
The United States made another big joke, the poor two American astronauts could not come back, or turn to China for help

author:Green Hill in the face of adversity

Edit|Aoyama in adversity

Text: The green mountains of adversity

When the "interstellar airliner" crossed the boundless universe, it was like the brightest star in the night sky, it not only carried the dream of human beings to explore the unknown, but also became a shining new star in the history of American aerospace. But the rise of this new star is not all smooth sailing, but accompanied by countless technical grinds and challenges, as well as countless postponements and expectations.

The United States made another big joke, the poor two American astronauts could not come back, or turn to China for help

The successful docking of the "Starliner" with the International Space Station is the crystallization of the sweat and wisdom of the astronauts, and the result of countless days and nights of hard work by the scientific and technological team. However, the scheduled return trip was postponed again and again due to various unforeseen difficulties, and every time we waited, it was a test of patience and perseverance, and every adjustment was a re-examination of technology and decision-making.

The United States made another big joke, the poor two American astronauts could not come back, or turn to China for help

For astronauts, the extended stay means a longer period of loneliness and the unknown, and they must face the silence and inner turmoil of deep space. But instead of flinching, they showed extraordinary tenacity and courage, a spirit that not only challenged their personal limits, but also celebrated the spirit of human exploration.

The United States made another big joke, the poor two American astronauts could not come back, or turn to China for help

Helium leakage, oxidizer control valve failure, propeller failure...... Every problem is like a test of the universe for an "interstellar airliner", and every troubleshooting is a test of the wisdom and determination of the technical team. This is not only a reconsideration of the launch decision, but also a deep torture of technical reliability.

The United States made another big joke, the poor two American astronauts could not come back, or turn to China for help

When the automatic docking system encountered problems, the astronauts relied on their superb professional skills to manually complete the precise docking with the space station. This moment is not only a triumph of technology, but also the best proof of human solidarity and calm response in the face of difficulties.

The United States made another big joke, the poor two American astronauts could not come back, or turn to China for help

As fuel dwindled, Starliners and NASA engineers faced a life-and-death battle. With limited time and resources, every decision can make the difference between success or failure of a mission and even a life.

The United States made another big joke, the poor two American astronauts could not come back, or turn to China for help

The technical failure of the "Starliner" has put Boeing on the cusp of public opinion again, and the road to rebuilding trust is long and difficult. This is not only a test for Boeing, but also a deep reflection on the entire space industry, reminding us that while technology is progressing, safety always comes first.

The United States made another big joke, the poor two American astronauts could not come back, or turn to China for help

Just when the "starliner" was encountering challenges in space, the news of China's successful landing of Chang'e-6 on the moon came, marking a new level of China's space technology. This is not only a great encouragement to the global space industry, but also a call for international cooperation and sharing of achievements.

The United States made another big joke, the poor two American astronauts could not come back, or turn to China for help

Space exploration is the common cause of all mankind, and the historical space race between the United States and the Soviet Union has taught us that competition and cooperation coexist. The rise of China's aerospace industry is leading global space cooperation into a new era, and jointly weaving a beautiful vision for human space exploration.

The United States made another big joke, the poor two American astronauts could not come back, or turn to China for help

The experience of the "Starliner" is a wake-up call for the global space industry, reminding us that while pursuing scientific and technological innovation, we must put safety first and ensure that every space trip can be returned safely.

The United States made another big joke, the poor two American astronauts could not come back, or turn to China for help

In the face of the vast starry sky, the power of any single country is insignificant. Only by working together and sharing technology and resources can we cross the sea of stars and jointly write a glorious chapter in human space exploration.

The United States made another big joke, the poor two American astronauts could not come back, or turn to China for help
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