national anti-drug and contribute to the successful creation of a national anti-drug demonstration city in Xi'an.

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