
Great Plains (377)|The Passing Red Scarf

author:Quality Binzhou
Great Plains (377)|The Passing Red Scarf

Fleeting red scarf

Text/Zhang Hongzhi

In the first half of the seventies of the twentieth century, it was a quiet village in the hometown of the ancient Qi Kingdom, with beautiful mountains and rivers and simple folk customs.

On an early autumn evening, a burly young boy with a jade tree in the wind wrapped a red scarf around the neck of a slender girl with a bright face, and the two young people hugged each other tightly and complained to each other. This red scarf is a token of their love and a witness to each other's life. Tomorrow the boy will go to Shanghai to study at the university and realize his dream. The girl rubbed the red ribbon, and the pear blossom looked at her boyfriend with rain, reluctant to give up. The boy said firmly; "I'll come back and marry you when I graduate!" The girl nodded deeply and looked at her lover emotionally, unable to part.

The boy Xiangyun embarked on the road of struggle, overcoming obstacles all the way, singing and forging ahead, and the good news continued. In the spring of the second year, the girl Ruixue was introduced by relatives and friends to a scientific research unit as a typist, and found a favorite and decent job, stable and down-to-earth. The parents of both parties were very satisfied with the marriage of their children and held an engagement ceremony in accordance with the customs of their hometown. Since then, he has been walking back and forth in the name of his children's in-laws.

The arrival of Ruixue is like a spring breeze, blowing the ripples on the surface of the lake, bringing life to this mechanical and old-fashioned unit. Ruixue is a natural beauty, beautiful and refined, with autumn water in her eyes.

Xiaoxue is not only good-looking, but also kind-hearted and easy-going, and always has a kind smile on her face. There are more men and fewer women in scientific research units, and some single college students are like bees collecting honey, buzzing around Xiaoxue all day long, and some people even openly and boldly show their love, Xiaoxue refuses all of them, just because she has her people in her heart.

During this period, Ruixue and Xiangyun passed the book almost every day, pouring out their feelings of longing, in the "paper is short and long", the letters are thickened day by day, and the feelings are changing with each passing day. Perhaps inspired by love, Xiangyun excels in his studies and is the best in every exam. He was very good at his homework in high school, and it was only because of the "Cultural Revolution" that he lost the opportunity to take the college entrance examination. At present, he used his practical actions to show the philosophy that "gold always shines".

When people were envious of the young man and blessed the "little couple", the situation took an unexpected turn. In fact, everyone's growth trajectory will never be staged according to the script designed by others, or even the opposite. The ancients said: If you are not careful, you will lose all the games. In my opinion, the road of life is full of pitfalls, but also full of malicious temptations, the slightest carelessness, will be a catastrophe, therefore, completely change the fate of life.

Among the people who pursued Ruixue, there was a pair of dark and vicious eyes staring at her, and this person was her top boss, Director Yin. Although he already has a family, but that lewd heart does not die, he used his power to give a small favor to Rui Xue, using the official wish as a bait to launch a strategy, but Rui Xue was not moved by it at all. On a cold winter night, Ruixue was suffering from appendicitis, and Director Yin personally drove a jeep to the hospital, contacted the hospital, contacted the surgeon, and arranged for the unit personnel to take turns to take care of the duty. This is Ruixue's most painful and difficult moment, she can't bear to disturb her lover who is thousands of miles away, and insists on carrying it herself. After Ruixue recovered from illness and was discharged from the hospital, Director Yin asked for warmth, sent nutritional products, and visited Xiaoxue's single dormitory every morning and evening, and was very attentive.

The famous writer Liu Qing once said: "Although the road of life is long, there are often only a few steps at the critical point, especially when people are young." Rui Xue's physical pain, mental loneliness and helplessness in the "critical place" finally fell into Director Yin's long-planned trap......

Once the news spread, the impact was enormous. Although the unit gave the scumbag Yin a "double opening", Ruixue was also punished by the unit, and was deployed to a unit at the mouth of the Yellow River 100 kilometers away.

When Xiangyun learned the news, his heart was broken and he was in pain, and he kept torturing himself: Why did she betray her? It was originally agreed that I would go home and get married on the "Eleventh" this year! Both families are also ready. The unbearable reality shattered all this beauty, and this strong man almost collapsed. After several painful thoughts, tossing and struggling, Xiangyun made the most difficult choice in his life: to break the marriage contract.

Maybe it's best to divert your energy. After that, Xiangyun devoted himself to studying. His talent and diligence have won the appreciation of his mentors, and his personality has also been highly praised by his mentors. So, the mentor personally acted as a matchmaker to marry his daughter to him, and the marriage was completed when he graduated. Xiangyun was assigned to a national key scientific research unit in Beijing, and the bride went to Beijing with Xiangyun to work as a university teacher. Time flies, time flies. Hemei's family has injected great impetus into Xiangyun, and his career has been opened, and he has won a number of patents in material scientific research, and his scientific research results have been applied to the field of military and national defense, making great contributions to the motherland. After his retirement, he entered Beijing and lived in the minister's building to recuperate. The son is gifted, inherited his father's mantle, has made many achievements in scientific research and academics, and has become famous, and the future is promising.

Ruixue was unrecognizable within a few days of the incident, and fell into the abyss of her life, she completely collapsed, lost her spirit, and was admitted to the hospital. After a period of treatment and recuperation, she was able to survive tenaciously through nameless weeds. Accompanied by kind colleagues, carrying the cover roll, the passenger car went to the distribution place - the mouth of the Yellow River. At that time, the estuary was full of red wattles, reeds and large areas of saline-alkali land, swampy and muddy, and the air was full of the smell of sea and purple mud. Looking to the east, the sea and the sky are connected, and the dark clouds are hanging low, shading the sun and avoiding the sun, which is depressing. The gray crane circled and let out a terrifying chirp. Although the season has just arrived in the Mid-Autumn Festival, the autumn wind is howling, and the wind is harsh, making people shudder.

Su Dongpo once said: "This place of peace is my hometown" at the end of the day, how can the corner of the sea be Ruixue's hometown? How could she be at ease here? She misses Xiangyun day and night, and deeply repents of her mistakes, he has always lived in thoughts and confessions, thoughts and confessions tear her mood, ravage her heart, and flood her heart.

Three years later, when a colleague from the former unit came to visit her, they couldn't believe her eyes when they saw her in person: her hair was yellow and fluttering in the wind, like weeds in late autumn; The skin is rough and described as withered, like the yellow leaves of an ash tree in late autumn; The eyes are dull and the orbits are shriveled, like two dry puddles of saltwater. Compared to three years ago, she was always chattering and confessing and even cursing herself. Just like the heroine Mathilde in the French writer Maupassant's "Necklace", she is more like Lu Xun's Xianglin sister-in-law. Poor Ruixue actually combined the sorrows of two sad women at home and abroad. This is not enough, she will chew her thoughts and repentance every day in the days to come, just like the mouth of the Yellow River - there is no end!

"Life is a lover, and this hatred has nothing to do with the wind and the moon." After another three years, on a crisp autumn afternoon, Ruixue put on the clothes she had made a lifelong agreement with Xiangyun, wore the red scarf, and walked towards the sea to the east, with a faint sadness on her face. Walking to the beach, she took off the red scarf and threw it into the air with all her strength, and the red scarf floated in the air with infinite thoughts, hovering in the air for several weeks, and then drifting to the north, far north. It's like the hat that Kyoko Yasugi threw into the air in the Japanese movie "Human Witness" in the seventies, constantly floating in the air and in the valley. She stood and looked far away until she saw the red scarf broken. Ruixue turned around and ran calmly towards the sea, her face was not afraid, she washed her body with the blue water of impurity and repentance, washed away the stains left by foul words, so that the wounded heart could be purified, and the wounded heart could be finally comforted. The water was waist-deep, the water reached her neck, and in the haze the sea flooded her head, and the snowflakes finally melted into the sea, without a single echo, without the slightest wave......

Since then, who has believed in the proverb "Ruixue Trillion Year"? I don't believe it.