
Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

author:October Tomoyuki

As we age, the function of various parts of the body gradually shows signs of decline, especially in the legs. As the saying goes, "People grow old before they grow old." This sentence speaks to an important feature of human aging. One of the main reasons why people are old is a series of phenomena that occur with the loss of leg muscles, so through scientific strength training, it can effectively improve the aging of leg muscles and delay the process of leg aging.

Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

So, what is the reason why people are old and old? What is the role of strength training? What kind of training movements should you choose? Let's talk about related topics.

First: people grow old before old legs

As we age, why do the legs reflect the signs of aging so sensitively?

Let's start with the structure of the legs. The legs carry the weight of the human body, whether walking, standing or jumping, the legs are the most direct force point. This constant stress and wear and tear makes the bones, muscles, and joints of the legs more susceptible to damage and wear and tear, which accumulate as we age, leading to a gradual decline in leg function.

Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

In addition, as we age, our physical activity will show a downward trend, and at the same time, the hormone levels in the human body will change, especially the secretion of hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone will gradually decrease, resulting in a gradual decline in muscle mass. In terms of age, the rate of muscle loss accelerates around the age of 40, and the rate of muscle loss will be faster around the age of 60, and with the loss of muscle, the leg counter-joints will lose muscle protection, which will increase the risk of joint wear and tear, and at the same time, the bones will also lose the conditions for growth (stress). In other words, as we age, our bones and joints become fragile due to muscle loss, increasing the risk of injury.

Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

To sum up, it is not nonsense that people grow old before they grow old, which also reminds us that in the process of paying attention to the aging of the body, we should pay special attention to the maintenance and exercise of the legs to delay the aging process of the legs.

Second: the role of leg training and its precautions

As mentioned above, it can be known that in order to avoid the problem of old legs, it is necessary to achieve the goal by adjusting the controllable factors, from the method point of view, it is very important to increase the muscle mass of the legs, so strength training, as an effective way of exercise, can help us improve the aging of the leg muscles. Through targeted strength training, we can enhance the strength and endurance of the leg muscles, improve the flexibility and stability of the joints, and can effectively improve the aging status of the leg muscles.

Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

So, what are the benefits of leg training? What should I pay attention to during leg training?

1. Benefits of leg training

Speaking of which, leg training has many benefits, it is not only conducive to body building, but also conducive to the maintenance and improvement of health, such as:

1. Enhance leg muscle strength and endurance

Strength training stimulates the growth and development of leg muscles, building muscle strength and endurance. Not only does this make it easier for us to walk and run in our daily lives, but it also improves our athletic ability.

Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

2. Improve joint flexibility and stability

Strength training can enhance the strength and elasticity of tissues such as muscles and ligaments around the joints, improving the flexibility and stability of the joints. This helps reduce the risk of pain and injury due to joint stiffness and instability.

Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

3. Improve body posture and balance

The strength and stability of the leg muscles are essential for body posture and balance. Through strength training, we can increase the strength and stability of our leg muscles, which can improve body posture and balance, and reduce the risk of injury due to unexpected events such as falls.

Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

4. Boosts metabolism and reduces fat accumulation

Strength training boosts metabolism and reduces fat accumulation. By increasing muscle mass, we can increase the body's metabolic rate, which accelerates fat burning and consumption. In addition, strength training can also help us build a firmer and more toned body line.

Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

2. Precautions for leg training

Although leg training has many benefits, it is not done randomly, but it should be carried out effectively under the premise of ensuring safety, so when doing strength training, we need to pay attention to the following points:

1. Choose the right training program

There are a variety of leg strength training programs, including squats, deadlifts, leg presses, and more. We can choose the right training program according to our physical condition and the purpose of the exercise. For beginners, you can start with a simple training program and gradually increase in difficulty and intensity.

Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

2. Master the right training techniques

When it comes to strength training, we need to master the right training techniques. This includes proper posture, the way you exert your force, etc. Proper training techniques ensure that we avoid injuries during our workouts and get the most out of our training.

Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

3. Arrange training time and intensity reasonably

Strength training requires consistency, but it can't be overtrained. We need to manage our training time and intensity to avoid over-fatigue and injury. Generally speaking, strength training should be done 2-3 times a week, and the training time of each training session should be controlled for about 1 hour.

Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

Third: Leg training action sharing

Through the above content, we can know that adhering to regular leg training can improve or even avoid the problem of old legs, because the growth of muscles has nothing to do with age, as long as the conditions for its growth exist, no matter what age the muscles will grow, and one of the conditions is to form effective stimulation of the muscles, then, for leg training, what kind of action will be better?

Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

Next, share a set of leg training movements, this group of movements is more convenient, you can complete it at home, regular adherence can help us exercise the leg muscles at the same time, get related benefits, avoid the problem of old legs.

Movement 1: Squat (Target: Quadriceps, Gluteus Maximus)

  • With your feet about shoulder-width apart (find a position that you feel comfortable into), your toes are slightly outward, your back is straight, your core is tightened, and your hands are raised in fists to your chest (or hang down at your sides and swing back and forth naturally with your legs)
  • Keep your body steady, keep your back straight, sit back with your hips back and squat down with your knees bent until your thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly lower, then get up and stand up
  • Keep your body stable throughout the movement, keep your back straight, keep your knees in the same direction as your toes, and make sure that your knees are not completely straight when you get up
Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

Exercise 2: Good Morning Forward Bend (Target: Back of Thigh)

  • Stand with your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders, your back straight, your core tightened, and your arms and elbows bent at the front and back of your body
  • Keep your body steady, keep your back straight, keep your calves still, bend your hips and bend your knees slightly and lean forward until you feel a noticeable stretch on the back of your thighs
  • Then push your heels on the ground, tighten your hips, push your hips forward, and get up and stand up until your body is erect
Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

Movement 3: Gluteal Bridge (Target: Gluteus maximus, core)

  • Lie on your back with your upper back and head on the ground, arms at your sides, legs bent at the knees, feet shoulder-width apart and hips sunk but slightly in the air
  • Keep your body steady, keep your core tight, and push your hips up until your thighs are at the same level as your torso
  • Stop at the apex of the action, actively feel the contraction of the hip muscles, and then control the speed to slowly restore, pay attention to the active control of the rhythm of the action when restoring, do not passively fall, and at the same time do not sit on the mat with the buttocks, keep it slightly suspended, and then proceed to the next action
Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

Movement 4: Squat in place (target: hips and legs)

  • Keep your feet front and back, with your feet about shoulder width apart and your legs vertically when squatting
  • Keep your body steady, keep your upper body upright, your back straight, keep your core tight, look ahead, let your weight fall on the neutral position of your feet, slowly bend your knees and squat down until your front thighs are parallel to the ground, while paying attention to the back knees do not kneel on the ground, and then get up and stand up
  • If the main purpose is to train the hips, lean the upper body slightly forward, look at the ground in front of you, and let the weight fall on the heels of the front feet to complete the movement
  • Keep your back straight throughout the movement, keep your knees in the same direction as your toes, and if you can't keep your body steady, you can hold on to a fixed object to assist
Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

Movement 5: Side lunge (target: quadriceps, adductors)

  • Stand with your feet slightly apart, your back straight, your core tightened, and your hands on your hips
  • Keeping your body steady, keeping your back straight and your core tight, take a big step to the side and squat down until one of your legs is parallel to the ground and feel the other inner thigh muscles pulling
  • Then get up and stand up to restore, and then complete the other side movement after the body is stable
  • Keep your back straight and your body stable throughout the movement, keeping your knees in the same direction as your toes
Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability

Familiarize yourself with the essentials of the movement and try to train after knowing it, complete each movement on the premise of ensuring the standard of movement, 15-20 times for each movement, and rest for about 30 seconds between movements, 3-4 groups each time. As your ability improves, try weight training, starting with a water bottle instead of dumbbells, and then consider using dumbbells or other weights to complete the training as you get used to it.

From the perspective of exercise, if you don't like aerobic exercise, this group of training can also be completely combined with the diet to achieve the purpose of fat loss, and it can also reduce the risk of muscle loss, so as to achieve fat loss in the real sense.

Why should you pay attention to leg training? Improve people's old legs, modify the figure, and improve ability


In short, it is a common phenomenon for people to grow old before they grow old, but through scientific strength training, we can effectively improve the aging of leg muscles and delay the aging process of legs. Let's focus on leg strength training and maintenance from now on!

Author: October Zhixing
