
Is it reasonable? The hospital charges seat fees for infusion, indicating that it meets the regulations, netizens: You will have to bring your own stool in the future

author:Full of positive energy

According to surging news reports, there have been many hospitals where the news of infusion of patients has been charged seat fees has rushed to the hot search, some patients have been charged 5 yuan for infusion in children's hospitals, and some places have been charged 10 yuan, such as Ningxia, Hunan, Jiangxi and other hospitals. You know, I don't seem to have heard of the seat fee for infusion before, and I have already paid the registration fee and inspection fee, so is the seat not included?

Is it reasonable? The hospital charges seat fees for infusion, indicating that it meets the regulations, netizens: You will have to bring your own stool in the future

In this regard, the relevant medical insurance bureau said that the seat fee is reasonable and in line with the relevant regulations, but such regulations are really confusing. It can be seen from the charging voucher that a group of seats is clearly remarked with ten yuan, and there are two seat fees on a charging voucher, one is ten yuan, and the other is five yuan, which can be regarded as a clear price.

Is it reasonable? The hospital charges seat fees for infusion, indicating that it meets the regulations, netizens: You will have to bring your own stool in the future
Is it reasonable? The hospital charges seat fees for infusion, indicating that it meets the regulations, netizens: You will have to bring your own stool in the future

The so-called infusion seat, that is, an infusion rod is added next to the ordinary seat, which is similar to the one in the picture, to be honest, there is actually no technical content, and there should be no production cost, not to mention that if it is purchased in bulk by the hospital, the cost can be reduced even lower.

Is it reasonable? The hospital charges seat fees for infusion, indicating that it meets the regulations, netizens: You will have to bring your own stool in the future

In this regard, some netizens said that they couldn't believe it was true, but now even the charging voucher has been placed in front of them, and there is no way to believe it.

Is it reasonable? The hospital charges seat fees for infusion, indicating that it meets the regulations, netizens: You will have to bring your own stool in the future

Some netizens also raised questions, will there be a needle fee and a needle collection fee in the next step? These two fees seem to be charged now, and compared with the seat fee, it actually seems more reasonable, after all, the doctor needs to pay a certain amount of physical labor to give you a needle, and the delicate work of needle pricking is not something that anyone can do, so there is still a certain reason for charging needle fees and needle collection fees.

Is it reasonable? The hospital charges seat fees for infusion, indicating that it meets the regulations, netizens: You will have to bring your own stool in the future

Some netizens joked that the seats are charged, and the toilet will also be charged? Some netizens replied below that maybe the current charges are all included in it, but they are not publicly displayed, and anything you have used will have to pay a price.

Is it reasonable? The hospital charges seat fees for infusion, indicating that it meets the regulations, netizens: You will have to bring your own stool in the future

Some netizens ridiculed that when they go to the hospital to hang water in the future, they have to bring a stool by themselves to avoid charges, but some netizens commented that it is not okay to bring a stool by yourself, and the floor fee will be charged. If that's the case, it's too much, and you have to charge for everything.

Is it reasonable? The hospital charges seat fees for infusion, indicating that it meets the regulations, netizens: You will have to bring your own stool in the future

Some netizens said in the comment area that every time the nurse measures your body temperature and blood pressure, the doctor actually charges for each consultation, which may have no basis, after all, it is his job to save lives and help the wounded in the hospital, and it should not be charged for such things as measuring body temperature and blood pressure.

However, some netizens said that they were not allowed to take away the things they had paid for, such as ice packs for cooling, and basins, and the reason why they were not allowed to take them away may be due to the hospital's consideration of epidemic prevention.

Is it reasonable? The hospital charges seat fees for infusion, indicating that it meets the regulations, netizens: You will have to bring your own stool in the future

is really a knowledgeable netizen, and directly wrote a couplet, clearly charging for the fee, and seeing a doctor in a daze.

Is it reasonable? The hospital charges seat fees for infusion, indicating that it meets the regulations, netizens: You will have to bring your own stool in the future

Some netizens said that there is still a charge for the seat, which is really the first time I have heard of it, and it must be taken care of, otherwise it will become more and more impersonal in the future. I would like to ask a question here, if a person really has no money to pay for the seat, does he need an infusion and there is no way to get an infusion in the hospital?

Is it reasonable? The hospital charges seat fees for infusion, indicating that it meets the regulations, netizens: You will have to bring your own stool in the future

In short, as long as it is a reasonable charge, I believe that everyone will recognize, but the premise is that these charges must be given a reasonable basis, and the price is clearly marked, especially in the public welfare place of the hospital, it is necessary to strictly manage, and must take into account the human touch, the hospital is a place to save lives and help the wounded, and cannot be alienated into a trading place for buying and selling, only in this way can we truly satisfy the majority of patients!

Is it reasonable? The hospital charges seat fees for infusion, indicating that it meets the regulations, netizens: You will have to bring your own stool in the future

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