
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter

author:Good upwards
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter
Funny joke: The father took his daughter to dinner and was called to the police by the waiter

Li Yuesheng and her daughter's "dinner turmoil"

In Shanghai during the Republic of China, the bustle and hustle and bustle were intertwined, and everyone was busy with life. And in this bustling metropolis, there is a father named Li Yuesheng, who has a lovely daughter named Xiaohui.

Li Yuesheng is an ordinary office worker, although the income is not high, but he always tries to give his daughter the best. Xiaohui is a smart and clever little girl, who can always make Li Yuesheng laugh. The relationship between father and daughter is deep, and they live happily every day.

One day, Li Yuesheng took Xiaohui to a newly opened restaurant for dinner. The restaurant is decorated in a chic setting and the menu is exquisite. Li Yuesheng ordered a few signature dishes and was ready to enjoy the meal.

However, while they were waiting for the food to be served, Xiaohui suddenly picked up the napkin on the table and began to imitate the waiter's movements. She followed the example of a waiter, bent over, holding a napkin in both hands, and chanting a word in her mouth: "Sir, what do you need?" ”

Li Yuesheng couldn't help laughing when she looked at her daughter's cute appearance. He encouraged Xiaohui to continue performing, and also pretended to be a guest to interact with Xiaohui. The laughter of the father and daughter attracted the sideways glances of the surrounding guests, but they all thought that it was just a joke between the father and daughter and didn't pay much attention.

After a while, the waiter came up with the dish. Seeing that Xiaohui was still imitating herself, she frowned a little unhappily, but she didn't say anything. However, what happened next made the waiter unable to hold back any longer.

Xiaohui saw the food served by the waiter, and ran over excitedly, ready to take the plate. She followed the example of a waiter, holding the plate in both hands and carefully placing it on the table. However, due to her young age and lack of strength, the plate suddenly lost its balance and fell to the ground.

"Oops!" Xiaohui exclaimed in surprise, looking at the debris and leftovers all over the ground, and cried in fright. Li Yuesheng hurriedly ran over to comfort his daughter and apologized to the waiter at the same time. However, the waiter pointed at Xiaohui with a blue face and said, "What are you doing here?" It's a restaurant, not a playground! How can I do business if you mess with me like this? ”

Li Yuesheng hurriedly explained that his daughter was imitating the waiter and playing with her, and she had no malicious intent. But the waiter didn't listen to his explanation, insisting that they were deliberately causing trouble. The more she talked, the more excited she became, and finally took out her mobile phone and called the police.

The police quickly arrived at the scene and took Li Yuesheng and Xiaohui to the police station. At the police station, the police asked about what had happened. Li Yuesheng told the story of the incident 1510, and repeatedly emphasized that he did not mean to deliberately make trouble. However, the waiters insisted that they were deliberately disrupting and accused them of not respecting the rules of the restaurant.

After listening to the statements of both sides, the police were also a little embarrassed. They looked at Xiaohui's frightened red face and teary eyes, and then at Li Yuesheng's anxious expression, and finally decided to let them leave the police station first, but asked them not to behave like this in the future.

When Li Yuesheng and Xiaohui walked out of the police station, it was already late at night. The lights on the street were dim and hazy, and the wind was biting. Li Yuesheng hugged Xiaohui tightly, and his heart was mixed. He didn't expect a simple meal to turn into such a situation. He looked at Xiaohui in his arms, and saw that she was still sobbing, with undried tears on her face. He touched her head distressedly and said, "Xiaohui, don't be afraid, Dad is here." ”

Xiaohui raised her head and looked at Li Yuesheng and said, "Dad, am I in trouble?" Li Yuesheng shook his head and said, "No, no, Xiaohui didn't get into trouble." It's Dad who doesn't take a fancy to you and frightens you. After saying that, he sighed again and said, "Alas, this time it is really a big trouble, and we will have to pay attention in the future." ”

The father and daughter walked on the way home, and their hearts were full of emotion. Li Yuesheng thought about this incident and made him realize that there is still a lot to learn and improve in educating children. He decided to spend more time with his daughter in the future and communicate with her more, so that she could become a polite and well-bred good child.

And Xiaohui also learned a lesson from this incident, and she understood that her actions could cause trouble and distress to others. She decided that in the future, she would no longer imitate others and do dangerous things, but would be a sensible and well-behaved good child.

is just such an ordinary dinner turmoil, but the father and daughter have grown a lot. They cherish their feelings for each other more and pay more attention to their words and deeds. In the days that followed, they experienced many ups and downs together, but they always maintained that deep father-daughter friendship.

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