
The Impermanence of Chivalry [5] Old friends meet again, a new battle will begin again, and there will be successors to the hero gang

The Impermanence of Chivalry [5] Old friends meet again, a new battle will begin again, and there will be successors to the hero gang

Ye Wuchang came out of the police station, took a taxi, and went straight to the Chengnan Aquatic Market.

Tang Hanzhi was selling fish there, although the two of them had only met three days ago, but as soon as Ye Wuchang returned to Rongcheng, if he didn't look at her, he would feel uncomfortable.

Of course, if Ye Wuchang returned to Rongcheng and didn't see Tang Hanzhi as soon as possible, then he would be guilty.

At this time, Ye Wuchang paused on the edge of the fish stall and drooped his head.

In front, a woman, twisting her slender waist and wielding a kitchen knife in her hand, is killing fish for customers with great ease......

Killing, washing, chopping, cutting ......, one dragon is done, the woman straightened a black fish, handed it to the customer, turned around, and glanced at Ye Wuchang who was squatting on the ground.

"You said that Brother Liangwen was in danger, so why did you run back?!"

Tang Hanzhi was very angry, and raised the door by an octave.

"He ......, he asked me to come back......"

Ye Wuchang muttered a sentence in his mouth, and before he could finish speaking, Tang Hanzhi's slender thighs were raised, and his toes had already kicked Ye Wuchang's arm.

Ye Wuchang seemed to have long been accustomed to Tang Hanzhi's actions, and before her toes touched her arms, he moved back, still drooping his head.

"He lets you go, if he has three longs and two shorts, can you get by?"

Tang Hanzhi withdrew his foot, but took a step forward, reached out and twisted Ye Wuchang's ear.

Ye Wuchang suddenly felt a pain at the root of his ears, and hurriedly stood up along Tang Hanzhi's hand.

"Tap......, tap."

Ye Wuchang looked left and right, and the people who came and went in the market didn't seem to look at him more, as if this kind of scene had long been commonplace in Rongcheng, and it was not surprising.

"Since Brother Liangwen entrusted you with something, you have finished it, you go to the airport now, hurry back to Yangchun, no matter how big the matter, even if you can't help much, you will stand by his side, Brother Liangwen will ......"

Tang Han twisted Ye Wuchang's ear with one hand, counting him down.

Suddenly, the mobile phone in Ye Wuchang's pocket rang.

Ye Wuchang seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and hurriedly gestured to his pocket, looking at Tang Hanzhi with an innocent expression.

Tang Hanzhi glared at him, but did not let go.

Tang Hanzhi is very beautiful, with a melon seed face and willow eyebrows. With a tall nose and vermilion lips, it looks like a primrose magpie.

The most charming thing is Tang Hanzhi's eyes, like two bright black and shining gems, even if you don't speak, those eyes can make your whole body soft.

Ye impermanence is soft at any time, such as now.

Tang Hanzhi's eyes are very "vicious" now, and this "vicious" look makes Ye Wuchang both crisp and soft.

Ye Wuchang looked a little drunk......

The Impermanence of Chivalry [5] Old friends meet again, a new battle will begin again, and there will be successors to the hero gang

Tang Hanzhi glared at him fiercely, and mouthed at the trouser pocket of his jeans.

Only then did Ye Wuchang react, Tang Hanzhi was reminding him to answer the phone.

Ye Wuchang hurriedly took out the phone, it was Niu Er calling.

"Impermanent ......"

Niu Er on the other end of the phone was crying, and as soon as he shouted his name, he felt a little choked.

Ye Wuchang was suddenly shocked, and his face changed.

Tang Hanzhi saw that Ye Wuchang's face had changed, and he quickly let go of the hand that was twisting his ears and looked at him in surprise.

"What's wrong? You speak slowly. ”

Ye Wuchang whispered to Niu Er on the other end of the phone.

"I'm ......, my sister, she's ......, she's not good......"

Ye Wuchang was stunned for a moment, Niu Er's sister was so dignified, how could it not work?

"Tell me clearly, what's wrong with your sister?"

Ye Wuchang asked Niu Er anxiously.

"My brother-in-law just called me, and the doctor asked him to take my sister home and say that it was just the matter of the past two days......"

Niu Er's crying became more and more serious, and his words were incomplete.

Ye Wuchang's heart sank, Niu Er's sister was hospitalized for almost half a year, and her illness was already earned.

Ye Wuchang didn't know how to comfort Niu Er, Niu Er let out a long breath on the other end of the phone, and spoke again.

"Impermanence, I called you to tell you that I transferred the takeaway station to someone else, and I will ...... in the future"

There was a sigh on the other end of the phone, and Ye Wuchang certainly understood the meaning of Niu Er's sigh.


In the days that followed, the two became more and more difficult, either looking for a new job, or continuing the so-called entrepreneurship.

"If you turn it, you will turn it, you will deliver food to people every day, and you will make personal money, endlessly, there is no labor contract, and there is pension and social security, our brother Liang should change his way of life......"

Ye Wuchang comforted Niu Er.

Niu Erzhi answered him, and then said.

"I'm going to Shanghai tonight and my brother-in-law will take my sister back to my hometown......"

Ye Wuchang's nose was sour, and he hummed softly, not saying anything more.

Taking back to his hometown, Ye Wuchang certainly knew what this meant.

The Impermanence of Chivalry [5] Old friends meet again, a new battle will begin again, and there will be successors to the hero gang

Ye Wuchang hung up the phone, his face was heavy, Tang Hanzhi, who was standing opposite him, glanced at him silently, wanted to ask, and held back.

Tang Hanzhi was a smart and empathetic woman, and he could see the clue from Ye Wuchang's eyes and face.

Women, learn to give men the right space at the right time.

Ye Wuchang lowered his head, feeling that his brain was a little messy.

Suddenly, the phone in his hand rang again.

It's Director Lu.

"Uncle Lu......"

Ye Wuchang answered the phone and shouted respectfully.

"Impermanence, where are you?"

Director Lu asked Ye Wuchang on the other end of the phone.

Ye Wuchang glanced at Tang Han, thought for a moment, and replied calmly.

"Uncle Lu, I'm here at Hanzhi's fish stall."

Director Lu was silent for a moment before continuing.

"You pack up and go to Shanghai with me, I booked the ticket, and the flight is half past three in the afternoon."

Going to Shanghai?

Ye Wuchang muttered in his heart.

"What? Can't leave? ”

Hearing that Ye Wuchang didn't respond, Director Lu asked again on the phone.

"No, no, Uncle Lu, I'll wait for you at the airport in a while......"

Although there were some surprises, Ye Wuchang did not resist, on the one hand, because Director Lu was the elder of him and Wang Liangwen, and Ye Wuchang definitely wanted to listen to the arrangement of the elders; On the other hand, it's because of Niu Er.

Niu Er's sister is dying, as Niu Er's best friend and the most iron brother, being able to stand by his side when he is most vulnerable, Ye Wuchang himself feels better.

There are some things that don't require much help from you, just you stand there, and that's enough.

"What? Leaving again today? ”

When Ye Wuchang hung up the phone, Tang Hanzhi asked Ye Wuchang in surprise.

Ye Wuchang nodded.

"Uncle Lu asked me to accompany him to Shanghai, it should be Brother Liangwen's business......"

"Well, good. You should go. ”

Tang Hanyi unbuttoned the apron around his waist and said to Ye Wuchang at the same time.

"Let's go, it's almost noon, let's go to dinner, after eating, you will go to the airport ......"

The Impermanence of Chivalry [5] Old friends meet again, a new battle will begin again, and there will be successors to the hero gang

After Tang Hanzhi finished speaking, he said hello to the lady in the stall on the side, asked her to help take care of the store for a while, and then took Ye Wuchang's hand and walked outside.

Ye Wuchang's handsome face was actually flushed, a little embarrassed, his hand was held by Tang Hanzhi, and he felt that everyone in and out of this market was looking at him.

After Ye Wuchang and Tang Hanzhi finished eating, it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon, and Tang Hanzhi insisted on driving Ye Wuchang.

Of course, Ye Wuchang couldn't resist her, since the day he met Tang Hanzhi, Ye Wuchang hadn't been able to resist her.

Along the way, Ye Wuchang didn't say more to Tang Hanzhi, he even mentioned Wang Liangwen, although in his heart, the person he was most worried about was Wang Liangwen.

Finally, the airport arrived, it was still early, and Director Lu had not yet arrived.

Ye Wuchang stood at the door of the terminal, watching Tang Hanzhi drive the car and leave slowly, but an ominous premonition surged in his heart, although he couldn't say what kind of premonition it was.

Waiting for Tang Hanzhi's car to disappear into the rolling traffic, Ye Wuchang turned around with a heavy heart and slowly walked into the waiting hall.

Behind him, a man wearing a black baseball cap, a mask on his face, and a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of his nose slowly followed.

Ten minutes before boarding, Director Lu came in, Ye Wuchang Director Lu had a gloomy face, and he didn't dare to ask more, the two exchanged a few words of greeting, and then lined up to board the plane.

The journey was smooth, and the only thing that made Ye Wuchang feel uncomfortable was the weather.

The weather in Rongcheng is clear, the sun is shining, as soon as the plane arrives in the sky above Shanghai, the gray clouds overlap, and the sun has long been wrapped in the black clouds, and there is no trace.

"It's raining a lot in Shanghai......"

Director Lu, who was sitting beside Ye Wuchang, sighed faintly.

Ye Wuchang looked out the window and nodded slightly.

In the middle of winter, it rains so heavily, it feels very abnormal.

"Impermanence, I remember that you are from Shanghai......"

Director Lu turned his face sideways and stared at Ye Wuchang.

Ye Wuchang smiled shallowly, but still nodded.

Yes, he is a native of Shanghai, and at the age of fifteen, his family moved to Rongcheng.

"Where's your father, are you okay?"

Director Lu asked again.

Ye Wuchang was slightly stunned, his nose twitched slightly, and he didn't speak.

Director Lu suddenly understood, and couldn't help but feel secretly sad in his heart.

The Impermanence of Chivalry [5] Old friends meet again, a new battle will begin again, and there will be successors to the hero gang

That Ye Laosi did not escape that catastrophe after all......

Director Lu stopped talking, he didn't want to arouse the sadness in Ye Wuchang's heart.

"Tonight, let's go see someone, tomorrow morning, you can go back and have a look......"

Director Lu said softly to Ye Wuchang.

Ye Wuchang nodded, he knew who Director Lu wanted him to go back to see.

Although Ye Wuchang is from Shanghai, since his father led him to move to Rongcheng, the Ye family has no relatives in Shanghai, if there is, it must be that person.

Ye Wuchang didn't speak, Director Lu didn't say more, and the plane slowly descended and stopped at Hongqiao Airport.

Coming out of the airport, Ye Wuchang and Director Lu got into a taxi, and the taxi drove all the way east.

This road is both familiar and unfamiliar to Director Lu.

What is familiar is that Director Lu knows that this road leads to Yanjiazhuang; Strangely, the road has completely changed.

This road goes all the way to the front of Yanjiazhuang, where there are tall buildings on both sides of the wide road, and the scene of the dilapidated fishing village has long been renewed.

Yanjiazhuang has long lost the shadow of half of the past.

There is no bluestone pavement that has lasted for thousands of years; There are no quaint and dilapidated courtyards on both sides of the street; There is no majestic old house of the Yan family at the entrance of the village.

Now Yanjiazhuang, several seven-story buildings are lined up in front, the three-meter-high red brick wall encloses the entire Zhuangzi tightly, and under the wall is a circle of bluestone flower beds.

Behind a large and tall iron gate, a huge five-meter-long stone was horizontally crossed.

Director Lu remembered clearly that on the stone, there was originally a line of red words:

Japan-China Friendship Lihua Health Care Center.

Although the line had been chiseled clean, the huge stone remained.

"Do you remember it......"

A tall and thin middle-aged man standing next to Director Lu smiled, turned his face sideways, raised a cane in his hand, pointed to a clear gray stone, and asked Director Lu.

Director Lu smiled faintly and nodded.

"Of course I remember it. I heard that Yan Qingshan used a lot of brains to get this project from the devil, and this stone was also dug from the foot of Mount Tai in Shandong in order to cater to the devil's mind......"

The tall and thin middle-aged man squinted, raised his hand, held the glasses on the bridge of his nose, sighed, and nodded heavily.

"Yes, the situation in that era was grim, and in order to fight with the devils, the flowers changed and the devils wrestled."

He shook his head lightly again, and looked at Director Lu with a smile on his face.

"The meaning on this stone is to smash and pave the road, and I insisted on staying, both to commemorate and to wake up, the enemy's heart will not die......"

The Impermanence of Chivalry [5] Old friends meet again, a new battle will begin again, and there will be successors to the hero gang

Ye Wuchang had been standing behind Director Lu, and when he suddenly heard this tall and thin middle-aged man say this, he couldn't help but be secretly shocked in his heart.

Enemy, the heart of me?

Today's Greater China is like the sky, who dares to kill me!

After Ye Wuchang was surprised, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

It's just that this disdain was seen by the middle-aged man, who smiled shallowly and didn't speak.

"How's the leg?"

Director Lu suddenly looked down at the middle-aged man's leg and asked.

He turned out to be Song Xiangyu.

An indifferent smile bloomed on Song Xiangyu's thin face, and he gently tapped his calf with his cane.

"It's okay, I can't die......"

A look of sadness flashed on Director Lu's face, he knew that Song Xiangyu had been tortured by that wood immortal for twenty years, and he didn't know how he had come over in the past twenty years.

"Let's go, let's go in and talk."

Song Xiangfeng looked relaxed, stretched out his hand, patted Director Lu's shoulder, and said with a smile.

Director Lu tried hard to squeeze out a smile, nodded, and walked in side by side with Song Xiangyu, Ye Wuchang followed behind the two.

"Let's go to the beach and have a look......"

Director Lu looked at the end of the wide road, there was a quaint archway, which was not the bluestone archway of Yanjiazhuang in the past.

The archway is taller and larger than the one in the past, and it is carved and built in white marble stone.

The marble plaque of the torii is engraved with three large characters:

Hero Gang.

The bright red color, as dazzling as blood, is the blood of the heroes who sacrificed for this river and mountain for thousands of years!

Song Xiangyu understood in his heart that Director Lu was going to the beach.

He wanted to see the Hero Gang.

Song Xiangyu held a cane in one hand and limped towards the archway, his face was calm, but his eyes were full of reverence.

"Qianyang, this dark battle has never ended, and a new battle is about to start again! Now it's our turn......"

Director Lu stopped, he looked at Song Xiangyu's slender back, although a trace of sourness flashed in his heart, but his eyes were full of perseverance and determination.

The Impermanence of Chivalry [5] Old friends meet again, a new battle will begin again, and there will be successors to the hero gang

Song Xiangfeng saw that Director Lu beside him did not move, turned his head, and looked at Director Lu.

Director Lu stared at him with a solemn expression, and then slowly turned his head and glanced at Ye Wuchang who was following him.

Suddenly, the corners of Director Lu's mouth raised slightly, and he said coldly.

"When you meet, you die, and I bury you on that hill; I'm dead, and you bury me on that hill!" ”

He paused again, the muscles of his cheeks quivering slightly.

"We're all dead, let him bury us on that hill!"

Director Lu and Song Xiangren's eyes suddenly swept on Ye Wuchang's face, Ye Wuchang's face changed slightly, although he couldn't understand what the two were saying, but he could feel a powerful and tragic aura surrounding him.


Song Xiangyu squinted his eyes, looked at Ye Wuchang, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.


Director Lu nodded firmly.

"Instead of letting the enemy enter the door, let's kill the generals!"

Director Lu's tone was cold, and Song Xiangyu's eyes suddenly opened, and he was full of joy.

"Good ......"

Song Xiangyu slammed the cane in his hand and smiled.

"Impermanence, let's go, I'll take you somewhere, didn't you always ask me to take you to see that hero gang in the past......"

Director Lu raised his hand and patted Ye Wuchang's shoulder.

Ye Wuchang looked at Director Lu with a reverent expression and nodded heavily.

Everyone and every story on the hero post, Ye Wuchang has heard it many times, and it is some fascinating and exciting people and things.