
From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?

author:Kyushu Shinashi
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked in the article, please be aware.

The army is a vivid business card of the army's combat effectiveness! The Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army, two legendary "battle groups" in Chinese history, each made a name for themselves in different eras with their unique combat effectiveness and exquisite tactics.

From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?

But which one is the more powerful king of war? How glorious and cool it is to come out on top, that's an interesting question.

From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?

The Mongol Iron Horsemen, which were the famous watchmen of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century, resounded in all directions. When it comes to these warriors, it's not as simple as an ordinary horseback knight. The mobility alone is stunning, and the riding and archery skills are also superb, and the archery is like a god.

From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?

Whizz around the battlefield and pass by as quickly as the wind, giving the enemy no respite. The tactics are flexible and changeable, and the reaction speed is so fast that one wonders if they are open. The elusive and fast raid, combined with the accurate long-range strike, requires speed and distance, and can instantly make the enemy and the second monk confused.

If you think they're just quick and nimble, you're wrong. A more accurate definition is that they are a comprehensive and powerful army, an all-round king on the battlefield, who would dare to underestimate this iron army?

From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?

In "The Secret History of the Mongols", it is praised as follows: those heart-pounding tactics, "attacking the east and attacking the west" and "luring the enemy into depth" have been brought into full play, and they are not too enjoyable. Genghis Khan used these clever tactics to lead the Mongol iron cavalry to sweep across the Eurasian continent in a short period of time. Playing your opponent in the palm of your hand is like a cat and a mouse.

From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?

During the Shunzhi and Kangxi periods, the Eight Banners Army showed its skills, from the pacification of the rebellion of the three feudatories to the battle of Yaxa, showing unparalleled combat effectiveness and changeable tactics. On the battlefield, it is like a tiger descending from the mountain, sweeping thousands of armies, invincible.

In particular, the Battle of Yaksa, which was a classic battle that can be defined as a textbook, in which the Eight Banners Army, with its excellent command and extraordinary combat effectiveness, defeated the enemy, caught off guard, and fled in disarray. How can such an army not be exciting, fascinating, and loved?

From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?

The Eight Banners were the main military force of the Qing Dynasty, and they were known for their strict organizational discipline and strong combat effectiveness. The soldiers of the Eight Banners undergo rigorous training, and they excel in close combat, long-range shooting, and defense.

The ace troops of the Qing Dynasty, when they mention the Eight Banners Army, they will involuntarily think of the image of a fierce warrior. Their discipline and organization are so tightly that one can't help but be fascinated. It was only in the "hellish" training that these soldiers received to achieve this effect, one minute on the battlefield, and ten years on the training ground.

Close combat can be hand-to-hand, long-range shooting can penetrate Yang in 100 steps, and defense is even more impregnable. Every soldier of the Eight Banners is like a fighting machine in Taiwan, and his combat effectiveness is off the charts, which makes the enemy fearful.

From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?

The masters of the cold weapon era are just the "very ordinary" characteristics of the Eight Banners Army, and they also skillfully combine the tactics of infantry and cavalry. What's even more amazing is that there are two real brushes that can be used with traditional cold weapons.

The Eight Banners also have a complete logistics support system, which can ensure that soldiers are adequately supplied on the battlefield. It can be said that the Eight Banners are a very professional and organized army.

From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?

The Eighth Banner Army is not only omnipotent in battle, but also unambiguous in logistics support, and is a logistics unit with a "god teammate" to ensure that every soldier can get sufficient supplies on the battlefield. This logistics system is impeccable, and the precisely operated "food, clothing, and supply" machine must have no worries when fighting on the front line. Sure enough, a professional team does professional things and is reliable.

From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?

Mongolian Iron Cavalry or Eight Banners Army, who is more powerful? This is a difficult question to answer. Both have their own merits and unique skills. The Mongolian iron cavalry dominates with extreme speed and invincible cavalry and archery, and is the "ghost" on the battlefield; On the other hand, the Eighth Banner Army, relying on its strict establishment and impeccable logistics support system, did not fall behind, and transformed into a "Great Wall of Steel" on the battlefield.

From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?

But can you say who is more powerful than that?

The Mongol horsemen, who could run as freely as wild horses in the steppe, once swept across Eurasia, and most of the world trembled under the hooves of their horses. At that time, the Mongolian iron cavalry was like a group of ruthless "gods of war", trembling everywhere they went.

Look at the Eight Banners Army, they helped the Qing Dynasty build a huge empire, and the country is picturesque. The Eight Banners Army was well-organized and had a variety of tactics, not to mention being deployed like a mountain on the plains, and even fighting in the mountains and jungles with ease.

From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?


Each era has its own king, and each tactic has its own specific context. If they were to face off on the same battlefield, it would be hard to say who would win and who would lose. After all, the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in an anthill, and there were more variables on the battlefield than you could imagine.

From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?

So, to ask who is the real king of war? Hey, that's a tricky question. After all, the "king" on the battlefield has always been written by the descendants of the victors, right?

This contest that spans the centuries may not need to distinguish between winners and losers, but through comparison, we can understand more deeply the art of war and the evolution of history.

From the conquest of Europe and Asia to the establishment of an empire, who is the strongest god of war between the Mongolian Iron Cavalry and the Eight Banners Army?

In this century-spanning contest, there is no need to really distinguish the winner or loser. What's more, and more importantly, by comparing these two legendary armies, we can more deeply understand the essence of the art of war and feel the charm of historical evolution, which may be the value of comparison.


The Secret History of the Mongols

Genghis Khan: Conqueror of the World, John Mann

《Manuscript of Qing History》

The Rise of the Mongol Empire, Stephen Duix

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