
The Association of Non-Party Intellectuals of Yanting County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital was established

author:Chuanwei information
The Association of Non-Party Intellectuals of Yanting County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital was established

On June 28, Yanting County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine held the inaugural meeting of the Association of Non-Party Intellectuals. Pan Li, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Minister of the United Front Work Department and Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions, Li Hui, Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department, and Gou Wanjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the County Health Bureau, attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by He Chi, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Yanting County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and more than 60 people from the hospital attended the meeting.

The Association of Non-Party Intellectuals of Yanting County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital was established

The meeting first convened the Yanting County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Non-Party Intellectuals Association General Assembly, the meeting deliberated and adopted the "Yanting County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Non-Party Intellectuals Association Charter (Draft)", "Yanting County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Non-Party Intellectuals Association Membership Management Measures (Draft)", "Yanting County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Non-Party Intellectuals Association of the First Council of the Election of Directors (Draft)", elected the Yanting County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the first session of the Association of Non-Party Intellectuals 21 directors. The first meeting of the first council of the Association of Non-Party Intellectuals of Yanting County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was held. At the meeting, He Chi, secretary of the general party branch, announced the election results of the first council members of the Yanting County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Non-Party Intellectuals Association, elected 5 members of the leadership team, and Liu Mingfei, vice president, was elected president.

The Association of Non-Party Intellectuals of Yanting County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital was established

At the inaugural meeting, the participating leaders issued certificates to the newly elected president, vice president and secretary-general, and took a group photo with everyone.

The Association of Non-Party Intellectuals of Yanting County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital was established

Liu Mingfei, the newly elected president of the Yanting County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, made a statement. He expressed his gratitude to the leaders and members for their trust and support, and as the president, he will resolutely support the leadership of the party and lead the members to actively participate in the work of the hospital center and make contributions. At the same time, improve the working mechanism to ensure the efficient and orderly operation of the sorority and contribute to the high-quality development of the hospital.

The Association of Non-Party Intellectuals of Yanting County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital was established

In her speech, Gou Wanjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the County Health Bureau, emphasized the importance of the work of non-party intellectuals in the united front, and congratulated the establishment of the Knowledge Federation of the County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She pointed out that intellectuals are the pioneers of productive forces and the creators of culture, and they must be closely united around the party. Through the establishment of the Knowledge Federation, it aims to build a bridge between the general party branch of the hospital and non-party intellectuals, guide non-party intellectuals to improve their ideological understanding, strengthen political responsibility, give full play to their talent and intellectual advantages, and contribute to accelerating the high-quality development of medical and health undertakings. The Association should strengthen its own construction, improve its service capabilities, gather strength, and provide better service guarantees for intellectuals outside the party.

The Association of Non-Party Intellectuals of Yanting County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital was established

Pan Li, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Minister of the United Front Work Department, and Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions, expressed warm congratulations on the establishment of the Association of Non-Party Intellectuals of Yanting County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He put forward three ardent expectations for the future work of the Hospital Knowledge Association. First, it is necessary to unite the people's hearts and devote their strength and manpower to the great national rejuvenation. He pointed out that as intellectuals in the new era, we should closely unite around the party and devote our personal strength and talents to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. He encouraged everyone to enhance their sense of mission and responsibility, and contribute their wisdom and strength to the prosperity and strength of the country. The second is based on professional expertise, in-depth investigation and research, and active suggestions. Make full use of their own professional advantages, conduct in-depth investigation and research, actively make suggestions and suggestions, and provide scientific basis and strong support for the decision-making of the party and the government; The third is to combine the characteristics of the industry, improve the quality of service, give full play to the level of ability, strengthen personnel training, and contribute to the society. As practitioners in the medical industry, we must always adhere to the people-centered service idea, continuously improve the quality of service and technical level, and provide patients with more high-quality and efficient medical services. At the same time, he encouraged everyone to actively participate in social welfare undertakings, and use their own practical actions to repay and contribute to the society.

The establishment of the Knowledge Association of Yanting County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine will not only help strengthen the work of intellectuals outside the party, promote the gathering and training of talents, and promote medical services and reforms, but also enhance organizational cohesion and inject new vitality and impetus into the high-quality development of the hospital. (Yue Langbo, physician report Chen Yuanhang)

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