
The world wanted China to send troops, but China sent 140,000 peasants, but few returned

author:Luohe City, Yuncheng District, I Ai My Family Health Center

The history of the last century is like a huge work with ups and downs. Among them, the two global wars are like sharp blades, which have brought deep trauma to mankind. Many brave soldiers and innocent people died in the smoke of war. However, China, a land with a long history, still shows tenacious vitality after experiencing the baptism of wind and rain.

The world wanted China to send troops, but China sent 140,000 peasants, but few returned

It has been mentioned that everyone has their own responsibilities, regardless of the state of the country. At that time, the situation in China was indeed very difficult, with internal and external troubles. However, the Chinese people did not choose to give up. Even if they can't directly join the battle of the war, they still show their strength in another way. Our people, who formed a force of 140,000 laborers, chose to set foot on a strange land, and with their efforts they provided a solid backing for victory in the war. These laborers, though not soldiers, were no less courageous; Although they are not generals, their contributions are no less great. They pay silently and work for the future of their country.

The world wanted China to send troops, but China sent 140,000 peasants, but few returned

Although ordinary workers do not have dazzling military exploits and dazzling medals, their contributions and sacrifices are also worthy of our deep memory. They paved the path to victory with their hands and nourished the flowers of peace with their sweat. They are like small but bright stars in the long river of history, guiding us forward. Their efforts are like lights that light up the night sky, giving us hope and strength.

The world wanted China to send troops, but China sent 140,000 peasants, but few returned

Looking back on the past history, we are proud of those workers who have quietly dedicated. They demonstrated their responsibility and responsibility with practical actions, and fully demonstrated the feelings of their family and country. We need to remember these great workers and be grateful for the peace and tranquility they brought us. In the same way, we hope that everyone will do their part for the prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation. Let's celebrate these selfless workers, who are our pride. We should cherish the peace and security they have brought us. We should be grateful for their contributions. Moreover, each of us should also contribute to the development of the country and the future of the nation.

The world wanted China to send troops, but China sent 140,000 peasants, but few returned
The world wanted China to send troops, but China sent 140,000 peasants, but few returned

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