
Gallery|Deep Middle Passage, the night view is new!

author:South + client

On June 27, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor officially announced that it will be opened for trial operation on the 30th of this month.

Gallery|Deep Middle Passage, the night view is new!

Night view of the artificial island in the west of the Shenzhong Passage. Nanfang + Shi Lei shooting

On the occasion of the opening of traffic, the Shenzhong Passage was lit up across the board. The night view of the western artificial island is stunning, and when viewed from the air, the lights are bright, like a golden "sea kunpeng".

Gallery|Deep Middle Passage, the night view is new!

The artificial island in the west of the Shenzhong Passage is lit up, like a golden "sea kunpeng". Nanfang + Shi Lei shooting

Standing on the island and looking around, you can see the night view of the bay area at a glance.

Gallery|Deep Middle Passage, the night view is new!

View of the Shenzhong Bridge from the west artificial island of the Shenzhong Passage. Photo by Nanfang + Li Shanheng

Gallery|Deep Middle Passage, the night view is new!

The artificial island in the west of the Shenzhong Passage is lit up. Photo by Nanfang + Li Shanheng

The Zhongshan Bridge is like a golden dragon, lying across the ocean.

Gallery|Deep Middle Passage, the night view is new!

Zhongshan Bridge in the Shenzhong Passage. Nanfang + Ye Zhiwen shooting

Many citizens overlook the night view of the Shenzhong Passage on Ma'an Island, Cuiheng New District, Zhongshan.

Gallery|Deep Middle Passage, the night view is new!

Many citizens overlook the night view of the Shenzhong Passage on Ma'an Island, Cuiheng New District, Zhongshan. Nanfang + Ye Zhiwen shooting

【Photography】Shi Lei, Ye Zhiwen, Li Shanheng

[Writing] Southern + reporter Zeng Yanchun

【Author】 Shi Lei; Ye Zhiwen; LI Shanheng; Zeng Yanchun

[Source] Southern Press Media Group Southern + client