
Anti-narcotics propaganda has been carried out in rural areas to build a strong line of defense and defend the homeland

author:New times, new things
Anti-narcotics propaganda has been carried out in rural areas to build a strong line of defense and defend the homeland

In June National Anti-drug Publicity Month, in order to further intensify the anti-drug propaganda work, improve the villagers' ability to recognize, prevent and reject drugs, strictly prevent the occurrence of illegal cultivation of drug plants, reduce the harm of drugs, and build a strong national anti-drug defense line, on June 27, the Lingqiu County Narcotics Control Office, together with the People's Government of Luoshuihe Township, the Luoshuihe Police Station and the Lingqiu County Community Drug Treatment and Community Rehabilitation Service Center, launched a drug prevention education activity with the theme of "Anti-drug Propaganda into the Rural Areas to Build a Strong Line of Defense and Defend the Homeland" in Luoshuihe Village, Luoshuihe Township.

Anti-narcotics propaganda has been carried out in rural areas to build a strong line of defense and defend the homeland

During the activity, anti-drug propaganda staff distributed anti-drug leaflets to the villagers, and explained the harm of drugs and the legal consequences of drug-related crimes through drug simulation models. Based on the actual situation in rural areas, the villagers should be guided to understand the legal responsibilities that need to be borne by illegally cultivating opium poppy, marijuana and other narcotic plants. Through publicity, the villagers are made aware of the harm of drug abuse to individuals, families and society, comprehensively and deeply popularize anti-drug knowledge, and call on villagers to raise their anti-drug awareness, stay away from drugs and refuse drugs.

Anti-narcotics propaganda has been carried out in rural areas to build a strong line of defense and defend the homeland

This activity is conducive to deepening the understanding of the villagers in the jurisdiction of the anti-drug work, enhancing the awareness of the villagers to identify, prevent and stay away from drugs, pay attention to self-protection, and firmly establish the concept of "cherishing life and staying away from drugs", so that the anti-drug propaganda is close to life and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and has achieved good publicity results, and has also laid the foundation for the creation of a national anti-drug civilization demonstration city. (Deng Hua, Song Ying)