
Often bloated, especially uncomfortable, Chinese medicine teaches you a trick to drain the bloating in the abdomen!

author:Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Internal Medicine Pan Lanlan

Many people often have bloating and are particularly uncomfortable, so today I want to share some solutions with you. After years of clinical practice, it is not difficult for us to find that many middle-aged people often have a bulging abdomen, as if carrying a "swimming ring", but in fact they don't eat much, and their appetite is not as strong as we imagined. The reason behind this is largely related to spleen deficiency.

Often bloated, especially uncomfortable, Chinese medicine teaches you a trick to drain the bloating in the abdomen!

In traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen and stomach are regarded as the "essence of the day after tomorrow", which is responsible for digesting food and transforming it into nutrients for the body. However, when the function of the spleen and stomach is weakened, the function of transportation is blocked, and the damp qi is easy to accumulate in the stomach and intestines, which will lead to symptoms such as bloating and loss of appetite.

Zhang Zhongjing, a medical saint, mentioned in "Treatise on Typhoid Fever": "Taiyin is a disease, the stomach is full and vomits, and I can't eat." "The Taiyin here refers to the spleen and stomach. In response to this situation, he gave a classic prescription - "Magnolia Ginger Banxia Licorice Ginseng Soup".
Often bloated, especially uncomfortable, Chinese medicine teaches you a trick to drain the bloating in the abdomen!

The composition of this recipe is very particular. First of all, Magnolia bark, as the main medicine, can push the large intestine down and expel dirt and flatulence. Banxia assists, can reduce stomach gas, dissolve phlegm and disperse condensation, and solve the problem of poor gastric congestion. Ginger has the effect of lowering stomach qi and warming the spleen and stomach, which can not only neutralize the toxicity of Banxia, but also enhance the overall effect of the formula. Finally, ginseng is used as an important medicine for tonifying the spleen, although the dosage is not large, it can improve the spleen and make the stomach and intestines smoothly lowered.

Often bloated, especially uncomfortable, Chinese medicine teaches you a trick to drain the bloating in the abdomen!

However, it should be noted that although this prescription has a good effect on spleen deficiency and bloating, the specific medication needs to be adjusted according to individual circumstances. Therefore, it is important to consult a professional doctor before taking medication, and add or subtract medication according to individual constitution and symptoms.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that healthy lifestyle habits and eating habits are equally important for preventing and treating spleen deficiency and bloating. Maintaining a regular schedule, avoiding overwork, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding overeating are all common measures to prevent spleen deficiency and bloating. Well, that's all for today's sharing. I'm Dr. Poon, and we'll see you next time.

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