
I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a yard on the first floor, and a year later I resold it at a loss!

author:The little witch of the house

After considering a lot of problems when buying a house, I decided to follow the advice in my heart and buy a house with a "yard on the first floor", so that I can listen to the wind and rain in my yard in my spare time, and drink tea when I have nothing to do.

But in less than a year after moving into the house with a yard on the first floor, I felt that even if I lost money, I would have to resell it, which was really heartbreaking!

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a yard on the first floor, and a year later I resold it at a loss!

First of all, let's talk about why I chose the house with "ground floor with yard":

1. Have your own independent space

Choosing a house with a yard on the first floor, the first thing I like is that it has its own independent space, which can raise flowers and vegetables, especially for pet families, so that the pets at home can have enough space to move.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a yard on the first floor, and a year later I resold it at a loss!

2. There is no elevator on the first floor

If you live on the 1st floor, you don't have to wait for the elevator, you can open the door directly and go out, which is very convenient, and if your community can also change the door, then your 1st floor can be directly connected to the community is more convenient.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a yard on the first floor, and a year later I resold it at a loss!

3. Leisure time

When I bought a house with a yard on the first floor, I imagined a beautiful scene in the future, drinking tea in the yard in my spare time, and having my own barbecue in the courtyard after my friends came, which was very beautiful when I thought about it.

That's why I decided to buy it resolutely after seeing the "first floor with yard", but the problems that happened after buying it broke my heart!

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a yard on the first floor, and a year later I resold it at a loss!

Secondly, let's talk about why I sold the house "with yard on the first floor" at a loss:

1. Sewer blockage

Do you think that I want to say that the sewer on the first floor is blocked, but in fact it is not, I directly changed the sewer to a separate sewer during the renovation.

And the blockage I'm talking about is not in the building, but in the yard, there is a public sewer in the whole community, and it is easy to block when it rains on a cloudy day, and it is also a well for the whole community, you think how disgusting it is.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a yard on the first floor, and a year later I resold it at a loss!

2. High-altitude projectiles

The sadness of living on the ground floor is to throw garbage down at every turn, whether it is in the day or night, sometimes in the middle of the night I am suddenly woken up by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, it is really distressing, and I can't find anyone, there is no human injury, and no one cares, it is really heartbreaking!

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a yard on the first floor, and a year later I resold it at a loss!

3. Neighborly relationship

When you first planted flowers in your yard, neighbors always came to you and asked if you bought your yard? Is there a contract? I always asked and I had to explain over and over again, and someone went to the property to report me, saying that I used the public space privately, as if I had taken advantage of everyone after I had this yard.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a yard on the first floor, and a year later I resold it at a loss!

4. Too much noise

In summer, because the weather is hot, I like to open the window directly to ventilate, but every morning after about 5 o'clock there will be the sound of the property staff cleaning up and the sound of sending children to school in the morning, which is very noisy, so that people can't rest well at all!

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a yard on the first floor, and a year later I resold it at a loss!

5. Privacy is not good

The neighbor may not mean to look at my house, but sometimes I will inadvertently raise my eyes and look at the people outside, which is very embarrassing, and I have thought of a lot of ways, but it will affect the lighting in the home, and it is useless!

After spending a lot of money, I found that there was no curtains that worked, and I spent money in vain!

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a yard on the first floor, and a year later I resold it at a loss!

6. Troublesome maintenance

After I have a small courtyard, I know that any landscape in the small courtyard needs to be maintained, for example, a circle of small stones in the middle of my road needs to be filled every year, otherwise there will be loopholes, which is very ugly!

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a yard on the first floor, and a year later I resold it at a loss!

7. The equipment in the hospital is sheltered from rain and cold

Like a small chair or a small table in your own yard, if you can't keep it waterproof and cold, you need to look at the weather forecast in advance and move it home in time, otherwise you will harvest a dilapidated yard in the early morning after the rain.

But there's no guarantee that you'll have time to read the weather forecast every day, and if you're not careful, you'll have to work harder in the morning.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a yard on the first floor, and a year later I resold it at a loss!

That's why after experiencing the "first floor with yard", I resolutely decided to give up this house and live honestly upstairs.

Living upstairs will not have so many things, you can open the window if you want, and you don't have to worry about privacy leakage and high-light throwing in the middle of the night, just live your own life.

I didn't listen to persuasion and bought a house with a yard on the first floor, and a year later I resold it at a loss!

Summary at the end of the article:

Ladies and gentlemen, do you think it is better to have a "first floor with a yard" or an upstairs resident? You can write your thoughts in the comment area and let's discuss it together!

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