
TCM recommends doing this after a miscarriage to help you recover as before

author:Dr. Mou Fangxiang

According to statistics, in recent years, the abortion rate in mainland China has been on the rise, and the number of abortions is increasing, however, whether it is a choice of medical abortion or surgical abortion, it may damage the body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that abortion is bound to destroy the normal physiological qi of the female body, or hurt the uterus with a golden blade, or damage the yin blood with a golden blade, resulting in damage to the second pulse of Chongren, blood sea depletion, and a certain amount of damage to the woman's uterus, if you do not pay attention to the conditioning after abortion, it may cause menstrual disorders, premature ovarian failure, gynecological inflammation, intrauterine adhesions, infertility and other conditions.

TCM recommends doing this after a miscarriage to help you recover as before

In the traditional Chinese medicine "Proofreading Women's Prescriptions", it has been emphasized: "Small production is more important than large production, covering large production is like millet ripening and self-shedding, small production is like raw harvesting, breaking its skin and shell, breaking its roots, isn't it heavier than large production." "Meaning,. Therefore, post-abortion conditioning is particularly important for women's future fertility and physical health, so how to recuperate after a miscarriage? Today, I will introduce to you from the following aspects:

1. Traditional Chinese medicine conditioning:

After miscarriage, the body is weak and stasis, blood stasis does not go, new blood does not grow, traditional Chinese medicine treatment should be to remove stasis first, in the elimination of stasis to make up, in the stasis in the dispelling of stasis, can be used under the guidance of the doctor's syndrome differentiation to choose the classic prescription biochemical decoction plus or minus, Siwu decoction plus or minus, etc., Chinese patent medicine can choose motherwort granules, Angelica Yimu pills, etc., to promote the discharge of blood stasis without harming the vitality.

TCM recommends doing this after a miscarriage to help you recover as before

2. Acupuncture Treatment:

Acupuncture can pass through the meridians, promote the flow of qi and blood, and help the blood stasis in the body to drain out.

TCM recommends doing this after a miscarriage to help you recover as before

3. Moxibustion Therapy:

Moxibustion has the effect of warming the meridian and dissipating cold, clearing the channels and relieving pain, after the vaginal bleeding is clean, moxibustion can be used at acupuncture points such as Shenque, Guan Yuan, uterus, blood sea, and life, the time is controlled at 15 minutes, and the local temperature is the degree, once a day.

TCM recommends doing this after a miscarriage to help you recover as before

4. Chinese herbal hot compress:

The traditional Chinese medicine with specific effects is made into an encapsule, heated and applied to the lower abdomen to relieve pain, improve pelvic blood circulation, shorten bleeding time, and prevent postpartum inflammation.

TCM recommends doing this after a miscarriage to help you recover as before

5. Traditional Chinese Medicine Foot Bath:

After abortion, due to the weakness of the physique, it is easy to be invaded by external evils, so add traditional Chinese medicine to dissipate cold and clear the channels, invigorate the blood and warm the uterus in the warm water, and soak until the dorsum of the foot is slightly red, which can play a role in dispelling dampness and removing cold, improving sleep and enhancing the body's immunity.

TCM recommends doing this after a miscarriage to help you recover as before

6. Soothes Emotions:

After a miscarriage, you can come by listening to music, watching movies, walking, yoga, etc.

TCM recommends doing this after a miscarriage to help you recover as before

7. Diet:

Diet therapy is one of the important means of traditional Chinese medicine recuperation, after the abortion the body is relatively weak, the diet should be light, fasting raw and cold, greasy and spicy and stimulating things, eating more protein-rich foods and fresh vegetables, and avoiding overeating nourishing products.

TCM recommends doing this after a miscarriage to help you recover as before

8. Daily care:

It is necessary to focus on resting and recuperation, avoid excessive physical labor, and live a good life.

TCM recommends doing this after a miscarriage to help you recover as before

After a miscarriage, the body is like a wounded land, and it needs to be well recuperated, and by following the above conditioning methods, it can help the body recover as soon as possible.

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