
Yu Zheng's forced love: Wu Jinyan Wang Xingyue must be a second Netizen: Is this the rhythm of getting married?

author:Xiao Hao told interesting stories


Yu Zheng pushed Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue to take two pairs, and netizens continued to discuss it

Yu Zheng recently publicly stated on social media, insisting that Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue cooperate again, and this news immediately caused heated discussions among netizens. Many fans have begun to look forward to the two actors partnering again, and some even said that they would like to watch their previous work "Ink Rain and Clouds" to warm up.

Yu Zheng's forced love: Wu Jinyan Wang Xingyue must be a second Netizen: Is this the rhythm of getting married?

The reaction of netizens was very positive, and some said: "While brushing ink and rain clouds, I am looking forward to the wonderful performances of the two excellent actors!" Some netizens joked: "Although the dead girl is a little crazy, it's good to have a real person's docking boss/board!" The good old man who protects the calf the most in internal entertainment hahaha! ”


Yu Zheng's behavior of protecting the calf caused heated discussions among netizens

Yu Zheng's decision not only shows his trust and support for Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue, but also makes netizens feel his protection and care for the artist.

Yu Zheng's forced love: Wu Jinyan Wang Xingyue must be a second Netizen: Is this the rhythm of getting married?

Some netizens commented: "This time, Yu Zheng is sharking this game for us, and Teacher Yu will bring it up if he has a drama!" I'll take care of you!! I said it! This act of caring for the calf has resonated widely on social media, with many netizens expressing support for Yu Zheng's decision and looking forward to the two actors working together again. Some netizens joked: "The dead girl is the age of rebellion, you go and provoke him, I want to see three and four [doge]!" ”


Netizens called on Wu Jinyan that Wang Xingyue must get married

With Yu Zheng's statement, the enthusiasm of netizens was also ignited, and some people even began to call on Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue to get married. This exaggerated expression has caused quite a stir on social media, and netizens have followed suit, forming a "second pair, second pair, second pair, must get married, must get married, must get married!!! The phenomenon of swiping the screen.

Yu Zheng's forced love: Wu Jinyan Wang Xingyue must be a second Netizen: Is this the rhythm of getting married?

Although this exaggerated expression has a certain joke component, it also reflects the high expectations of netizens for the cooperation between the two actors.


Yu Zheng's forced love sparked heated discussions among netizens

Yu Zheng's statement was jokingly called "forced love" by netizens, and this statement quickly spread on social media, causing more heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens commented: "Yu Zheng: I have to be a second partner, this time it's really forced to love [Yun Bei]" This humorous expression makes the whole topic more relaxed and interesting, and also makes netizens look forward to the cooperation of the two actors again.

Yu Zheng's forced love: Wu Jinyan Wang Xingyue must be a second Netizen: Is this the rhythm of getting married?

This statement of "forced love" not only adds interest to the topic, but also makes the discussion among netizens more active.


Controversial summary

Although Yu Zheng's statement made many netizens feel excited and expectant, some netizens expressed concern about it. They are concerned that this mandatory collaborative arrangement may put pressure on the actors and affect their performance status. Some netizens commented: "Although I am looking forward to the second pairing, I should also consider the feelings of the actors and don't put too much pressure on them." What do you think about this controversy? Do you support Yu Zheng's decision, or are you concerned about the possible negative impact of such a mandatory cooperative arrangement? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment area.

Yu Zheng's forced love: Wu Jinyan Wang Xingyue must be a second Netizen: Is this the rhythm of getting married?

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