
Many people complained about General Su's military rank, but after reading the 4 marshal standards, no one could refute it

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Many people complained about General Su's military rank, but after reading the 4 marshal standards, no one could refute it

Text: Mr. Egg Tart



In 1955, the mainland began to award large titles to heroes on the battlefield. Among them, there is nothing that has attracted the attention of the world more than the selection of the top ten marshals.

After all, there are so many high-ranking generals who have come from the battlefield and died, and not everyone can be awarded the rank of marshal. Before the list was announced, no one knew who the top ten marshals would be.

Of course, there are many people who recommend Su Yu, thinking that he is a military wizard, good at fighting in adversity and has outstanding achievements, and it is very likely that he can be selected as a marshal.

But Su Yu was not on the list, which was unexpected, so what is going on with all this?

Many people complained about General Su's military rank, but after reading the 4 marshal standards, no one could refute it

(Top 10 Marshals)

1. Su Yu was defeated in the rank of marshal, and many people complained about him

The 1955 award ceremony was highly anticipated.

Because it was the first time that the title was conferred and there was no experience to refer to, the organization was very cautious about this award, and after many selections, a total of 1,048 generals were finally selected, and the highest rank of military rank was marshal.

Since there are too many highly respected people in the party, it is indeed quite difficult to select ten people from so many people. At that time, there were Premier Zhou, Li Xiannian, Grandpa Deng, Tan Zhenlin and others.

Everyone was at a stalemate over who to elect as the marshal, but Chairman Mao stood up and suggested that "local workers should not run for election".

Many people complained about General Su's military rank, but after reading the 4 marshal standards, no one could refute it

(Chairman Mao)

The implication is that the list of marshals must be selected from the military region, so that the task of selecting the marshal is much simpler.

After many evaluations, the list of the first marshals has already been determined, and when the last marshal is finalized, everyone is in difficulty, it stands to reason that Su Yu is calm and strategic, brave and strategic, Chairman Mao once praised him: "The command is correct, flexible and brave." ”

So according to the merits, Su Yu deserves to become a marshal. However, after the list was announced, everyone was dumbfounded - Su Yu did not appear in the marshal, but Su Yu was ranked first in the list of generals.

Many people complained about General Su's military rank, but after reading the 4 marshal standards, no one could refute it

(Top 10 Marshals)

Although there is only one level difference between the general and the marshal, many veterans are "complaining" for their old superiors, thinking that this ranking has indeed wronged Su Yu.

Su Yu failed to confer the title of marshal, did he really wronged him? In fact, according to the standards of the time, it is reasonable that he can lose the election.

2. Su Yu: Late to join the party, he has shallow qualifications, and he has accumulated a lot of experience and become a great talent

Why? Let's look at Su Yu's resume first.

Su Yu was born in Hunan in 1907.

He joined the Communist Youth League in 1926, and only joined the party the following year and served as squad leader.

Although the starting point of life is not high, fortunately, Su Yu's follow-up development is very vigorous. During the Long March in 1934, Su Yu had become the chief of staff of the Red Tenth Army, and from this time on, Su Yu's life height moved towards a new starting point.

Many people complained about General Su's military rank, but after reading the 4 marshal standards, no one could refute it

(Su Yu's young photo)

During the Anti-Japanese War, Su Yu's performance was remarkable, especially in the decisive battle of the Yellow River in 1940, Su Yu led his army to defeat the enemy and annihilated 11,000 enemies, which made Su Yu completely famous.

After the Southern Anhui Incident, Su Yu served as the commander of the New Fourth Army, and his life continued to rise, and Su Yu's military talent was more prominent in the Liberation War.

He is very straightforward and resolute in fighting, never dragging, and can quickly judge and make decisions about the enemy's situation.

Many people complained about General Su's military rank, but after reading the 4 marshal standards, no one could refute it

(Su Yu shakes hands with Chairman Mao)

On the battlefield of Laiwu in 1947, in the face of the enemy's 200,000 US weapons and equipment troops, and the number of our army was less than 190,000, Su Yu calmly led the army to attack the enemy's weaknesses.

During the Huaihai Battle in November 1948, many generals put forward their own suggestions on how to attack Huaihai, some bold and some cautious and conservative.

After analyzing the situation, he concluded that Bai Chongxi had set up a defensive line south of the Yangtze River, and if he attacked too riskily, he would inevitably be killed, and there would be no winner for both sides at that time. For this reason, Su Yu proposed to attack Xuzhou first, and then use Xuzhou as a fulcrum to radiate and attack around.

Many people complained about General Su's military rank, but after reading the 4 marshal standards, no one could refute it

(Old photo of the Huaihai Campaign)

The idea was ingenious and immediately won everyone's support.

Facts proved that Su Yu's decision was very correct, and after three months of hard fighting, the Huaihai Battle finally ended in the victory of our army, and by the way, nearly 560,000 enemies were annihilated and destroyed.

In just 20 years from joining the party to the founding of the People's Republic of China, Su Yuneng has grown from a small soldier to a towering tree, and no one dares to question his genius military talent.

However, this was both an advantage and a disadvantage, and it was his accumulation that in the end he was rejected from the threshold of the marshal.

The three and four marshal standards were released, and Su Yu's defeat was not refuted

It turned out that there were four important criteria for the selection of the top ten marshals.

The first is that he must be the leader of the important activities in the early days of the party's founding. At the beginning of the party's founding in the 20s of the last century, most marshals had already grown into party leaders.

For example, also in 1927, Mr. He was already the commander of the Ninth National Army.

Many people complained about General Su's military rank, but after reading the 4 marshal standards, no one could refute it

(Mr. He)

Mr. Zhu, Liu Bocheng and Nie Rongzhen were all important initiators of the Nanchang Uprising. At that time, Su Yu had just turned 20 years old, and his identity was only a squad leader. Compared to several other marshals, he was not a star and a half.

The second is to command and participate in the operations of important corps of our army in various periods.

In the Turkish Revolution and the anti-encirclement and suppression battles, several generalissimos took an active part in the battles, and each of them made great contributions.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, the Battle of Pingxingguan and the Battle of Changshengkou were all classic battles in which our army fought in a team under the command of the marshals. Of course, not to mention the War of Liberation, these marshals were present in almost every large-scale team battle.

Many people complained about General Su's military rank, but after reading the 4 marshal standards, no one could refute it

(Old photos of the Battle of the Hundred Regiments)

However, before the full-scale war of resistance, Su Yu participated in many battles, but in the form of a participant, and his rank was not high enough to command a team until 1938, when he became an acting commander.

Due to the slightly low-key military career in the first half of his career, Su Yu still could not meet this standard.

Third, the candidate for marshal must be an important leader of our party in all periods.

The period of development of our party has the following passes: the early period of its founding in 1921, the Turkish Revolution, the anti-encirclement and suppression, the Long March, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, and the War of Liberation.

Throughout Su Yu's military career: he joined the party in 1927, at a time when he had missed the early stages of the party's development. During the period of the Tu Revolution, the anti-encirclement and suppression, and the Long March, Su Yu's official position was not high enough, and he was only an executor rather than a commander, so this condition excluded Su Yu.

Many people complained about General Su's military rank, but after reading the 4 marshal standards, no one could refute it

(General Su Yu)

Fourthly, the person who is awarded the title must be of a very high rank.

This is a test of the awardee's ability to influence and synthesize.

Each of the ten marshals is a dragon and phoenix among the people, they have outstanding personality charm, and their reputation in the army is quite high. Regarding this, although Su Yu is somewhat touched, he is still too young in terms of age.

Although Su Yu has grown up fast, compared to the marshals, he is only a rising star.

In 1952, the top ten marshals were all the highest-ranking commanders in the army, some were commanders and political commissars in the army, and some were vice chairmen of the Central Military Commission. At that time, Su Yu could only temporarily sit in the deputy position due to the recurrence of his old illness.

Many people complained about General Su's military rank, but after reading the 4 marshal standards, no one could refute it

(Yu Awa)

Looking at the above four conditions, Su Yu did not meet them very well, if he was selected, it would attract doubts, and he could only regret missing out on the marshal.

However, no matter how young or junior a person with outstanding talents is, in the end gold will always shine. And Su Yu is such a gold, he became more and more brave in the big waves and sands, and finally grew into a generation of generals, he is a well-deserved hero and an example for future generations to learn!


[1] The first general of the Republic "Su Yu". In conjunction with the county people's government.2024-02-06

[2] Revealed: The Evaluation Criteria of the Top Ten Marshals of the Founding of New China. Baoji Political Science and Law.2019-12-19

[3] Su Yu: The first of the top ten generals made many miraculous achievements during the war years. Communist Party of China News Network.2020-08-09

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