
Good books to read together||History of China's Dynasties: A Good Book for Each Dynasty on the List! Let's read the headlines

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Good books to read together||History of China's Dynasties: A Good Book for Each Dynasty on the List! Let's read the headlines

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Today's Booklist: (Read below for details)

Xia: The Course of Civilization: The Xia Dynasty

Shang: "Shang Civilization" Douban: 9.3 points

Zhou: "History of the Western Zhou Dynasty" Douban: 9.1 points

Xia Shangzhou: "Jian Shang" Douban: 9.2 points

Spring and Autumn Warring States: "Spring and Autumn Left Biography Note" Douban: 9.7 points

Qin Dynasty: "Great Qin Empire" Douban: 8.7 points

Han Dynasty: "Xiangrui" Douban: 8.8 points

Three Kingdoms: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Douban: 9.4 points

Northern and Southern Dynasties: "Lectures on the History of the Northern and Southern Dynasties of the Wei and Jin Dynasties" Douban: 9.1 points

Sui Dynasty: "Book of Sui" scored 9.2 points on Douban

Tang Dynasty: "History of the Five Dynasties of the Sui and Tang Dynasties" scored 8.9 points on Douban

Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms: "The Power Structure of Northern China in the Five Dynasties Period" Douban: 8.0 points

Song Dynasty: "Tokyo Menghualu" Douban: 9.1 points

Yuan Dynasty: "Genghis Khan and the Formation of Today's World" Douban: 8.4 points

Ming Dynasty: "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" scored 9.2 points on Douban

Qing Dynasty: "Interview with the Palace Maid" Douban: 8.7 points


Xia: Speaking of the Xia Dynasty, there are many Western scholars, and even some of us scholars in China, who believe that it did not exist. But with the discovery of some antiquities, the mystery of the Xia Dynasty is gradually being revealed.

We can first get a preliminary understanding of this mysterious dynasty through books!

The Course of Civilization: The Xia Dynasty

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I believe that in the future, there will be more evidence about the Xia Dynasty to see the light of day, and one day the history of our Chinese civilization will sweep away all doubts with iron-clad facts.

Shang: The Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC – c. 1046 BC), the second dynasty in Chinese history, also known as the Yin Shang, was the first dynasty in China with direct written records of the same period.

"Shang Civilization", Zhang Guangzhi, Douban 9.3 points

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Shang, in the literature of the Zhou Dynasty, was first and foremost the name of the royal family that achieved dynastic status. It was the title of a country ruled by the Shang royal family, and was also used to refer to the civilization created by the people of the Shang Kingdom and other contemporaries. Shang is also used to refer to the era in Chinese history that was ruled by the Shang dynasty. This book attempts to comprehensively present all aspects of Shang civilization from the perspectives of traditional historical documents, bronzes, divination armor and bones, archaeology, and theoretical models, and based on known archaeological discoveries and documentary materials.

Zhou: The Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC – 256 BC) was the third slave state in Chinese history after the Shang Dynasty. The Zhou Dynasty passed on a total of 32 generations of monarchs and 37 kings, enjoying the country for a total of 790 years. The Zhou Dynasty was divided into two periods: the Western Zhou (1046-771 BC) and the Eastern Zhou (770-256 BC).

Book: History of the Western Zhou Dynasty

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Until today. The historical and cultural development of the Western Zhou Dynasty should be known to those who are interested in understanding Chinese culture. Due to the fact that there are not many surviving documents in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and most of them have been compiled and revised by later generations, it is difficult to study the history of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and there are not many comprehensive studies. Mr. Yang Kuan's History of the Western Zhou Dynasty describes the historical development process of the Western Zhou Dynasty for 280 years, which is a more comprehensive study of the history of the Western Zhou Dynasty and a masterpiece of research in this field in the 20th century.

Xia Shang Zhou: "Jian Shang"

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This book mainly tells about the emergence and transformation of Chinese civilization. From the emergence of the Xia Dynasty (Erlitou Culture) 4,000 years ago to the fall of the Shang Dynasty and the establishment of the Western Zhou Dynasty 3,000 years ago, the time span is more than 1,000 years.

Spring and Autumn Warring States:

The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period (770 BC-221 BC) was an era of contention, talent, and academic activity. It is divided into two periods: the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

The Spring and Autumn Period, referred to as the Spring and Autumn Period, refers to the period from 770 BC to 476 BC and belonged to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the power of the King of Zhou weakened, and the princes were in dispute, and the Duke of Qi Huan, the Duke of Wen of Jin, the Duke of Xiang of Song, the Duke of Qin Mu, and the King of Chuzhuang successively claimed hegemony, and the history was known as the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period. The Warring States Period, referred to as the Warring States Period, refers to the period from 475 BC to 221 BC, which was the period from the late Eastern Zhou Dynasty to the unification of the Central Plains by the Qin Dynasty in Chinese history.

Notes on the Left Biography of the Spring and Autumn Period

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Qin Dynasty: The Qin Dynasty (221~207 BC) was the first unified feudal dynasty in Chinese history developed by the Qin State during the Warring States Period. King Yingzheng of Qin successively destroyed Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi, completing the great cause of unification. In 221 BC, Ying Zheng was called the emperor, and was known as "Qin Shi Huang" in history. The Qin Dynasty set up three princes and nine secretaries in the central government to manage national affairs; Locally, the feudal system was abolished and replaced by the county system; Implement the same text, the same track, and unified weights and measures. Attacking the Xiongnu in the north, conquering Baiyue in the south, building the Great Wall to resist foreign enemies, and digging a spiritual canal to open the water system.

Although the Qin Dynasty had a huge influence in history, it abused the power of the people and was unified for only fifteen years.

"Great Qin Empire"

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"The Great Qin Empire" is a long-volume historical novel that describes the process of the rise and fall of the Qin Dynasty. The Qin Empire rose to prominence in the midst of iron-blooded rivalry among the great powers, establishing a powerful and unified empire and creating a new iron civilization. But she only had fifteen years to live, and she passed away like a meteor. In this masterpiece of art, the writer tries to artistically reproduce, in the last years of the Warring States Period, the Qin State, which faced the disaster of the destruction of the country, was surrounded by foreign powers, starting from Qin Xiaogong, the road was blue, the law was changed to become strong, and after the unremitting efforts of several generations of monarchs and ministers, the arduous and tragic process of finally sweeping Liuhe and dominating the world.

Han Dynasty: Peasant uprising at the end of Qin, Liu Bang overthrew Qin and was named King of Han. Chu and Han fought for hegemony, Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu and called the emperor to establish the Han Dynasty, the capital of Chang'an, known as the Western Han Dynasty in history. Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty implemented the national policy of recuperation and recuperation, and created the "rule of Wenjing"; After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne, he implemented the Tui'en Order, "deposing the hundred schools of thought, respecting Confucianism alone", and strengthening the centralization of power.


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This book intercepts the historical fragment from Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty to Xin Mang, cuts in from the perspective of "auspiciousness", analyzes Wang Mang's personal, family and regime-related characters and events, and reproduces the wrestling between the Empress Dowager Wang Zhengjun, the maternal relatives Wang family, the royal family surnamed Liu, Confucian economists, bureaucrats and doctors in the political arena in the late Western Han Dynasty, and then re-examines Wang Mang at the center of the vortex to get a glimpse of him and the true face of the times.

Three Kingdoms: The Three Kingdoms (220-280) was a period of Chinese history that followed the Han Dynasty and preceded the Jin Dynasty. During this period, there were three main regimes: Cao Wei, Shu Han, and Eastern Wu.

Jin Dynasty: The Jin Dynasty (266 ~ 420 years) was a dynasty in Chinese history, which inherited the Three Kingdoms and opened the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and was divided into two periods: the Western Jin Dynasty and the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Among them, the Western Jin Dynasty is a unified dynasty in Chinese history, and the Eastern Jin Dynasty belongs to one of the six dynasties, with a total of 15 emperors in the two Jin Dynasty, a total of 155 years.

Six Dynasties: The Six Dynasties are also known as the Six Dynasties. The Six Dynasties (222–589) generally refer to the six dynasties in southern Chinese history, from the Three Kingdoms to the Sui Dynasty. The six dynasties of Wu, Eastern Jin Dynasty, Liu Song, Qi, Liang and Chen successively built their capitals in Jiankang (now Nanjing), and were named after the Tang Dynasty Xu Song recorded these six dynasties in the book "Jiankang Records", collectively referred to as the "Six Dynasties". At the same time, the Six Dynasties can also refer to the Six Dynasties of the Northern Dynasties. The Three Kingdoms Wei, Western Jin Dynasty, Northern Wei Dynasty, Northern Qi Dynasty, Northern Zhou Dynasty and Sui Dynasty were all built in the north, also known as the Six Dynasties, which was the general name of the north and south before the unification of the Three Kingdoms to the Sui Dynasty.

Sixteen Kingdoms: The Sixteen Kingdoms (304–439 [6]) was a period of great division in Chinese history. This period began in 304 when Li Xiong and Liu Yuan established the state of Cheng (Cheng Han) in Bashu in the Han Dynasty and the Han Zhao (Former Zhao) in the Central Plains, and ended in 439 when Emperor Taiwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty conquered the Northern Liang.

Northern and Southern Dynasties: The Northern and Southern Dynasties (420~589) are the collective names of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. During the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, southern and northern China were divided, from the Sixteen Kingdoms of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, starting with the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty by Liu Yu in 420 and ending with the destruction of the Southern Dynasty Chen by the Sui Dynasty in 589.

Lectures on the History of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties

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This book is compiled by the author from the notes of Chen Yinke. The publication of this note will play a role in the study of Mr. Chen's status and contribution in modern historiography and in the study of the history of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Sui Dynasty: The Sui Dynasty (581 ~ 618 years) was a great unified dynasty in Chinese history that inherited the Northern and Southern Dynasties and started the Tang Dynasty, enjoying the country for 37 years.

It was compiled by many people and was written in two stages, and it took 35 years from the beginning of the creation to the completion of the book. In the fourth year of Tang Wude (621 AD), Linghude put forward a proposal to repair the history of the five dynasties such as Liang, Chen, Northern Qi, Northern Zhou, and Sui. The following year, the Tang court ordered Shi Chen to edit it, but after a few years, the book was still not completed. In the third year of Zhenguan (629 AD), the history of the Five Dynasties was reconstructed, and Wei Zheng "always knew its affairs" and edited this book.

Tang Dynasty: The Tang Dynasty (618-907) was a unified Central Plains dynasty in Chinese history after the Sui Dynasty, with a total of 21 emperors and 289 years.

History of the Five Dynasties of the Sui and Tang Dynasty

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It was compiled by many people and was written in two stages, and it took 35 years from the beginning of the creation to the completion of the book. In the fourth year of Tang Wude (621 AD), Linghude put forward a proposal to repair the history of the five dynasties such as Liang, Chen, Northern Qi, Northern Zhou, and Sui. The following year, the Tang court ordered Shi Chen to edit it, but after a few years, the book was still not completed. In the third year of Zhenguan (629 AD), he rebuilt the history of the Five Dynasties and edited this book.

Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms: The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (907–979) was a period of great division in Chinese history. This title comes from the New History of the Five Dynasties, which is a collective name for the Five Dynasties (907-960) and the Ten Kingdoms (902-979).

The Power Structure of Northern China during the Five Dynasties

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It was compiled by many people and was written in two stages, and it took 35 years from the beginning of the creation to the completion of the book. In the fourth year of Tang Wude (621 AD), Linghude put forward a proposal to repair the history of the five dynasties such as Liang, Chen, Northern Qi, Northern Zhou, and Sui. The following year, the Tang court ordered Shi Chen to edit it, but after a few years, the book was still not completed. In the third year of Zhenguan (629 AD), the history of the Five Dynasties was rebuilt.

Song Dynasty: The Song Dynasty (960-1279) was a dynasty in Chinese history that inherited five dynasties and ten kingdoms under the Qiyuan Dynasty, divided into two stages, the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, with a total of 18 emperors and 319 years of reign.

The Song Dynasty was an era of high prosperity in China's history in terms of commodity economy, culture, education, and scientific innovation. In addition, during the Song Dynasty, Confucianism was revived, and Cheng Zhu Lixue was formed, with rapid development of science and technology and relatively enlightened politics.

Tokyo Dream

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After the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, the widow of the Northern Song Dynasty, who lived in Bianjing for more than 20 years, recalled the life of Bianjing, "frugal and romantic, human affection and beauty", I am afraid that time will pass, and later generations will lose it to the facts, so he combed the memory of the Bianjing style and the life of the people and wrote it into "Tokyo Menghualu", in order to hope that future generations of people "can open the book to see the prosperity of that time".

Yuan Dynasty: The Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) was the first unified dynasty established by ethnic minorities in Chinese history. It was 162 years from 1206 when Genghis Khan established the Mongol regime, and 98 years from Kublai Khan's establishment of the state name. After the Yuan Dynasty withdrew from the Central Plains, the Northern Yuan regime lasted until 1402.

Genghis Khan and the Making of Today's World

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Through anthropological fieldwork, the author has conducted extensive fieldwork in order to restore the true history on the basis of existing historical materials, covering Russia, China, Central Asia, Malacca, the Persian Gulf and other countries and regions. In particular, for this book, the author spent 18 years traveling in Mongolia and delving into the literature.

Ming Dynasty: Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), a dynasty in Chinese history, was established by Zhu Yuanzhang, the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. In the early days, the capital was built in Nanjing, and the capital was moved to Beijing during the Ming Dynasty. Sixteen emperors, a total of 276 years.

"Those Things in the Ming Dynasty"

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"Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" tells the history of the Ming Dynasty for three hundred years from 1344 to 1644. Based on historical materials, the work focuses on the era and specific characters, and uses the penmanship of the novel to present a panoramic view of the fate of the 17 emperors of the Ming Dynasty and other princes, magnates and small people, especially the officialdom politics, war, and imperial tricks. The work is also a romance of the political and economic system and human ethics of the Ming Dynasty.

Qing Dynasty: The Qing Dynasty (1636-1912) was the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history, with a total of 12 emperors, and the ruler was Aixinjue Luo. From the establishment of Houjin by Nurhachi, a total of 296 years. From the time Huang Taiji changed the name of the country to Qing. It was 268 years from the entry of the Qing army into the customs and the establishment of a national government.

"Interview with the Palace Maid"

This book vividly describes the memories of He Rong'er, a palace maid who served Cixi for eight years. At the beginning of each chapter in the book, the author writes about this old palace maid, or talking while doing needlework, or drinking tea in his spare time. Because it is said by witnesses, it is clearly organized and credible. The characters written, from the Empress Dowager to the palace maid and the little eunuch who have just entered the palace, are flesh and blood, extremely vivid, and there are many little-known details, whether from a literary point of view or from the perspective of historical materials, it is a rare good book.

I dedicate this book list to those who like to read books, and I hope you will have a good time in the journey of the sea of books!

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