
The rectification of electric vehicles has been increased, and the "four no" vehicles will be strictly investigated, and the punishment standards have also been clarified

author:Three or two things about electric cars

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Electric vehicles have brought great convenience to travel, more and more families have bought electric vehicles, but the management of electric vehicles has become more and more strict, in June 2024, Jilin electric vehicle rectification has increased, "four no" vehicles will usher in strict investigation, and the penalty standards have also been clarified, let's find out!

The rectification of electric vehicles has been increased, and the "four no" vehicles will be strictly investigated, and the punishment standards have also been clarified

Electric vehicle remediation increases

On June 21, the Jilin Changbai Traffic Police issued a notice of rectification action, which will strictly investigate electric vehicles, especially the "four no" vehicles will carry out special rectification actions to increase the strict investigation and rectification of electric vehicles.

The rectification of electric vehicles has been increased, and the "four no" vehicles will be strictly investigated, and the punishment standards have also been clarified

In the notice, the Changbai traffic police made it clear that the centralized rectification action began on June 21 and ended on July 30, a period of 40 days of centralized rectification action, and the "four no" vehicles refer to models without license plates, driver's licenses, insurance, and helmets.

"Four no" vehicles will be strictly investigated, and the penalty standards are also clear

That is to say, in the process of this centralized rectification action, if your electric vehicle, tricycle, and four-wheeled vehicle belong to the "four no" vehicles, if you are investigated by the traffic police when you are on the road, you will be punished accordingly, and the penalty standard has been clarified:

Vehicles without a license plate are investigated and dealt with by the traffic police, and if it is an electric bicycle, it will generally be orally educated and ordered to have a license plate within a time limit, and even a fine of 50 yuan can be imposed. If the vehicle used is a motor vehicle, such as an electric motorcycle, an electric tricycle, a four-wheeled vehicle, etc., a fine of 200 yuan will be imposed, and 9 points can be deducted from the driver's license, and the vehicle can even be temporarily impounded if the circumstances are serious.

The rectification of electric vehicles has been increased, and the "four no" vehicles will be strictly investigated, and the punishment standards have also been clarified

Vehicles without a driver's license on the road, refers to the use of motor vehicle type electric vehicles on the road, but the owner did not obtain the corresponding driver's license, which belongs to unlicensed driving, if the traffic police investigate, will be fined 200 ~ 2000 yuan, for serious circumstances, the owner can be detained for 15 days.

The rectification of electric vehicles has been increased, and the "four no" vehicles will be strictly investigated, and the punishment standards have also been clarified

Uninsured vehicles are also not allowed to drive on the road, mainly referring to electric motorcycles, electric tricycles, low-speed electric four-wheeled vehicles, etc., without purchasing insurance on the road in violation of regulations, investigated and dealt with by the traffic police, will be fined twice the amount of premiums, and the circumstances are serious can directly detain the car.

The rectification of electric vehicles has been increased, and the "four no" vehicles will be strictly investigated, and the punishment standards have also been clarified

Helmetless vehicles refer to those that do not wear safety helmets when riding electric vehicles, including electric bicycles, electric motorcycles, open electric tricycles, etc., of course, fully enclosed electric tricycles and low-speed four-wheeled electric vehicle owners need to fasten seat belts. If you violate the rules on the road and are investigated by the traffic police, the electric bicycle will be fined 20~50 yuan, but the motor vehicle will be deducted one point and fined 200 yuan.

The rectification of electric vehicles has been increased, and the "four no" vehicles will be strictly investigated, and the punishment standards have also been clarified


With the increasing number of electric vehicles around the country, the rectification of electric vehicles has become more and more strict, from June 21, Jilin Changbai traffic police began to focus on the "four no" vehicles, if the vehicle violates the road, the traffic police will be stopped by the corresponding punishment, and the penalty standard has been clear, generally speaking, the punishment of non-motor vehicles is smaller, if it is a motor vehicle, the punishment is still very serious, so the owner must pay attention when on the road.

So, what do you think about the centralized rectification of Jilin Changbai electric vehicles? Everyone is welcome to leave a comment

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