
Summer is the time to nourish your mind!

author:Dr. Ho Wah

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the heart is the house of the gods, the master of blood, the sect of the veins, the head of the five organs, and plays an important role in dominating the life activities of the human body.

So, how to nourish the heart in summer?

Summer is the time to nourish your mind!

1. Nourishing heart qi, traditional Chinese medicine believes that summer qi and heart qi are connected, the heart is the main blood vessel, and the yang qi is abundant, and the heart and blood will be smooth.

Lack of heart qi will manifest as chest tightness, fear of cold, palpitation, shortness of breath, and fatigue. At this time, it is necessary to replenish the heart and qi.

2. Living heart and blood, Chinese medicine believes that blood is the tongue of the soul, and the heart is the main god. Heart and blood deficiency, manifested by dizziness, uncertainty, pale lips. At this time, it is necessary to nourish the heart and blood.

Summer is the time to nourish your mind!

3. Cleansing the liver fire, traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is the main emotion, the five elements of the heart belong to fire, the liver belongs to wood, and wood can make fire.

Therefore, after the liver depression turns into fire, it is easy to affect the heart.

It is manifested as psychological irritability, emotional instability, and easy insomnia, so if you want to nourish your heart, you must clear the liver fire.

If you are on fire, you are prone to mouth ulcers, and you need to reduce the fire at this time.

Summer is the time to nourish your mind!

4. Nourishing yin blood, Chinese medicine believes that the mind needs to be nourished by yin blood.

It is easy to panic as soon as summer arrives, especially when you wake up at noon, your heartbeat is particularly strong.

Especially, I feel very annoyed at night, I can't sleep, my whole body is hot, and my hands and feet are hot.

At this time, it is necessary to nourish yin and nourish blood.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, so when there is any discomfort, it is best to seek medical attention in time and not blindly use medicine.