
The driver's license is valid for 6 years, but I have never driven a car, does it affect the renewal of the license?

author:Wang Ba car review

In this era of fast-moving wheels, even if you are a "car-free" who has not yet owned a car, the driver's license in your hand is like a precious pass, recording your initial agreement with the driving world. When the six-year validity period is quietly approaching, you may be wondering: "My driver's license has expired, but I don't own my own car yet, will this affect the renewal of the license?" "Don't worry, this guide will clear the fog and make the road to identity card easy and intimate.

The driver's license is valid for 6 years, but I have never driven a car, does it affect the renewal of the license?

Renewal upon expiration

As a novice on the road, the six-year run-in period seems to have passed in the blink of an eye, and the driver's license has also ushered in its first "rite of passage". Even experienced drivers may be confused when it comes to the trivial matter of renewing their licenses, let alone those who haven't really held the car keys in the palm of your hand. But the good news is that whether you have a car or not does not affect your right and process to renew your license, just follow the steps and everything can go smoothly.

The driver's license is valid for 6 years, but I have never driven a car, does it affect the renewal of the license?

Online identity card replacement

Living in today's digital world, it is no longer difficult to replace your ID card. The "Traffic Management 12123" APP is like your private vehicle management office, on call anytime, anywhere. First of all, you need to go to a hospital at or above the county level to complete a simple physical examination, don't worry, this is not the college entrance examination, just a routine vision and color blindness test plus a small check of height and weight.

The driver's license is valid for 6 years, but I have never driven a car, does it affect the renewal of the license?

As soon as the physical examination report arrives, open the APP, and start the journey of replacing your license in a few simple steps: register and log in, find the "Driver's License Replacement" option, select the expiration date to renew your license, upload the latest photo, fill in the information, and wait for the new driver's license to be mailed to your door. The whole process is as easy as shopping online, you can do it without leaving your home, and your brand new driver's license will be in your mailbox within 3 business days.

The driver's license is valid for 6 years, but I have never driven a car, does it affect the renewal of the license?

On-site experience

If you prefer face-to-face service, or want to experience the lively atmosphere of the DMV in person, then offline renewal is also a good option. Bring your ID, old driver's license, and a qualified medical examination report to the nearest DMV. There are professional staff to guide you through every step, and although you may have to wait in line, this sense of accomplishment of "doing it yourself" is difficult to replace online. Once the information is confirmed, a new driver's license will be available immediately, as if it is an affirmation of safe driving for the past six years.

The driver's license is valid for 6 years, but I have never driven a car, does it affect the renewal of the license?

No worries without a car

Back to the original question, there is no car, and it really has no impact on the renewal of the certificate. Whether you choose a convenient online service or a traditional DMV, the key to replacing your ID card is to check the physical examination report and personal information within the validity period. As for the car, it is not in your life and does not prevent you from continuing your identity as a legal driver. Every renewal of the driver's license is a summary of the driving career and an expectation for the future journey.

The driver's license is valid for 6 years, but I have never driven a car, does it affect the renewal of the license?


In this era of rapid change, whether we are novices or veteran drivers, we are all driving on the road of change. The renewal of the driver's license upon expiration is not only a requirement of the regulations, but also a reconfirmation of one's driving responsibility. Whether you already own your own car or not, remember to give your license a fresh start when it comes of age. The road to license renewal is neither complicated nor far, as long as you follow the process and easily renew your license, the driving journey can continue unimpeded.