
In prison, a spy convict confessed like this......

author:Youth Shenzhen
In prison, a spy convict confessed like this......

On June 27, 2024, the Ministry of State Security issued a document disclosing that in September 2023, the Intermediate People's Court of a certain city sentenced Jin, a former staff member of a core secret-related enterprise, to 9 years in prison, deprivation of political rights for 1 year, and recovery of all illegal gains for the crime of illegally providing intelligence abroad.

What exactly

Let the young talents of a national focus area

Degenerate into a criminal endangering national security?

Let's listen to it

His self-statement and confession


In prison, a spy convict confessed like this......

Anti-fraud tips

In prison, a spy convict confessed like this......

END Editor: Ke Yinfan Review: Liao Wenjing Review: Liu Hao Source: Ministry of State Security, CCTV

In prison, a spy convict confessed like this......

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In prison, a spy convict confessed like this......
In prison, a spy convict confessed like this......