
Ending quickly? Reuse [Zhuru + Ochre], clear the heart and release heat, and fix the essence!

author:Haruyama Medical Officer

The heart, the official of the sovereign, governs the spiritual activities of people, and if the mind is stable, the essence is stable;

The liver, the general's officer, regulates and discharges people's qi, and the liver qi is comfortable, so there is enough time.


If the heart is reckless, and the fire will follow, then the essence will not be solid.

If the liver is depressed and the tendons are lost, the time is short.

These two reasons, in the clinical treatment, should be based on the concept of treating fire and calming the nerves, and the two drugs of bamboo ru and ochre should be explored, and the effect is remarkable.

Ending quickly? Reuse [Zhuru + Ochre], clear the heart and release heat, and fix the essence!

1. Boiled bamboo

Bamboo Ru, the middle layer of the stem of the green pole bamboo or light bamboo, is cool and slightly cold, moist and dry, can clear away heat and trouble, calm the mind and open the depression.

2. Substitute ochre

Ochre, for the oxide mineral corundum hematite, bitter and cold, heavy sedimentation, long in the town of the latent liver yang, clear the liver fire.

The combination of two medicines can reduce fire and eliminate annoyance, calm the mind and calm the nerves, fix the essence and prolong the time.

Ending quickly? Reuse [Zhuru + Ochre], clear the heart and release heat, and fix the essence!

Practical medical cases:

The patient, Mr. Li, 33 years old, was counted in seconds.

Immediate symptoms:

1. The time is short, and the wind is tearful;

2. Emotional anxiety, chest and flank swelling;

3. Upset, insomnia, frequent sighing;

4. The tongue is red, yellow, and the veins are stringy.

Ending quickly? Reuse [Zhuru + Ochre], clear the heart and release heat, and fix the essence!

The patient's emotional discomfort leads to liver stagnation and qi stagnation, which turns into fire over time, disturbs the mind at the top and causes insomnia, and disturbs the essence at the bottom and causes early exit.

Therefore, the comprehensive dialectic is: the liver is depressed and turns into fire, disturbs the mind, and the essence is not solid;

There are also 3 aspects of treatment that should be followed:

Ending quickly? Reuse [Zhuru + Ochre], clear the heart and release heat, and fix the essence!

I. Liver Theory

Bupleurum chinensis, citrus aurantium, and white peony are used to relieve liver depression, make qi and organs smooth, relieve anxiety, chest and flank swelling, etc.

2. Clear the mind and calm the nerves

Sour jujube kernels, acacia bark, and shou wu vine all enter the heart and liver meridians, which can calm the nerves and relieve depression, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, improve the quality of sleep, and make the essence stable.

Ending quickly? Reuse [Zhuru + Ochre], clear the heart and release heat, and fix the essence!

3. Extinguish the fire and fix the pass

Prunella vulgaris and skullcap clear the real fire of the liver and gallbladder, and Zhuru and ochre flatten the liver and latent yang, vent fire and calm the heart, and solidify the essence.

The patient took 1 course of treatment, his sleep improved, his mood improved, and after taking 1 course of treatment, the symptoms disappeared and the effect was gratifying.