
Promote the "Three Strong"|Yuqiao Street: Community Partners Stimulate New Vitality of Grassroots Governance!

author:Tongzhou release
Promote the "Three Strong"|Yuqiao Street: Community Partners Stimulate New Vitality of Grassroots Governance!

The focus of urban governance is on the community. How to stimulate the vitality of grassroots governance and improve the quality of the community?

Relying on the community partner mechanism, Yuqiao Nanli South Community, Yuqiao Street, with the community party organization as the "backbone", the residents as the "family", and the district unit as the "co-builder", gathers the diverse forces of community construction and stimulates the new vitality of grassroots governance.

At the beginning of this year, a resident in Nanlinan, Yuqiao, reported that the heating of the top floor of the household burst, and the walls and furniture of his house were soaked in water. It is understood that at the time of the incident, there was no one in the home of the residents on the 6th floor, and the water was flooded several floors downstairs, and the community workers immediately contacted the owner of the 6th floor and helped clean up the stagnant water, and at the same time went door-to-door to check the damage.

Promote the "Three Strong"|Yuqiao Street: Community Partners Stimulate New Vitality of Grassroots Governance!

In the face of compensation, the two sides disputed, and the community relied on the "community partner" mechanism to invite professional forces such as film police, lawyers, and judges to the "doorstep" to participate in mediation, and finally agreed: the residents on the 6th floor compensated the residents on the 4th and 5th floors for the corresponding losses such as furniture, bedding, and painting the walls.

Promote the "Three Strong"|Yuqiao Street: Community Partners Stimulate New Vitality of Grassroots Governance!

Liu Yujia, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Yuqiao Nanlinan Community, introduced,

"Community partner" is a pluralistic co-governance based on the needs of residents, decomposing pressure, and integrating cohesion; It is a governance synergy of vertical linkage and horizontal collaboration.

This year, the community explored the implementation of the "community partner" model, guiding units, merchants, social organizations, and residents in the jurisdiction to participate in community governance in the form of "partnership", and promoting the maximization of service resources and service functions.

Promote the "Three Strong"|Yuqiao Street: Community Partners Stimulate New Vitality of Grassroots Governance!

The circle of friends of Yuqiao Nanli Nan's "community partners" is getting bigger and bigger. The general party branch of the community and the party branch of the Third Civil Division of the Tongzhou District Court carried out party building and joint construction, and judges went into the community to carry out legal publicity and mediate community conflicts.

Relying on the regionalized party building brand of "Yujian has you, Yujian has me", it has successfully "paired" with many units such as Shijia Primary School Tongzhou Branch and Tongzhou District Maternal and Child Health Hospital, focusing on youth education and residents' physical and mental health. "Hand in hand" with a team of psychological counselors to impart psychological knowledge to social workers......

Promote the "Three Strong"|Yuqiao Street: Community Partners Stimulate New Vitality of Grassroots Governance!

Ms. Li, a resident, said——

Residents, we have enjoyed more convenient services. "Community Partners" further meet the diversified, refined and personalized service needs of residents.

Liu Yujia said——

We will continue to deepen the regionalized party building and co-construction of "Yujian has you, Yujian has me", continue to promote the "partner" model, further give full play to the power of "partner", and promote grassroots governance to achieve new results.

Tongzhou District Rong Media Center reporter Chai Fujuan

The picture comes from the WeChat public account of Tongzhou E Zhengtong

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Manfei


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