
Grieved! All 8 people were killed

author:Heze Fire Protection

According to Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, June 23, at 4:30 a.m. on June 23, a sudden landslide occurred in Longtang Group, Douxi Village, Yushi Town, Xinhuang Dong Autonomous County, Hunan Province, causing 4 houses to collapse and 8 people from 2 households to lose contact. The reporter learned at the search and rescue scene on the evening of June 23 that all 8 people who lost contact were killed.

Grieved! All 8 people were killed

The reporter learned from the Xinhuang landslide disaster emergency rescue headquarters that after the disaster, the three-level emergency, fire protection, public security, natural resources, and health forces of Hunan Province, cities and counties quickly rushed to the scene to carry out rescue and disposal work. As of press time, the on-site rescue force includes more than 350 people from the people's armed forces, fire protection, health care, public security, natural resources, emergency response, electric power and other departments, as well as town and village cadres.

At 11:35 on the same day, one missing person was rescued, and the medical staff at the scene judged that he had no vital signs. Since then, seven missing people have been rescued one after another, all of whom have no vital signs.

According to the survey of the local technical unit, the landslide body is 122 meters long, 88 meters wide, the thickness of the landslide body is 5 meters, and the total volume of the landslide body is about 50,000 cubic meters.

Grieved! All 8 people were killed

With constant high temperatures and torrential rains, summer weather is often particularly intense. In the context of climate change, extreme weather is also becoming more frequent.

According to the forecast of the National Climate Center, the overall deviation of the continental climate conditions this summer is heavier than the drought, the precipitation in the eastern monsoon region is generally more, the regional and periodic flood disasters are obvious, the extreme weather and climate events are more numerous, and the possibility of extreme heavy precipitation in local areas is greater.

Grieved! All 8 people were killed

How to protect yourself in extreme weather?

1. Understand the rainstorm warning signal and arrange travel carefully

The mainland rainstorm warning signal is divided into four levels: blue, yellow, orange and red. The issuance of a blue warning signal means that more than 50 mm of rain will fall in 12 hours, or it has reached more than 50 mm and the rain is likely to continue; A red alert means that more than 100 mm of rain will fall within 3 hours, or that it has reached more than 100 mm and the rain is likely to continue.

However, the continent is vast and has a complex and diverse climate, and the 50 mm of rainfall that also occurs in summer brings coolness to the coastal areas, but may bring disasters to the northwest region. Local meteorological departments follow the principle of localization and combine the characteristics of local meteorological disasters to issue local warning signals, so the public needs to pay attention to the early warning information issued by local meteorological stations.

Grieved! All 8 people were killed

What should I do if I receive an early warning signal? Meteorological disaster warnings can be roughly divided into two situations. Blue and yellow warning signals are "early warnings" – while it is still relatively calm, danger may be imminent and should not be taken lightly. For example, if you encounter a yellow warning signal for heavy rain, you should consider whether to cancel your travel plan and keep an eye on the weather changes.

Orange and red warning signals are generally issued as warnings are issued when severe weather is "ongoing" – severe weather has already occurred and is likely to escalate further. If you encounter an orange or red warning signal, you should not go out unless necessary, and try to stay in a safe area.

2. Frequent occurrence of strong convection Respond to three levels

The day suddenly turned to night, and the wind and hail came together. Spring and summer, especially in the afternoon, are the periods of high incidence of severe convective weather. Especially since the beginning of this year, the strong convection process has been relatively violent, causing disasters in many places to varying degrees.

Severe convection may bring one or more weather processes such as thunder, hail, heavy rain, and high winds. According to experts, among all kinds of rainfall clouds, strong convective cumulonimbus clouds can form denser heavy raindrops due to strong vertical movement of air, and the weakening of light by dense heavy raindrops will also lead to the phenomenon of "black day".

Grieved! All 8 people were killed

The urban area of Nanning, Guangxi under heavy rain, taken on June 16 (drone photo). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Hua

Strong convection has a fast, intense, and catastrophic effect, and often catches everyone off guard when it occurs.

Experts warn that when the public is concerned about severe convective weather, they can prepare accordingly for three different levels. In the stage when meteorological departments issue probability forecasts, the attention and frequency of weather forecasts can be increased; After the early warning is issued, consideration should be given to reducing going out and strengthening infrastructure; When severe convective weather is coming, move to a safe place as soon as possible and take shelter in a sturdy building.

3. Frequent high temperatures to avoid heat stroke

With the intensification of global warming, in recent years, the continental high temperature weather has been characterized by an earlier date of first episode, an increase in the frequency of occurrence, an increase in the cumulative number of days, a wider range of influences, and an increase in comprehensive intensity. This year, the high temperature weather in the mainland has obvious phased change characteristics, June is mainly in North China, Huanghuai and other places with a large number of high temperature days and strong intensity, and it is expected that the midsummer (July to August) will be mainly in Jiangnan, South China and other places.

Grieved! All 8 people were killed

On June 18, at the construction site of the third phase of the Olympic Sports Project in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, the workers of China Construction Second Bureau were drinking water to relieve the heat. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Zhu Jipeng)

Hot weather increases the risk of heat stroke and can lead to heat stroke in severe cases. Try to choose the morning when you go out in summer, and avoid traveling during the hot hours at noon. Take the necessary precautions when traveling, such as wearing a parasol, applying sunscreen, etc., and bring plenty of water and heatstroke medicine.

In case of heat stroke, the patient should be immediately removed from the high temperature and high humidity environment and rehydrated. Experts remind that a large amount of alcohol scrub bath, pinching people and other "local methods" to reduce the heatstroke are not feasible, and improper treatment will aggravate the condition. If a person with heat stroke becomes unconscious or unconscious, he or she should be sent to a medical institution as soon as possible.

The public should pay attention to ventilation and heat dissipation in the process of using electrical equipment to prevent fires caused by moisture corrosion or excessive temperature of components; Relevant enterprises should strengthen the safety management of flammable and explosive dangerous goods storage tanks, warehouses, and open-air storage places, and take targeted measures such as cooling to prevent explosions and fires caused by rupture and leakage of storage tanks and pipelines due to long-term high temperature and increased pressure.