
District leaders carried out "July 1st" visits and condolences

author:New bell tower
District leaders carried out "July 1st" visits and condolences

Today's clock tower

District leaders carried out "July 1st" visits and condolences
District leaders carried out "July 1st" visits and condolences
District leaders carried out "July 1st" visits and condolences

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 27, Shen Dong, secretary of the district party committee, led a team to carry out a visit and condolence activities, and extended holiday blessings and cordial greetings to some party members and comrades. District leaders Wan Jianxin and Zhu Hanjie attended the event.

Shen Dong and his entourage first came to the home of party member Wang Shenglin and had a knee-to-knee conversation with him. "How's your health lately?" "Are there any difficulties in life?" Shen Dong inquired in detail about the old man's physical condition and living conditions, hoping that he would take care of his health and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. At the same time, the town (street) and relevant departments should always keep the well-being of party members in mind, move around more, visit frequently, constantly improve the quality and level of service, do practical things for them, solve problems, and send the care of the party and the government to their hearts.

District leaders carried out "July 1st" visits and condolences
District leaders carried out "July 1st" visits and condolences

Jin Zhiyuan, a veteran party member, is 90 years old this year, and is a veteran party member and model who has been rooted in the grassroots for a long time. At Jin Zhiyuan's home, Shen Dong cordially inquired about his health and living needs, listened to his stories of fighting for the party's cause in the past, and hoped that he could continue to play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and contribute to the party's cause as much as he could. Shen Dong pointed out that the old party members have made positive contributions to the economic construction and development of the bell tower, and the town (street) and relevant departments should carry out good service work for the old party members with heart and affection, precision and precision, so that they can enjoy their old age, do something for the old, and enjoy their old age.

District leaders carried out "July 1st" visits and condolences

During the visit, Shen Dong emphasized that the whole region should make every effort to help grassroots party members, especially party members in difficulty and old party members, solve practical difficulties and share the high-quality development achievements of the bell tower. It is hoped that the majority of party members and cadres in the region will take the old party members as an example, take over the baton of career development, and play an exemplary role in comprehensively deepening the construction of a first-class modern urban area in the Yangtze River Delta with the attitude of "I am in the bell tower, please rest assured by the organization and the people", and do a pioneering role.

Written by: Xue Durong

Photo courtesy of Xue Durong

District leaders carried out "July 1st" visits and condolences
District leaders carried out "July 1st" visits and condolences
District leaders carried out "July 1st" visits and condolences
