
Good news! The factory road will be opened to traffic at the end of September! A number of roads in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be connected——

author:Tongzhou release

The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region on the road is speeding up

Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Changlian on the highway

On June 25, the 9th joint meeting of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Regional Transportation Integration Coordination Group was held, and the inter-provincial and municipal travel in the three places will change from "walking" to "walking well", improving the efficiency of cross-regional traffic in the Beijing area, and promoting the customized express bus mode.

Within a year or two, multiple roads in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be connected. Among them, the factory access road was opened to traffic synchronously with the Hebei section at the end of September.

Good news! The factory road will be opened to traffic at the end of September! A number of roads in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be connected——

The Chaobai River Bridge on the factory road is under construction

The construction of the Pinggu Line of the Metro has been accelerated

Since the 8th Joint Meeting of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Regional Transportation Integration Coordination Group was held in June last year, the three places have focused on the "new two wings" and made every effort to provide transportation support.

Good news! The factory road will be opened to traffic at the end of September! A number of roads in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be connected——

In order to promote the high-quality development of Xiong'an New Area, the "hard connection" of infrastructure and the "soft connection" of transportation services have been strengthened. The Beijing-Xiong'an Expressway has been opened to traffic, the construction of the Xiong'an-Daxing Airport Express Line (R1 Line) has been accelerated, and the transportation network of Beijing-Xiong'an direct connection has been continuously improved.

Good news! The factory road will be opened to traffic at the end of September! A number of roads in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be connected——

The sub-center of Beijing has further strengthened its internal and external transportation links. The Dongxiayuan transportation hub was put into operation, Tongqing Road and Tianjin Gaowang Road were connected, and the construction of Changtong Road and Chunming Road was accelerated.

At the same time, the construction of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on the track has been accelerated. The construction of the intercity railway connection line (phase I), the rail transit Pinggu line, the city sub-center station and other projects will be accelerated, and the regional rail connection will be closer. 

16 pairs of railway trains have been added to the city's stops

In the past year, the supply of highway facilities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has also been continuously enhanced.

Xitai Road has been opened to traffic, the widening of Beijing-Harbin Expressway has been basically completed, the image of Chaobaihe Bridge on Changtong Road has been more than half, and a new batch of projects such as Jingping Expressway reconstruction and expansion, Changshuang Road and G335 have started construction, and road construction has been further accelerated.

The "23.7" post-disaster road recovery and reconstruction has also achieved phased results, which lasted 8 months to repair 328.6 kilometers of roads, and 82 water-damaged road sections above the county level in Mentougou and Fangshan District welcomed guests with a new look.

Good news! The factory road will be opened to traffic at the end of September! A number of roads in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be connected——

The transportation service guarantee of the three places is more powerful.

38 inter-provincial bus lines are in normal operation, and customized express buses for commuting from Beijing to Tianjin Wuqing, Baodi and Hebei Gu'an and Zhuozhou have been opened one after another, with 9 main lines and 35 branch lines, with an average daily passenger volume of 6,500 person-times, and the commuting efficiency around Beijing has been further improved. The Beijing transportation department coordinated with the China Railway Group to promote multi-stop trains, 16 pairs of trains increased stops in the city, and 7 trains added 5 stops in the suburbs to facilitate passengers to get on and off the train nearby.

Good news! The factory road will be opened to traffic at the end of September! A number of roads in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be connected——

In terms of regional collaborative governance, the three places have deepened regional legal cooperation and jointly launched application scenarios for the integration of transportation law enforcement in Daxing Airport and the Grand Canal. Establish a joint prevention and control mechanism for the safety of road transport of dangerous goods, introduce management measures for dangerous trucks in transit in other cities, and promote the sharing of dangerous goods data in 8 provinces and cities around Beijing.

The East Sixth Ring Road project will strive to be ready for traffic by the end of the year

Yesterday, the transportation departments of the three places jointly deployed the next stage of key tasks, promoted the construction of major transportation infrastructure, and accelerated the construction of a convenient and efficient comprehensive three-dimensional transportation system.

Good news! The factory road will be opened to traffic at the end of September! A number of roads in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be connected——

△ Construction data map

In terms of speeding up road network connectivity,

At the end of September, the factory road will be opened to traffic synchronously with the Hebei section, and the East Sixth Ring Road will be opened to traffic by the end of the year, and the construction of G335, Shixiao Road and other national and provincial trunk lines will be accelerated, and the construction of the new line of 108 and Laibao Road Expressway (Beijing Section) will be realized.

Good news! The factory road will be opened to traffic at the end of September! A number of roads in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be connected——

In terms of speeding up rail connectivity,

Promote the construction of the Pinggu Line of rail transit, and strive to complete the main structure of the sub-central station of the city by the end of the year, and build a supporting transportation hub for the railway stations of Chaoyang Station and Fengtai Station.

Good news! The factory road will be opened to traffic at the end of September! A number of roads in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be connected——

In terms of speeding up logistics connectivity,

Increase the double-entry inspection measures and special inspection channels for trucks entering Beijing, improve the efficiency of passing inspections, and coordinate the preliminary work of the planning and construction of the railway freight ring line in the capital area and the relocation of Fengxi and Shuangqiao marshalling stations.

Good news! The factory road will be opened to traffic at the end of September! A number of roads in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will be connected——

Explore the opening of the Universal Studios to Tianjin tourist line

Improving the efficiency of commuting around Beijing is also an important topic of the joint meeting. The three places will further promote the extended coverage of customized express buses in combination with the cross-regional commuting needs of the Beijing area, open a dedicated passenger line from Beijing to Tianjin Haijiaoyuan as soon as possible, and explore the feasibility of remote security checks for large and medium-sized buses such as inter-provincial long-distance and tourist chartered buses, so as to improve the efficiency of vehicles entering Beijing.

At the same time, promote the integrated development of regional transportation. Study and explore the integration of "bus + subway" in Beijing and the adjacent areas around Beijing to further improve the convenience of commuting. Promote the integrated development of culture and tourism in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, take the lead in carrying out research on the operation mode of the Beijing-Tianjin tourism inter-provincial line, and explore the opening of the inter-provincial tourism line from Beijing Universal Studios to Tianjin.

In addition, we will build a smooth and efficient integrated transportation system on land and sea. Strengthen the docking with Tianjin Port and Tangshan Port, accelerate the development of container sea-rail intermodal transport, and promote the normalization of railway trains from Pinggu to Tianjin Port.

The content comes from Sun Hongyang, a reporter from Beijing City Sub-Center Daily

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Manfei