
Day 46 How can you find your own balance in your life?

Day 46 How can you find your own balance in your life?

Once, I was like the kind of person who couldn't live without people, always liking to be surrounded by friends and enjoying endless excitement and laughter.

But as time went on, I found that this hustle and bustle did not bring me inner satisfaction, but more and more loneliness weighed heavily on my heart.

Day 46 How can you find your own balance in your life?

Until one day, I read the sentence in Mr. Yu Hua's "Shouting in the Drizzle", and everything became different.

I began to gradually move away from meaningless social activities, and instead of pretending to have a lot of friends, I chose to go back to being alone.

In the beginning, this shift made me feel uneasy and even a little panicked.

But as time passed, I slowly discovered the other side of loneliness.

Day 46 How can you find your own balance in your life?

Now, I eat alone and go shopping on the 1st floor alone.

With my beloved music playing in my headphones, I walked aimlessly through the streets, enjoying that unique comfort.

Occasionally, I would look up at the sky, and the beautiful sunset would always make me forget all my worries.

The camera in my hand records every moment that I think is beautiful, and eternity is captured in that moment.

Although occasionally I feel lonely and longing for someone to share my emotions with, I want someone to talk to.

But most of the time, I find that comforting words don't really make people happy.

The text in the dialog box was typed and deleted, deleted and typed, and finally chose not to send.

I started doing what I wanted, whether it was sitting still and thinking or setting off on an adventure.

Silence is no longer an embarrassment, but a process of self-discovery.

Even if the silence is unpleasant at times, so what? Get some sleep and wake up full of energy for the day.

It's not a bad day for me.

Day 46 How can you find your own balance in your life?

In solitude, I learned to talk to myself, to understand my needs and desires, and to heal myself.

What's more, I've come to cherish the friends who are genuinely willing to spend time with me, rather than the ones who are friends who drink and drink.

Today, I still enjoy the occasional socializing, but I don't rely on it anymore.

Isn't life all about finding your own balance in constant exploration? This kind of life is good enough for me.

Day 46 How can you find your own balance in your life?


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