
In life, women who are so jealous that they are twisted tend to be of these types

author:Yue Fence Relief

Jealousy is the most evil emotion.

Most people who are jealous are evil, because jealousy will make them mentally unbalanced, which in turn will give rise to evil.

Although in this field of jealousy, there is no distinction between men and women, but because of the difference in thinking of men and women, women are indeed more obvious and more explicit in the expression of jealousy.

In real life, women who are so jealous and distorted are often these types, which are determined by many factors of their own, although pitiful, but also very hateful.

In life, women who are so jealous that they are twisted tend to be of these types

A woman who grew up in a bad environment

In TV dramas, many women who grew up in a bad environment are often very distorted, because inferiority complex can catalyze jealousy.

is like An Lingrong in the TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan", who takes the kindness of others as malicious because of his competitiveness, and because of his inferiority, he is more sensitive to everything and more eager, and then unscrupulous.

The most popular Korean drama "Blue Life and Death Love" should still have an impression of the scene where Xiao Eunxi is always bullied by Xiao Xinai.

Why does Xiao Xinai target Xiao Enxi everywhere, isn't it jealousy.

In fact, in real life, especially in the workplace, the worse the conditions of female employees, the more they like to target female colleagues who are superior to them in all aspects. The little envy, jealousy and hatred behind it can't be covered up even if it is not broken.

Human nature is like this, all good, in exchange for not only envy but also jealousy and hatred. And the worse the growth environment, the less self-confidence, and the lack of self-confidence, the more likely it is to be jealous and distorted.

In life, women who are so jealous that they are twisted tend to be of these types

A woman whose life is unsatisfactory everywhere

Life is an invisible comparison, but women with high literacy will secretly compare, and have a better mentality, will be jealous but will not have malice, and will only force themselves to grow.

But women with a bad mentality, or women with low literacy, they can't control themselves, they will be jealous to the point of madness and distortion, and express jealousy with malice in life.

Between Mr. Lin Huiyin and Grandma Bingxin, there is a story of a jar of vinegar, although it has been decades, but later generations can not escape a word of envy, jealousy and hatred when they comment on this matter.

The reason why the phrase hating people and laughing at people is on the lips of more and more people is because in life, many people who are not happy always try their best to be malicious or hurt people who are better off than themselves.

For example, the evil woman who killed her neighbor's healthy and lively grandson when her grandson was not in good health.

For example, the distorted face of a sister friend who is always prickly in her speech when she knows that you are doing better than you actually think.

Human nature is like this, the more unsatisfactory it is, the worse the mentality becomes, because inferiority often breeds evil.

In life, women who are so jealous that they are twisted tend to be of these types

A woman who is evil by nature and is born with a jealousy factor

Everyone has jealousy, so why can some women express jealousy so completely and without concealing it? That's because this type of woman is not only jealous, but also disgusting.

That is to say, women in this type of group of people have more evil factors, and jealousy and evil factors will give birth to all kinds of evil.

However, if you look at the overall situation, most of these women are women with a lack of growth environment, and because of the lack of growth environment, their adult life is not satisfactory.

In fact, most of the jealous women are very easy to identify in life, first of all, they are born from the heart, most of these women have a bad face, are very evil, very sharp, and very angry. The second is their temper, which is very hot, just a little bit. In the end, listen to their language tone, jealous and evil women, most of them have no virtue, like to talk about people, but also like to belittle people, and prefer isolated people who form gangs.

In a word, jealous women are evil in nature.

In life, women who are so jealous that they are twisted tend to be of these types


Although it is very uncomfortable to be envied and malicious, if you know that most people who are jealous will not have good results, will not be much more comfortable in your heart.

Because, people who are jealous will pay the price for their jealousy in the end, and their lives will often only get worse and worse.

Because, their thinking and mentality are completely controlled by jealousy, and there is no upward factor.

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