
Narrow pass! Fetalfoot presentation, Yangxin Maternity and Child Obstetrics Medical Emergency Rescue ......

author:Yangxin Xinyang Net

Critical moment: A pregnant woman is in danger

June 21 was a light and leisurely day, but for Ms. He's family, it was a thrilling day. On the morning of the 21st, Ms. He, who was 35 weeks pregnant, suddenly had an emergency situation of vaginal discharge at home. At that time, my husband was far away, and my parents-in-law were not at home, but fortunately, I was accompanied by my sister-in-law. At 10:53, the little sister quickly dialed the emergency number of Yangxin Women and Children 7335120.

Narrow pass! Fetalfoot presentation, Yangxin Maternity and Child Obstetrics Medical Emergency Rescue ......

Speed of life and death: every second counts in the rescue

At 11:13, the ambulance and medical staff of the women and children arrived at the pregnant woman's home. Dr. Yu, who went to the hospital, checked and the situation was extremely critical: the fetus showed one foot first and had fallen off to the vagina! You must know that this situation is very prone to fetal umbilical cord prolapse and umbilical cord compression, if the umbilical cord blood circulation is blocked for more than 7-8 minutes, the consequences are unimaginable, and may lead to fetal death in utero!

Narrow pass! Fetalfoot presentation, Yangxin Maternity and Child Obstetrics Medical Emergency Rescue ......

Time is of the essence! At this critical moment, the midwife on call assisted in auscultating the fetal heartbeat, but fortunately the fetal heart rate was normal. With the assistance of midwives, obstetricians, Master 120 Wong and her family, the pregnant woman was safely moved to the ambulance. After settling Ms. He, obstetrician Yu Ping immediately reported to the department. Qian Chao, director of the Department of Obstetrics, immediately made a decision after receiving this emergency: he was sent directly to the operating room! 120 Master Wang Xianzhang galloped all the way, carrying pregnant women towards the hospital.

Narrow pass! Fetalfoot presentation, Yangxin Maternity and Child Obstetrics Medical Emergency Rescue ......

Here, Director Qian Chao, who ended the call, immediately organized the department to open a green channel and prepare for cesarean section and natural delivery. At the same time, the anesthesiology department, operating room nurses, neonatology department, delivery room and other relevant departments were urgently notified to prepare for rescue. All the staff are on standby, just waiting for the arrival of the pregnant woman.

At 11:35, Ms. He arrived at the hospital and was admitted to the operating room at 11:40.

Narrow pass! Fetalfoot presentation, Yangxin Maternity and Child Obstetrics Medical Emergency Rescue ......

In the operating room, Director Qian Chao commanded Ruoding, Deputy Director Xia Xiaowen and Dr. Ke Xiaoqiong worked closely together to lift the buttocks, rotate the fetal body, deliver the fetal shoulder, and deliver the fetal head...... A series of actions flowing. At 11:56, the fetus was successfully delivered, with an Apga score of 8-9 points, a weight of 3150g, and a safe mother and daughter!

Narrow pass! Fetalfoot presentation, Yangxin Maternity and Child Obstetrics Medical Emergency Rescue ......

Meticulous care: Good post-operative recovery

After the operation, under the leadership of Zhang Jinlian, the head nurse of the first obstetric ward, the medical team provided meticulous care and treatment to Ms. He. One day after the operation, Ms. He's mental state recovered well, her vital signs were stable, her uterus was well restored, and her vaginal bleeding was less.

Narrow pass! Fetalfoot presentation, Yangxin Maternity and Child Obstetrics Medical Emergency Rescue ......

Talking about the thrilling scene of the day, the mother and her family were full of gratitude: "It's really thrilling, thanks to your new mother and children!" A big smile appeared on his face.

Emergency Cesarean Section Concept (DDI)

DDI is the English abbreviation of decision to delivery interval, which refers to the time from the decision to cesarean section to the delivery of the fetus from the mother's body, which is an important indicator of obstetric quality in the world. The Notice of the General Office of the National Health and Family Planning Commission on Printing and Distributing the Guidelines for the Construction and Management of Critical Maternal and Neonatal Treatment Centers, the Notice of the National Health Commission on Printing and Distributing the Maternal and Infant Safety Action Improvement Plan (2021-2025), and the Notice of the National Health and Family Planning Commission on Strengthening the Safety and Security of Mothers and Infants clearly stipulate that the time from the decision to surgery to the delivery of the fetus (DDI) for emergency cesarean section should be controlled within 30 minutes and gradually shortened. Shortening DDI significantly improves neonatal outcomes and improves viability.

Director Qian Chao concluded: This time we only took 16 minutes to DDI for new women and children, we not only met the international standard, but also surpassed this standard, this actual combat once again showed the first aid ability of our obstetric team, we will make unremitting efforts to continue to escort the county's mothers and babies!

Narrow pass! Fetalfoot presentation, Yangxin Maternity and Child Obstetrics Medical Emergency Rescue ......

(Source: Yangxin County Maternal and Child Health Hospital)