
Japan and Europe have secretly negotiated and carefully laid out the arrangements for several years, and now, the "muzzle" is once aimed at China, the United States and Russia

author:Weapons Review
Japan and the EU have secretly negotiated and carefully arranged for several years, seized the opportunity to enhance their military defense capabilities, and openly aimed their "guns" at China, the United States, and Russia.

Recent developments suggest that the EU is seeking to deepen cooperation in the areas of security and defense with Asian countries Japan and South Korea, a strategy that represents a geopolitical shift – a marked increase in Europe's focus on the security environment in the Asia-Pacific region.

Japan and Europe have secretly negotiated and carefully laid out the arrangements for several years, and now, the "muzzle" is once aimed at China, the United States and Russia

(Illustration: Japan and Europe plan to cooperate in the fields of economy and military)

According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the purpose of this cooperation is to jointly develop military equipment, and it is also the first time that the EU has carried out in-depth cooperation with Asian partners in this field.

In an interview with the Global Times, experts said that if the EU, Japan and South Korea finally reach relevant agreements, the cooperation between the three parties in areas such as weapons and equipment development will be significantly strengthened. Such linkages not only deepen political and economic ties, but more importantly, it will bring technological and resource complementarity to the participating countries, thereby enhancing their respective and common defense capabilities.

As for why this was done all of a sudden? It is likely that it is related to China and Russia behind it.

Normally, Europe has no geopolitical involvement with China, so for a long time, Europe has rarely intervened in Asian issues, and at most has followed the actions of the United States.

However, since the intensification of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in February 2022, Europe's security perception has undergone profound changes, prompting it to place greater emphasis on synergy with Asian countries, which means that European involvement in Asia will be imperative given the security situation going forward.

However, experts also pointed out that there are many challenges behind the cooperation between the EU and Japan, such as the United States, the strength of its own defense industry, and the difficulty of research and development technology. However, from the side, this may also be the key reason for strengthening cooperation and seeking cooperation.

Japan and Europe have secretly negotiated and carefully laid out the arrangements for several years, and now, the "muzzle" is once aimed at China, the United States and Russia

(Illustration: Japan and Europe plan to merge the "Tempest" and F-X fighters to launch a new generation of fighters)

Specifically, first, the cooperation between Japan and the EU has the potential to improve the level of defense technology of both countries, reduce R&D and production costs, and expand hardware sales channels.

For Japan, cooperation with technologically advanced European countries not only provides access to advanced technical support, but also reduces its own financial pressure by sharing R&D costs.

For the EU, the partnership with Japan will provide an opportunity for EU countries' defense industries to further converge, jointly develop new types of equipment, and broaden procurement sources to strengthen the defense capabilities of member states.

In March 2024, the European Union released its first European Defence Industry Strategy, which marks the integration of member states in terms of weapons development and increased production. This move by the EU clearly demonstrates the power of collective action and the importance of deepening ties with other "like-minded countries" such as Japan and South Korea.

The joint statement of the defense ministers of the United Kingdom, Japan and Italy at the end of 2023 is another proof of its careful planning for several years.

It is reported that the three countries plan to develop a next-generation fighter with performance that surpasses the current US F-35 fighter by 2035. Specifically, it is to integrate the British "Storm" fighter project and Japan's F-X project, and accelerate the research and development progress of a new generation of fighters through resource sharing and technology integration, and enhance military capabilities and technological advantages.

Japan and Europe have secretly negotiated and carefully laid out the arrangements for several years, and now, the "muzzle" is once aimed at China, the United States and Russia

(Illustration: Japan's independent research and development of fighter jets is largely limited by American technology)

Behind this, however, lies a difficult journey that no one knows.

Japan originally intended to independently develop a fighter called "Shinshin", but had to give up due to the lack of technical support and cooperation from the United States, and then tried to cooperate with the United States to develop a fifth-generation fighter that integrates the F-22 fuselage and the F-35 flight control system.

However, in the face of the harsh conditions put forward by the United States, Japan finally chose to back down.

This undoubtedly shows that in addition to strengthening its own strength in order to gain an advantage in confronting China and Russia, Japan may also want to gain bargaining chips with the United States in arms purchases.

However, during this period, it is likely that the other side will interfere because it touches on the interests of the United States.

However, military cooperation of any kind should not lead to an escalation of tensions in the region or pose a threat to third countries. As Zhou Yongsheng, a professor at the Institute of International Relations at China Foreign Affairs University, pointed out, cooperation between the EU, Japan, and the ROK should be based on not targeting any third party or harming the interests of other countries, and ensuring that it does not undermine regional peace and stability.