
I found out that my husband and my best friend had a secret past, and I chose to leave

author:Xiaoqing's emotional story

Every woman wants her marriage to be happy, but when reality gave me a resounding slap in the face, my whole world collapsed.

The beginning of things was so uneventful. That night, I was watching a TV series on the sofa with my husband Li Ming, and my phone accidentally fell out of his pocket. The moment the screen lit up, I spotted an unfamiliar WeChat message. Out of curiosity, I picked up his phone and clicked on the message.

I found out that my husband and my best friend had a secret past, and I chose to leave

"I had a lot of fun last night, let's make an appointment next time."

The message came from a man named "Xin'er". My heart tightened, and I immediately felt a hint of unease. My husband Li Ming seemed to notice my abnormality, and hurriedly grabbed the phone, and said in a relaxed tone: "Oh, it's a colleague from the company, it's not a big deal." But his flustered expression and stiff smile made me even more suspicious.

That night, I tossed and turned, and my thoughts were full of thoughts. The next day, I decided to investigate this "Xin'er". When I looked through Li Ming's WeChat chat history, that name appeared in front of my eyes: Yang Xin, my best friend. From those intimate conversations and frequent dating records, I gradually pieced together a heartbreaking picture.

Yang Xin and I are college classmates, and we have kept in touch since graduation and know each other well. Li Ming and her also met because of me, and I never thought that there would be any ambiguous relationship between them. At that moment, I felt like the whole world was laughing at me. I don't want to accept this brutal truth, but the truth is in front of me and there is no escape.

For the rest of the day, it was as if I had fallen into a bottomless pit. Every time I see Li Ming and Yang Xin's messages, my heart hurts like being cut by a knife. I didn't dare to directly confront Li Ming and Yang Xin because I was afraid that the truth would be more cruel. I hope it's just a misunderstanding, but every time I comfort myself, it's ruthlessly broken by reality.

Finally, one day, I decided to face it all. That night, I asked Yang Xin out for coffee. We sat in a familiar café, and everything around us didn't seem to change, except for my heart.

I found out that my husband and my best friend had a secret past, and I chose to leave

"Yang Xin," I tried to control my emotions and asked softly, "Do you and Li Ming really have a past?" ”

Yang Xin obviously didn't expect me to ask this question directly, she was stunned for a moment, and then smiled reluctantly, "What are you talking about?" We're just ordinary friends. ”

Her answer made me even angrier, but I held back and continued, "Don't lie to me anymore, I saw your chats. I just want to know, why? ”

Yang Xin's face turned pale instantly, and she lowered her head, not daring to look into my eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I don't know how it came to be like this. That was a long time ago, and we thought we could hide it from you, but we didn't expect ......."

Her every word was like a stab in my heart. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, and tears flowed down my face. "You're my best friend, why do this to me?" I confronted her crying.

Yang Xin was speechless and could only apologize constantly. At that moment, my heart was completely dead. When I got home, I told Li Ming everything. He was still denying it at first, but after I came up with evidence, he finally admitted it.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoya. I was wrong, really wrong. That was a long time ago, and we had lost contact. I beg you, give me a chance. Li Ming knelt on the ground and burst into tears.

But I know I can't forgive them. Whether or not their relationship is really over, the damage of this betrayal is irreparable. I need time and space to find myself again. So, I made the difficult decision to leave.

I found out that my husband and my best friend had a secret past, and I chose to leave

On the day I left, I packed my bags and left a letter for Li Ming. In the letter, I wrote: "Li Ming, I once thought that we would be happy forever, but reality has taught me a heavy lesson.

I can't continue this marriage because my heart aches whenever I think about you and Yang Xin. Maybe one day, I'll be relieved, but that will take time. I hope you understand, and I hope you can do well. ”

I left the home we lived in together and went to a strange city to start a new life. Although there is still pain in my heart, I know that this is the best choice.

In the dead of night, I think about the past, but I also understand that there will always be ups and downs in life, and every pain is an opportunity to grow.

This experience made me stronger and taught me that the most important thing is to learn to love yourself. I hope that all those who have experienced betrayal can find their own happiness.