
Excessive consumption of a woman's yang energy and becoming a cold woman stems from these bad living habits

author:Director of the Department of Gynecology Ha Hong

In clinical practice, many diseases stem from the lack of yang qi, such as cancer, infertility, obesity, endocrine disorders, kidney disease, etc.

"Neijing" contains: "Yin transforms into form, yang turns into qi, yang is insufficient, and all diseases are born." ”

When visiting and communicating with patients, it is found that many of these diseases are caused by the accumulation of long-term bad lifestyle habits, and these habits appear to be healthy, but in fact pose a threat to health.

"Yang energy, if the sky and the sun, lose their place, then the longevity will not be revealed."

Many women prefer to wear coats, down jackets with cropped pants in winter, or even roll up their trousers to show their ankles in pursuit of style and slimness, even in the cold. The situation is even worse in the summer.

However, in TCM theory, the three yin points at the ankle are crucial. The three yin meridians are the intersection of the three yin meridians of the liver, spleen and kidney, which are attacked by cold and evil, and the liver, spleen and kidney meridians are all damaged.

Excessive consumption of a woman's yang energy and becoming a cold woman stems from these bad living habits

If you pursue beauty and neglect to keep warm, you should try to cover the three yin points.

In addition to the open foot and neck, the modern clothing trend is more and more inclined to low waist, waist and navel, showing sex appeal and personality. However, the waist and navel are equally important.

The true fire is hidden in the life-gate acupoint, and the kidney qi has the function of warming the yang qi of the whole body, and if the yang qi of the human body is sufficient, all diseases will disappear. The Shenque acupoint is an important acupuncture point, which refers to the imprint left by the congenital or the ancestors.

If you often wear low-waisted pants, the kidneys and navel are susceptible to the invasion of cold evil, resulting in kidney qi deficiency and yang qi deficiency, resulting in poor blood circulation, and numbness, pain, and coldness in the lower body.

The abdomen is the most chilly, and the pulse is also chilly; Zutai Yin and Spleen Meridians, Zu Yang Ming Stomach Meridians, Zu Shao Yin and Kidney Meridians, Zu Shao Yin and Liver Meridians, and Ren Pulse are all located in the waist and abdomen. Therefore, ancient women usually wore belly pockets to protect their waist and abdomen.

Excessive consumption of a woman's yang energy and becoming a cold woman stems from these bad living habits

In Western films, it is common to take a shower and wash your hair after getting up in the morning, but now more and more young people choose to take a bath in the morning. Although the classics of traditional Chinese medicine do not clearly state that it is not advisable to take a bath in the morning, the "Neijing" has already revealed: "Those who have yang energy are outside the main body for a day, and people are born in Pingdan, and yang energy is strong in the middle of the day, and yang energy is empty in the west of the day."

From 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., when the Zuyangming stomach meridian is in season, taking a bath and washing your hair is like opening the skin of the whole body, and most of the qi and blood in the body are concentrated in the Zuyangming stomach meridian waiting to digest breakfast.

As a result, the human body is very susceptible to the invasion of cold evil, especially the head is the head of the yang, and taking a bath at this time undoubtedly stifles the rise of yang energy.

In modern society, while women's health issues have received more attention and medical support, complex issues have emerged. Among them, the increase in cold evil is an important factor.

In ancient times, cold evil mostly originated from the natural environment, such as sudden changes in the weather. However, the development of modern society, especially the popularization of air conditioning, has provided a new way for the invasion of cold evil.

People frequently switch between hot and cold environments, such as from the scorching sun outside to the cold office, and people's bodies are tested back and forth in this alternating cold and hot environment.

For example, if you are sweating outside, and as soon as you enter the office, it will immediately freeze like winter, and as a result, what will happen to all the sweat you are excavating?

It's all congested in the skin, and Chinese medicine says that this is called internal heat and external cold, and the camp and guard are not in harmony.

Excessive consumption of a woman's yang energy and becoming a cold woman stems from these bad living habits

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that a woman's body is particularly sensitive to qi and blood coagulation, because physiological systems such as the uterus need blood for warmth. Once the cold evil invades, the qi and blood will stagnate, posing a threat to women's health, especially during the menstrual period, which may lead to adverse consequences.

In order to maintain women's health, it is particularly important to protect "yang energy". In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, women should try to avoid excessive exposure to cold environments and keep their bodies warm.

Therefore, you must protect your "yang energy" and be a "warm" woman!


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