
14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

author:It's Qingzhu
14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

LOL will start the region-wide shutdown maintenance at 0:00 a.m. on June 27 (please note: the entrance to the qualifying match will be closed at 23:00 on June 26, which will not affect the ongoing qualifying match) Release 14.13, with an estimated downtime of 0:00-12:00. Please note that for activities that end during the downtime, the actual end time will also be brought forward to the start of the downtime maintenance

Version 14.13 is the home of Frogs. That's right, that's it.

As a reminder, this will be a 3-week version!

In Update 14.13, the League of Legends team will receive a series of hero balance changes, a minor update to Assassin Cornerstone, and a major overhaul to Varus, which has completely updated his passive to synergize attack speed. On the Arena side, the League of Legends team has brought some balance changes, as well as a free Arena-exclusive Hero Rotation. In Polar Bros. mode, the League of Legends team has added a cooldown to the re-pick, so you don't have to worry about someone stealing the hero you just took with you.

Note: The announcement of the national server is based on the actual version value of the national server update, if the Riot game design team adjusts the balance in the version, the national server operation team will release the update announcement in the version according to the update preparation progress. Subsequent optimization may be based on actual operation results, and the results may be different under different machine configurations.

Release News

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Frog Raincoat Milio and Frog Raincoat Fiz are available in Update 14.13.


14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Vengeful Flame Soul Brand

Passive mana regeneration decreased. E damage decreased.

Brand excels in almost every position, so the League of Legends team is going to reclaim some of his strength. Since Brand's support and jungler positions are within a reasonable range, the League of Legends team focused on the mid and bottom lanes, and lowered the reward intensity for his passive and upgrade (mid and bottom side E).

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Passive - Blazing Flame

Mana Regeneration: 30-50 (level-based) → 20-40 (level-based)

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

E - Agni burns

Mag. Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+60% Ability Power) → 60/85/110/135/160 (+60% Ability Power)

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Scourge of the Seas by Planck

The E deceleration equation has been adjusted.

As Planck's equipment changes, so must he too. The power of the three phases has basically become a must-have, making Planck no longer able to quickly stack critical hit chances. The League of Legends team is preparing to slightly roll back his critical hit increase while giving him a guaranteed stat instead, which is both a fairly straightforward augmentation and an invitation to find other ways to build and not just rely on critical hits to kill the enemy team in one hit.

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

E - powder keg

Slow: 30/37.5/45/52.5/60% (+0%-25% based on critical chance) → 40/50/60/70/80%

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Casks of Gulagas

Passive treatment is reduced.

Gulagas is difficult to deal with when languishing, because his blood exchange skills are difficult to counter and his endurance is outstanding. Therefore, the League of Legends team will reduce his endurance by weakening his passive, making him less unassailable. A long time ago, Gulagas's healing abilities were enhanced for the need for junglers, but now that the Clearing Mechanic has restored health, this enhancement is no longer necessary.

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Passive - Happy Hour

Max Health Heal: 6.5% → 5.5%

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Outlaw fanatic Graves

E additional armor boost.

Graves' builds, damage, and clearance speed are reasonable, and he needs more durability. The League of Legends team slashed his E too much in Update 13.22, so the League of Legends team withdrew this change due to his apparent room for upscaling.

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

E - Quickly draw the gun

Additional armor per stack: 2/5/8/11/14 → 4/7/10/13/16

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Spear of Vengeance Callista

Base attack damage decreased. Removed W minimum non-hero damage and non-hero termination threshold. W non-hero damage limit decreased. R cooldown increased.

Callista is more difficult to play than the average ADC, but she's a top-tier threat in the professional arena, so her win rate looks reasonable. As her performances in the professional game are losing their novelty, the League of Legends team is ready to give her some nerfs that they will hopefully have a bit of an extraordinary impact on the professional league. The League of Legends team nerfed the gear she relied on to work with, and added and deleted instructions to clarify the special rules for her W-ability. The League of Legends team has also tweaked the recommendation runes slightly, replacing some runes with better options.

Base attributes

Attack: 61 → 59

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

W - Sentinel

(removed) Minimum non-hero damage: 75/100/125/150/175

(removed) non-hero termination threshold: 125/150/175/200/250

Non-hero damage limit: 250/300/350/400/450 → 100/125/150/175/200

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

R - The Call of Fate

Cooldown: 150/120/90 → 160/140/120

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Death caroler Karthas

Q damage decreased.

Karthas was still too good (especially at the higher levels of play), and he was always able to develop steadily until he was able to deliver suppressive damage that was hard to dodge. As a result, the League of Legends team reduced his early damage and ability to clear enemies to negate the stability that Flame Torch provided him.

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Q - Barren

Mag. Damage: 43/62/81/100/119 (+35% Ability Power) → 40/59/78/97/116 (+35% Ability Power)

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Berserk Heart Kenan

Base health decreased.

Casting your ultimate while moving feels cool and has a decent amount of power, so the League of Legends team is trying to take away some power to solve this. Kenan was at his best at the higher level of play, which dictated the direction of the League of Legends team. Now that he's more elusive than ever, and the resistance provided by R-skill is more powerful, the League of Legends team will lower his base health and give opponents a better window to kill him at the right time.

Base attributes

Health: 611 → 580

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Blind Monk Li Qing

Growth Health increased. The shield value of the first few levels of W has been increased.

Li Qing is currently weaker than he should be, so he will get some boosts. His output is already quite good, so the League of Legends team has to improve his output on the defensive end. It's also worth noting that about 25% of Li Qing players choose to sub-ascend [Heavenly Thunder Break/Break Bones], which seems to be worse than the traditional W upgrade, so the League of Legends team mitigated this situation by front-loading some of the power of W.

Base attributes

Health Growth: 105 → 108

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

W - Golden bell jar / iron cloth shirt

Shield Value: 50/100/150/200/250 (+80 Ability Power) → 70/115/160/205/250 (+80% Ability Power)

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Frost Witch Lisandro

Q damage increased. The cooling time of the first few levels of W is shortened.

The League of Legends team improved her performance against the advantage, as the League of Legends team didn't think her performance was good enough to justify her selection over some other heroes. The League of Legends team shortened W's cooldown, giving her more opportunities to chase down enemies and clear lanes, as well as bolstering the damage of her main skill.

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Q - Ice Shards

Mag. Damage: 80/110/140/170/200 (+80% Ability Power) → 80/110/140/170/200 (+85% Ability Power)

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

W - Ring of Frost

Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 → 10/9.5/9/8.5/8

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Bounty Hunter Miss Doom

Base attack damage increased. W damage block, movement speed delay decreased. W: Initial and max additional movement speed increases.

Miss Doom is a very simple and easy-to-play ADC, which means that she should have a higher than average win rate. While she technically averages the same amount of damage per game as she did before the mid-season gear update, she lacks some of her previous strengths. Now that she's no longer starting Dreamsoul, and she can't get a power boost or wander around the map as quickly as she used to, the League of Legends team has slightly enhanced her laning abilities and greatly increased Striding Meteor's extra movement speed.

Base attributes

Base Attack Damage: 52 → 55

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

W - Stride Meteor

Damage Block: 5 seconds → 4 seconds

Enhanced Movement Speed Delay: 5s → 3s

Max extra movement speed: 55/65/75/85/95 → 60/70/80/90/100

Initial Extra Movement Speed: 25 → 30/35/40/45/50

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Clockwork Spirit: Oriana

Base attack damage increased.

After this season's mage gear changes, Orianna's performance in the mid lane is somewhat behind that of other mages. The League of Legends team wanted to bolster her by increasing her base attack power, so that her early attacks were on par with other mages when passively combined.

Base attributes

Attack: 40 → 44

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

The Unyielding Spear by Panson

W creep/creep damage increased.

The League of Legends team was fairly happy with the 14.11 version of Panson's changes, but the League of Legends team was ready to add a small quality-level buff to his W skill to bring his final blow back to the pre-14.11 level.

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

W - Shield Leap

Creep/Creep Minimum Damage: 50 → 60

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Ancient Lords of Scana

Q Mana cost increased. Q: Max health damage decreased.

Skarna has been online for a while, and players are becoming more familiar with his operations. The League of Legends team noticed that his ban rate was consistently rising and he had an overwhelming presence in the professional arena. As a newcomer to the Medium Difficulty Hero, his win rate is simply too high, and the evidence suggests that the top lane is his strongest position. The League of Legends team will weaken Skarna in this release for several purposes: First, the League of Legends team wants to make sure Skarna is up to the role of a tank, so the League of Legends team takes away his damage rather than durability. Secondly, the League of Legends team wanted to make the early countermeasures on the road fairer: increase his mana consumption before purchasing [Tears of the Goddess], and reduce the overall blood exchange ability of Q skills, hoping to give his opponents on the road a better game experience. Since Skarna can easily reach his damage cap on the first jungle, these nerfs won't affect the jungler position too much, but they will affect his damage against heroes.

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Q - Earthshaking / Optimus

Mana Cost: 30 → 50

Max Health as Damage: 15% → 10%

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Rock Sparrow Taliyah

Q: Additional creep damage decreased.

Taliyah is currently performing extremely well in the jungle, so the League of Legends team will focus on adjusting some of the jungle leverage. Her initial clearance speed is one of the fastest in the game, and due to the Hextech Generator and its upgrades, her late-game clearance speed is also outstanding, so the League of Legends team is ready to lower it to a more reasonable level.

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Q - Stone piercing

Extra Creep Damage: 25 (+5% Ability Power) → 10

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Arrow of Punishment by Varus

Base attack damage and growth attack speed decreased. Passive updates. W damage and base skill return increased. W's cast block time on Q has been increased.

Varus now has two loadouts: Armor-Piercing Stream and Collateral Stream. Due to the better but less common effects of the Shower of Arrows, the Armor-Piercing Stream Varus is much stronger than most players think. However, Varus will quickly reach the 2.5 attack speed cap and suddenly make the passive as if it were non-existent. Varus, meanwhile, is currently the most selected bottom lane hero in the professional arena. The League of Legends team wanted to not only reshape the game of professional play, but also make Varus a hero who was more enjoyable and intuitive to play.

This adjustment is mainly aimed at his passivity. Instead of providing higher and higher attack speed, the passive will provide a limited attack speed upfront, which feels similar during laning, but as the game progresses, it will instead provide attributes that synergize with attack speed: attack power for basic attacks, Q, and E, and spell power for the entire W cycle. At the same time, it also allows the trigger of [Blight] to get more cooldown returns, so as to enhance the cycle of intertwined basic attacks of skills. Ideally, in addition to pure damage and collateral gear, Varus would also purchase the powerful Spellweave Attack Force-Attack Speed loadout.

The second change is to make the order in which his skills are added more intuitively, while also weakening his class advantage. As mentioned earlier, most Armor-Piercing Varus players have opted for a secondary W, so the League of Legends team will slightly increase the importance of W-level for Armor-Piercing Outflow to narrow the strength difference here. At the same time, the League of Legends team has reduced his early base attack damage and Q+W damage in order to weaken his attack power, which should make him less dominant. Finally, the League of Legends team will increase the error tolerance rate of W+Q skill combos, giving him more time to activate the [Blighted Quiver] while charging.

Base attributes

Attack: 60 → 57

Growth Attack Speed: 4% → 3.5%

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Passive - Desire for revenge

Creep Kills: 10/15/20% (+20% Bonus Attack Speed) → 10% Attack Speed, (10% Attack Speed) Damage, and (10% Attack Speed) Ability Power (Note: There is a display error in the in-game description text, which will be fixed in the next version)

Participating Heroes Killed: 40% (+40% Bonus Attack Speed) → 40% Attack Speed, (15% Attack Speed) Attack Damage, and (15% Attack Speed) Ability Power (Note: There is a display error in the in-game description text, which will be fixed in the next version)

(New) Attack Speed Bonus: Now includes attack speed from hero levels

While participating in the passive effect of a hero kill, the attack speed limit has been increased from 2.5 to 2.763, meaning that the passive effect itself can bypass the attack speed cap.

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

W - Withered Quiver

Damage: 7/13/19/25/31 → 7/14/21/28/35

Health Damage Lost: 6/8/10/12/14% (Levels 1/4/7/10/13)→ 6/8/10/12/14% (based on skill level)

Q: 0.25 sec. → 0.85 sec.

Base skill cooldown return per detonation of Blight: 12% → 13%

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Kasumi Reverse

Cooldown time is shortened. E damage increased.

Kasumi is slightly less intense than she should be, and has completely withdrawn from the competition for the ADC hero pool. As a result, the League of Legends team is reversing some of the recent nerfs to her, as she no longer has the skill haste and damage provided by the old Navoli Blade.

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

E - 倒钩

Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9 → 12/11/10/9/8

Base Damage: 50/60/70/80/90 (+60% bonus damage) → 55/65/75/85/95 (+60% bonus damage)

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

BioShock Zack

The passive formula has been readjusted to grow by level instead of R skill level.

Playing Zach would make for a rather bad experience for every player who had to face him, as he would almost certainly be able to swap blood, and his endurance would make it impossible for opponents to swap him. The League of Legends team is preparing to weaken his early game passive healing, hoping to provide more opportunities to counter him and force him out of the lane.

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Passive - cell division

Healing from Tissue: 5/6/7/8% Max HP (based on R skill level) → 4-8% (based on level)


14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Contraindicated timing

Forbidden Timing: There is currently only one core melee user, and most ranged physical heroes believe that it is the best physical spellcasting equipment. In order to increase the selectivity of the equipment, the League of Legends team is preparing to weaken the armor piercing it provides for ranged heroes and increase its movement speed, encouraging more melee heroes to choose it.

Ready to Pierce: 5-10.5 (level-based) → 5-10.5 (level-based) (melee) / 3-6.3 (level-based) (ranged)

Bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds: 150 → 200


14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Dark Harvest

With this update, the League of Legends team has made changes to Dark Harvest and Electrocution to make their roles clearer. For [Electrocution], the League of Legends team hopes that it can become a more reliable early rune, providing players with a laning advantage and helping to start the game smoothly. As for [Dark Harvest], the League of Legends team positions it as a high-risk version of [Electric Execution]. You'll have to wear down your opponent without the help of the Cornerstone, and if you can do that consistently, the buff will go beyond Electrocution in the late game. Dark Harvest currently has quite a few users in the jungle, and the League of Legends team hopes that this level increase vs. stack growth will eventually be neutral in strength, and the base cooldown boost will be to attract lane heroes, as very few players are currently using this rune in solo lanes.

Damage: 20-80 (+5 per soul) → 20 (+9 per soul) (bonus yield remains the same)

Cooldown: 45 → 40

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement


Damage: 30-220 → 50-190 (bonus yield remains the same)

Cooldown: 25-20 (based on level) → 20

Referral runes

Many of the heroes that have been manually tweaked have seen a noticeable increase in win rates, so in this update, the League of Legends team will be manually tweaking more recommended runes. If you're keen on parsing rune stats - most heroes will have a 2% increased win rate when equipped with equally powerful but atypical runes, as only experts bother to pick runes beyond the recommended runes. The following updates are for runes that exhibit higher win rate gains.

Emperor of the Desert Azir

●Replace [Critical Strike] with [Slash]

●Replaced [Storm Gather] with [Scorched]

On the road Trondel

●Replaced [Onslaught + Enlightenment] with [Immortal Grip + Sorcery]


●Replace [Swift Footwork + Sorcery] with [Immortal Grip + Precision]

●Replace [Legend: Haste] with [Legend: Joy]

●In rune pages with [Swift], replace [Adaptive Force] with [Movement Speed].

Rank promotion wins updated

For a long time, after advancing to a new rank (e.g. Silver 1 to Gold 4), a player's win point will start from 1. This can be a very uncomfortable feeling, especially when a player wins with a high win point (90+). The League of Legends team is preparing to make adjustments that will count as normal wins when players are promoted to a new rank. This way, it is possible to more intuitively and realistically reflect the player's rank progress in each match. Since Stage 1 2024, the League of Legends team has been working hard to control win bloat and optimize win point mechanics. The League of Legends team believes that this change will not cause win point inflation or undermine the integrity of the competitive experience, but will create a healthier win ecosystem.

If the win point calculated by the average win will become 0 after the promotion, an additional win point will be added to ensure that the player always starts with at least 1 win point in this situation.

Fighting Soul Arena

Balance adjustments

Strengthens runes

Arena of Fighting Spirits Enhanced Rune Enhancement

Back to basics

●Skill Haste: 60 → 70


Arena Heroes are enhanced

Outlier Thorn Akali

●Q魔法伤害:60/90/120/150/180 (+ 75%攻击力) (+ 70%法术强度) → 70/100/130/160/190 (+ 75%攻击力) (+ 75%法术强度)

●Extra movement speed with W continuous decay: 30/35/40/45/50% → 40/45/50/55/60%

● E cooldown: 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 → 13/12/11/10/9 seconds

Steam robot Britz

●Q cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9 → 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds

●W Bonus Attack Speed: 50/60/70/80/90% → 70/75/80/85/90%

● Cooldown: 15 → 10 seconds

●W self-deceleration: 30% → 20%

Demon Sword Soul Won

●Growth Health: 105 → 115

●W Shield Value: 40-90 (level-based) (+65% bonus damage) → 40-90 (level-based) (+75% bonus damage)

●E cooldown: 22/19/16/13/10 → 18/16/14/12/10 seconds

●R cooldown: 120/90/60 → 70/60/50 seconds

Emperor of the Desert Azir

●W Magic Damage: 0-77 (level-based) (+55/72/89/106/123) (+55% Ability Power) → 0-77 (level-based) (+55/72/89/106/123) (+60% Ability Power)

●E Shield Value: 70/110/150/190/230 (+60% Ability Power) → 70/110/150/190/230 (+75% Ability Power)

● E cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 → 16/15/14/13/12 seconds

●R cooldown: 120/105/90 → 80/60/40 seconds

Heroic bombardier Kutch

●W cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12 → 16/15/14/13/12 seconds

●R Physical Damage: 100/200/300 (+70% Bonus Attack) → 100/200/300 (+80% Bonus Damage)

The great inventor Heimerdinger

●Growth Health: 86 → 101

●W Initial Magic Damage: 40/65/90/115/140 (+55% Ability Power) → 40/65/90/115/140 (+65% Ability Power)

●W cooldown: 11/10/9/8/7 → 10/9/8/7/6 seconds

● E cooldown: 15 → 11 seconds

Daughter of the Void Kaisha

●Growth Health: 95 → 102

●Growth Attack: 2.2 → 2.6

●Q Physical Damage per Missile: 40/55/70/85/100 (+40% Bonus Attack Damage) (+15% Ability Power) → 40/55/70/85/100 (+50% Bonus Attack Power) (+15% Ability Power)

Rock Sparrow Taliyah

●Q Maga Damage: 56/74.5/93/111.5/130 (+50% Ability Power) → 60/78/96/114/132 (+55% Ability Power)

● W cooldown: 14/12.5/11/9.5/8 → 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds

● R cooldown: 180/150/120 → 50/40/30 seconds

●R cast block time: 3 seconds → 1 second after taking hero damage

Voidwalker Cassadine

●HP Growth: 119 → 128

● W cooldown: 7 → 5 seconds

●E Magic Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+70% Ability Power) → 60/90/120/150/180 (+80% Ability Power)

- E-每次施法缩减: 0.75 sec → 1.5 sec

Void Retreat Ryxey

●Q Extra Attack Speed: 35% → 45%

●Underground W Damage: 30/55/80/105/130 (+80% Ability Power) → 50/75/100/125/150 (+100% Ability Power)

●Underground W Extra Movement Speed: 5/10/15/20/25 → 15/20/25/30/35

Ten Thousand Flowers Psychic Niko

● Niko now pretends to be her teammate at the start of every battle.

Arena Hero Adjustments

Leather City Sheriff Celeste

●Q Min Physical Damage: 45/70/95/120/145 (+80% Attack Damage) → 45/70/95/120/145 (+70% Attack Damage)

●E Physical Damage: 0/15/30/45/60 (+100% Damage) → 0/15/30/45/60 (+120% Damage)

●R Physical Damage: 150/200/250 (+70% Bonus Attack) → 150/200/250 (+60% Bonus Damage)

Arena Heroes nerfed

Void Marauder Kazik

●Q Physical Damage: 80/105/130/155/180 (+130% Bonus Damage) → Q Physical Damage: 80/105/130/155/180 (+115% Bonus Damage)

●W healing effect: 100/150/200/250/300 (+100% Ability Power) → 55/75/95/115/135

The Liberated Silas

●W Min Heal: 20/40/60/80/100 (+35% Ability Power) → W Min Heal: 20/40/60/80/100 (+30% Ability Power)

●W Magic Damage: 65/100/135/170/205 (+80% Ability Power) → 65/100/135/170/205 (+65% Ability Power)

Ghost of Bloodport Pike

●Q Physical Damage: 140/210/280/350/420 (+80% Bonus Damage) → 120/175/230/285/340 (+75% Bonus Damage)

Scythe of the Shadow Stream, Kai Yin

●Q of the Dark Descent Physical Damage per Session: 65% Attack Power (+ 4% (+ 3% per 100 Bonus Attack Power) and → 65% Attack Power (+ 3% (+ 2.5% per 100 Bonus Attack Power) and 65% Attack Power (+ 2.5% per 100 Bonus Attack Power).

●Darkspawn R Physical Damage: 7% (per 100 bonus Attack + 7%) and target Max Health → 7% (per 100 bonus Attack + 5%) the target's max HP

The alchemy baron Renata

●Passive Marked Yield: 0.03% → 0.01%


Arena of Fighting Spirits Prismatic equipment enhanced

Demonic Embrace

●Skill Haste: 20 → 25

●Duration of continuous decay: 2 → 3 seconds

Overlord Blood Armor

●Attack: 45 → 55

Exploding Ball

●Damage Reserves: 20% → 25%

Arena of Fighting Spirits Prismatic equipment weakened


●Attack: 50 → 45

Arena bug fixes and quality changes

Quality-level changes

●When selected in a later stage, [Dragonheart], [Pledge], and [Extraordinary Evil] will show their on-demand bonuses.


● [Do Not Pursue] is now available to all heroes, instead of just melee heroes with Ability Power and Attack Multiplier.

- Akshan's W now correctly grants allies 200 gold instead of 0 gold.

●[Spirit Magic] can now be applied passively to Britz's R.

● Fixed a bug that caused the next forge (no matter what) to not work if you timed out an enhancement rune.

●Silas can no longer obtain an overly powerful ultimate by casting R on Seti (scenario).

● If Foyego completes [Warrior of Manatee Afu] with the Golden Shovel, he will not lose the Golden Shovel.

●The attack speed provided by the Attribute Forges now contributes to Kai'Sa's E-evolution (already applied to Q/W).

● When hitting multiple heroes, [Extraordinary Evil] will correctly provide extra stacks.

●[Moonstone Regenerator] now has a cooldown of 2 seconds per ID (previously behaved abnormally on continuous healing effects such as Milio's W and [Endless Recovery])).

●[Feel the Burn] can now apply Critical Damage as normal.

●Fixed trackers for [Boundary] and [Chains of Disgust].

●Fixed a bug where the range of [Star Plains] would be reduced when resurrected

● Niko will now pretend to be her teammate at the start of the turn.

●[Phantasmal Blade] can now be applied to Aloy's W.

●Fixed a bug where the selection screen could not be displayed after purchasing a Prismatic Equipment Forge.

- Duplication of enhanced runes with body size change now no longer shows the buff icon.

●Fixed the description text of [Poppy]'s Q skill.

●Fixed the [Ash] passive description text.

●Fixed an issue where if Foyego was engaged in the 10th kill while occupied, he would not be able to complete [Warriors of Manatee Afu].

●The attack speed of [Attribute Forge] counts towards [Kaisha]'s E evolution.

●Fixed the description text of [Ruined King's Sword].

●Fixed the description text of [Winter's Coming].

●Fixed the description text for [Vulnerable].

●The tracker of [Chains of Resentment] now updates correctly when taking damage from a target targeted by [Vengeance Order].

●Fixed the description text of [Boundary Bow Intersection - Light].

●[Gargoyle Slab Armor] no longer tracks damage blocked by shields in the description text.

Polar Smash Bros

Hello polar players! The League of Legends team hasn't rolled out any balance changes in this release, but will be keeping a close eye on heroes affected by recent rune changes. Skarna is also on the radar, but since he's already made adjustments in Summoner's Rift, the League of Legends team needs to see how these changes work in the Crying Abyss before making plans. Despite this, the League of Legends team has made a quality update! Good luck and happy!

●New "Re-follow to the Prepare Zone" cooldown: Previously, if a player re-followed a hero, teammates could immediately select the hero that was replaced. Now, the hero you refollow has a three-second cooldown for your teammates, they can't choose that hero, and you can swap back your hero without any pressure. Say goodbye to bench grabbing games! This change focuses on re-follow, so it will not affect the existing exchange of reserve seats. This means that if you swap Prepare Zone heroes, your teammates will still be able to immediately choose the hero you forfeit.

● Quick Buy Panel Update: The Shoes and Mixtures section of Great Smash Bros. will now include a Quick Buy Panel to align with recent changes to the Summoner's Rift Shop.

●Equipment: [Ship Breaker] has returned to [Crying Abyss].


●Fixed a display issue where [HexFlying Gate] still existed after the outer tower was destroyed.

Bug fixes and quality changes

● The League of Legends team will be making some changes to the mode selection screen in this update to accommodate more than 5 game modes.

●Fixed a bug that caused [Karma]'s R cooldown to not decrease when killing a target in an RQ combo

●Fixed a bug that caused killing any unit to give/trigger the [Renekton]/[Nasus] Nemesis Rival Quest.

●Fixed a bug that caused the [Renekton]/[Nasus] Nemesis Rival Quest to trigger when the two heroes were on the same team.

●Fixed a bug that caused mob camps to sometimes fail to respawn.

●Fixed a bug that caused [Alchemy Tech Wurm] to immediately chase the hero who was fighting it when it took off, instead of completing the takeoff animation first. This mechanic has now been tuned to align with other wurms.

●Fixed a bug that caused level 14 or higher [Foyego] to occupy [Orn] while equipping the same equipment as [Orn] would grant an Orn Masterpiece Equipment.

●Fixed a bug that caused [Steel of Hearts] to not properly grow through Orn's Masterpiece Gear.

●Fixed a bug that caused the healing of [Vladimir] W skill to only count the base damage of that skill and not its growth damage.

●Fixed a bug that caused [Sivana] to not be able to apply a second stack of [Onslaught] from Q skill.

●Fixed a bug that caused [Lulu]'s R Knock to interrupt the enemy's dash, and the enemy could cast skills during the R Knock.

●Fixed a bug that caused [Lulu]'s R knock to be weakened by [Tenacity].

●Fixed a bug that caused the E of [Skarna] to not be canceled by the E of [Seti].

●Fixed a bug that caused the total healing of [Life Absorption] to not be displayed correctly in the [Settlement of Matches] page.

●Fixed a bug that caused [Li Qing]'s Q to not be visible and hit a small area around the target.

●Fixed a bug that caused [Bloodsong] to be obtained through the upgrade screen if you already have a Curse Blade equipment.

●Fixed a bug that caused Sivana to redirect Miss Doom's R skill by hitting Miss Doom with a spell shield in R.

●Fixed a bug where the hero's corpse would have a collision size if the hero had a mechanic that was activated after death (Sain, Karthas, Kgmo).

Coming skins and dazzling

The following skins are available in version 14.13:

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Frog raincoat Milio

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Frog raincoat Fitz

The following colors are available in version 14.13:

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Frog raincoat Milio

14.13 League of Legends version update announcement, June 27th 0:00 a.m. shutdown version update announcement

Frog raincoat Fitz