
posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

author:Situ Tianmeng

#发现CROWN皇冠品质之选#果然, as soon as the news of her divorce came out, it "exploded" on the hot search.

The comment area cheered for her vigorously: "Auntie, stay away from scumbags." ”

Su Min, a woman who is nearly 60 years old, this is not the first time that mothers have heard of it.

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

This time she was determined to get out of a bad marriage, but her husband made an unbelievable condition: give me 500,000.

This scumbag husband can be described as "full of bad deeds", not only being mean, insulting her, but also domestic violence against her.

Su Min endured 30 years for the sake of her children, and she almost couldn't survive the 5 years of severe depression.

Finally, after her grandson went to kindergarten, she drove a car with a small Xiaoice box, wok, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, clothes, shoes and hats, leaving such a life behind.

Intermittent and separated for 4 years.

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

In the past few years, she has updated her self-driving journey almost constantly, healing a large number of women who are in trouble in life and feel confused.

A cheap car, some essential daily necessities, on the surface, this is the poor life of a travel expert;

But in Su Min's view, this is also a mother's attempt to broaden the radius of freedom.

Go south and north, eat food from all over the world, visit Disney, and watch the sunshine on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau...... It turns out that after becoming a mother, no matter what age you are, you can live so vividly.

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

Among them, the "hero" that cannot be ignored is the car.

For a hatchback of 100,000 yuan, Su Min took out 10,000 yuan, and her daughter gave a down payment of 30,000 yuan.

After that, he relied on his retirement salary of more than 1,000 yuan, worked in a supermarket at the same time, and paid a monthly car loan. At that time, the car was Su Min's biggest asset.

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

Su Min's car on the road

Do you have your own car after becoming a mother? Or, have you ever wanted to own a car of your own?

It may just be a means of transportation for the family, and the longer you drive, the more familiar and secure it becomes;

But there are also mothers who like to drive, which is a rare time to be alone, can completely free to listen to their favorite music, and also likes to take a break in the garage after work.

Don't say it, choosing a car and driving a car can actually see the interests and preferences of mothers with different personalities, as well as the way husband and wife get along with each other.

We interviewed three old drivers' mothers about their stories with their cars.

As for whether to buy a car and how to choose a car, perhaps your answer will be clearer after reading the article (PS: this article does not contain any advertising and placement).

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

I like cars very much, and I've changed 3 cars so far, which should be a lot among my mother.

But I'm not a performance party, I'm a complete beauty party, probably because I have something to do with the car advertising company as soon as I graduated, and I have watched too many blockbusters after car PS.

The first car was bought in the year the baby was born, because I wanted to take her around to play and didn't want to be so troublesome as taking a taxi, I bought a joint venture brand of about 100,000 yuan, a decent white.

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

To be honest, I don't like this car, I just think it's cost-effective.

And because I don't like it very much, I don't feel distressed at all when I rub it.

It is a bowl of white rice in life, and I have always thought that when the time comes, I must buy a red rose that I really like.

The most impressive thing is when I was breastfeeding, and I rushed home to feed after work every day.

Once in the elevated place, it was obvious that he was scared by a bus that changed lanes, but at that time, the first reaction was that the baby was still waiting to be fed at home, and he didn't want to waste time dealing with the accident, so he went home with a deflated front of the car.

This "white rice" is great value for money, and I take my children out to play every weekend, when children are all there is to life, and I can't take care of my own needs at all.

When my daughter was about three years old, I suddenly got tired of the little white car and sold it for a red mini cooper.

Yes, that's what I really like.

I didn't discuss it with my husband, because he definitely wouldn't agree, and the friends around him didn't understand why the car was getting smaller and smaller.

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

But at that time, I was resolute and said stiffly: "I am a driver, and the most important thing is that I drive well." ”

When the car drove home, my husband looked shocked, but he didn't say anything, he was too lazy to drive and had no right to speak.

My daughter liked it very much, and I "lied" to her that it belonged to her, and what girl could refuse a cute and cool mini.

Since then, I've been driving them out even more, and my 180-year-old husband has to bend over every time he gets in the car, otherwise he'll bang his head.

The daughter was stuffed in the baby chair in the back, because the mini shock absorption was not good, and she went to a farther place several times, and she was so sick that she vomited.

But...... I don't regret it at all, after all, these are only occasional weekends and small holidays, and most of the time I am still driving alone.

Sometimes when you walk to the garage, you have to go around the car three times for five minutes, and you will say "Whose car is so good-looking?" ”

I feel like I'm a pet and a toy to him like a cat or a dog at home.

On the way to and from work every day, listening to my favorite music is too good to be in a good mood, and even the 18km commute to work feels that it is not long enough, and I want to stay in the car for a while.

In retrospect, this was probably my first "middle-aged rebellion".

After the first three years of giving birth, I was completely trapped in the identity of "mother", and finally, I began to regain my subjectivity and spoil myself willfully.

However, after driving for three years, I sold it and replaced it with a mature and stable SUV.

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

Because my daughter has long legs, the mini can't stretch anymore, and it's really fuel-intensive, I have to consider the cost of commuting every day.

My short period of rebellion was lost to firewood, rice, oil and salt, and it was announced that it was over.

The SUV is really comfortable, the daughter doesn't throw up, and the husband doesn't bump his head anymore, congratulations to them for finally ushering in a new life......

We stuffed tents, camping carts, folding chairs, bicycles, fishing nets, swimming rings in the trunk and went to many, many places.

Changing cars is just a microcosm, and in the 8 years I have been a mother, I have always switched back and forth between "caring for my family" and "selfishness", wanting to be a good mother and not wanting to lose my own needs.

This balance will probably be the subject of my life.

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

I've been driving for a long time, and my dad bought me a red sedan just after I graduated.

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

Before I got married, I didn't feel much about driving, but after I got married and had a baby, it was different, and it seemed to gradually become my "spiritual refuge".

Once, on the way to work by car, I put a more emotional song on the playlist, and I actually cried in the car!

When people reach middle age, all kinds of trivial things in life and work come to their faces, making people unable to breathe, but there are few ways to vent their emotions.

Many times, no matter how bad the mood is, once you walk into the house, it is like automatically putting on the armor of a "good wife and mother", taking care of children, the elderly, and so on.

When the night is late, I can finally rest, and I don't even have the strength to say a word to my husband.

But those emotions did not disappear, they were just silently hidden.

So sometimes I spend half an hour in the garage after work, crying, or relaxing, and then I go home.

Later, I developed more decompressions for driving.

On the way to and from work, I listen to podcasts and listen to books, including international perspectives, humanities and history, clothing, food, housing and transportation, etc., and I have accumulated a lot unconsciously.

This knowledge and information distracts some of the work pressure, and the perspective of the problem is broadened.

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

Women are really emotional animals, and whether they like an object or not is always partly based on whether it can provide emotional value.

I don't drive much on weekends and holidays, it's all my old public.

It's not that he's skilled, it's that he misses the co-pilot too much, for example, he will say "what should you do at that intersection just now", or "it's very dusty here, you should close the windows".

Instead of being annoyed by the reading, I might as well take a break in the car.

Last year, I replaced my old petrol car with an electric car, which will inevitably cause minor problems after a long period of use, and secondly, the tram is more economical.

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

In short, owning your own car is equivalent to owning half of what Woolf calls "a room of your own".

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

I bought my first car when I was working in Beijing, and it was all about appearance.

At that time, I felt that I had to buy it, and before I got married, I could think about my needs completely and willfully.

This car followed me from Beijing to Hangzhou, from one person, to two people, to three people, and if it weren't for the aging performance, I really wouldn't be willing to replace it.

I have been talking to my husband about the idea of changing the electric car for two years, but it was only in one day.

I didn't have time to look at the train, and one night my husband suddenly told me that he had made a deposit. I was shocked, what to place a deposit?

When I asked, I found out that he was impulsive and ordered a car that I didn't like at all!

So I was still procrastinating, and the next day I immediately went to various 4S stores to see the car, and ordered this NIO on the same day.

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

The time is a little faster, but I have carefully chosen, after all, I have driven a car for so many years, and the demand for a car is also very clear.

First of all, the space of the car should be large, our family is relatively tall northerners, and our daughter grows super fast, so she is the most satisfied after changing cars.

Also, other mothers may like to read stories to their children while driving, but my daughter and I have a tacit understanding that I must listen to my favorite music in the car.

I personally prefer the design under the right hand of it, and there is a special place for women to put their bags, which is more convenient.

In addition, there are built-in fragrances, mood lighting, dashboard projections, etc., which add up to pry me.

At present, I drive very smoothly, but the novice sisters should consider it, it is relatively large, parking occupies space, the first car is recommended to drive a little smaller.

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

Rear view

After changing this car, we drove out of the surrounding cities as soon as we arrived for a long vacation, and the driver was usually me.

One is that I think my husband's driving style is too conservative and more time-consuming.

Once I went to the mall to park, obviously there is a rare parking space, he felt a little small and difficult to park, so he waited for others slowly, I saw how it was not good to park, and he "squeezed" the car into it with a click.

The second is that I really enjoy driving, I feel very relaxed, very free, and I drive well and steadily (I am not boasting, I have not had an accident in more than 10 years of driving).

Moreover, most of the accidents I see are caused by male drivers

posted an overnight response to the divorce! She has been separated from her scumbag husband for 4 years, and the whole network praised her after the details were exposed

Cutting in line on the road, dropping other people's casually, scratching and denying it to death - these are all things that I have experienced in my own life.

Once, a male driver changed lanes and scratched me, seeing that I was a female driver, and wanted to "scare" me that it was my responsibility. I saw at a glance that he had to take full responsibility for that angle, and calmly called the traffic police.

So, don't be afraid of sisters who are not skilled yet, don't be frightened by the impolite "Didi" sound on the road, which can make perfect.

I don't want public opinion to be prejudiced against "female drivers" anymore, there are more women who know how to drive and can drive well~


While the stories of several moms driving have different stories, they all sound like they all feel the same way: to take care of the needs of the family and children, but also to enjoy the space alone.

Do you like driving or hate driving?

What kind of story do you have with your car?

How did you choose the car you wanted?

Let's talk about it in the comment area~