
Skipping breakfast or skipping dinner, which has more effects on the body? A lot of people are wrong!

author: Longnan Wen County released

"Busy in the morning, no time for breakfast" "Lose weight in the evening, skip dinner"...... Nowadays, this is the normal life of many people, either in the morning, they are tight and choose to skip breakfast; Either in order to stay in shape, choose to skip dinner.

However, some people say that "skipping breakfast is not good for your health", and some people think that "skipping dinner is harmful to your body". So, skipping breakfast or skipping dinner, which has more effects on the body?

skipping breakfast or dinner,

Which has more impact on the body?

Is it true that there has been a saying that "breakfast is gold, lunch is silver, and dinner is copper" about three meals? In 2023, a study published in the Journal of the Society of Nutrition and Dietetics showed that skipping breakfast was associated with a higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease, and skipping dinner was associated with a higher risk of all-cause mortality.

Skipping breakfast or skipping dinner, which has more effects on the body? A lot of people are wrong!

The results of the study, which involved more than 24,000 people, showed that people who ate only one meal a day had a 30% increased risk of all-cause mortality and an 83% increased risk of cardiovascular death compared to those who ate three meals a day; People who ate two meals per day were studied to have a 7% increased risk of all-cause mortality and a 10% increased risk of cardiovascular death. Like what:

People who skip breakfast – have a 40% increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

People who skip breakfast have an 11% increased risk of all-cause mortality and a 40% increased risk of cardiovascular mortality compared to those who eat breakfast regularly.

People who skip dinner – 16% higher risk of all-cause mortality

Those who did not eat dinner had a 16% increased risk of all-cause mortality and a 19% increased risk of cardiovascular mortality compared to those who ate dinner regularly. ①

Therefore, the results of the study, that is, skipping breakfast and skipping dinner can have adverse health effects. It seems that if you want to be healthy, it is not healthy to eat less than three meals a day.

Skipping breakfast or skipping dinner, which has more effects on the body? A lot of people are wrong!

Health Times Chart

Have a good breakfast and dinner

There is the best time to do it

Irregular meal times can have serious health effects, especially for breakfast and dinner, which are often referred to as "timed".

A large study of more than 100,000 people published in Nature Communications in 2023 showed that eating breakfast before 8 a.m. and dinner before 8 p.m. has a role in preventing cardiovascular disease. Conversely, the habit of having breakfast after 9 a.m. and the last meal after 9 p.m. is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

Skipping breakfast or skipping dinner, which has more effects on the body? A lot of people are wrong!

For every 1 hour of breakfast delay, there was a 6% increased risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those who ate breakfast at 8 a.m.

People who ate dinner after 9 p.m. had a 28% increased risk of cerebrovascular disease and a 13% increased risk of overall cardiovascular disease compared to those who ate dinner at 8 p.m. ②

Especially now that I am busy with work, it is common to have dinner at eight or nine o'clock in the evening. But after a long time, the body can't stand it. This irregular meal time may lead to gastrointestinal disorders, endocrine disorders and other problems. Therefore, adjust the pace of life and eat three meals on time in order to be healthy.

Skipping breakfast or skipping dinner, which has more effects on the body? A lot of people are wrong!

Health Times Chart

Healthy breakfast, dinner,

Note 2 key points

1. Breakfast – It should be well-fed, well-fed and nutritious

Breakfast should be nutritious and comprehensive, and should contain staple foods (carbohydrates), high-quality protein (eggs are preferred), calcium (such as milk, yogurt), vitamins (such as greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.), and appropriate water (such as soy milk, gruel, milk, etc.).

For most people, a boiled egg + a bowl of porridge + half a steamed bun + 250ml of milk + an appropriate amount of vegetables and fruits, this is the perfect breakfast combination. Avoid sweet, salty and fried foods.

In addition, it is best to set aside 15 minutes for breakfast to avoid gobbling up in a hurry, which is also more conducive to digestion and absorption.

2. Dinner – should be light, coarse, and full

Dinner should be lighter, but light means that it should not be too thick and thick, and eat some fish, lean meat, and eggs with short muscle fibers and easy to digest, and eat less fatty meat.

In addition, it is recommended that the staple food of dinner should be miscellaneous, and coarse grains are easy to produce a feeling of fullness. At the same time, choose "eight points full" for dinner as much as possible, so as to avoid obesity and indigestion caused by eating too much at night.

In addition, at dinner, you should learn to "check and fill in the gaps". Before dinner, remember what you had for breakfast and lunch, and make up for the nutrients you lacked in the evening. For example, if you don't eat whole grains for the first two meals, steam a sweet potato or a bowl of multigrain porridge in the evening; If you haven't eaten enough vegetables, you should have eaten a large plate of vegetables for dinner; If you don't eat soy products, you should have tofu or bean porridge in the evening...... Make up for the first two missed meals and dinner will be the perfect end to the nutritional balance of the day.

Source: Health Times