
Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

author:Tingzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review
Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Text: Muzi

Editor|Tingzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review

As the summer vacation approaches, many film producers have also begun to gear up, ready to take advantage of this holiday to create another box office miracle.

So far, the domestic box office has also hit new highs, and the top ten movies at the box office are billions of hits, and many of them have also gone abroad and come to the world stage.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

An American platform called the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) has rated the top 10 highest-grossing films in China.

The scoring module of this platform is basically the same as Douban, with a full score of 10 points and a minimum score of 1 point.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Let's take a look at which of the top ten movies at the Chinese box office is the best in the eyes of foreign media according to IMDB's score.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

10. Changjin Lake

Changjin Lake, which ranks first at the domestic box office, only scored 5.5 points on the IMDB platform, and did not even reach the passing level.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Some of the foreign media's evaluations of "Changjin Lake" are still relatively positive, believing that this film does not demonize the US military, which is a great progress for world cinema.

The objective performance of the war is the best thing that "Changjin Lake" does, but from the movie level, the movie is suspected of imitating "Saving Private Ryan".

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Moreover, the ideas conveyed by "Changjin Lake" are completely different from "Saving Private Ryan", and foreign media are looking forward to seeing a film that depicts the cruelty of war and tells the tragedy of mankind.

They think that "Changjin Lake" glorifies the war, which is different from the war movies they understand, so many people give a not high score.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

9. Shuimen Bridge of Changjin Lake

"Shuimen Bridge of Changjin Lake", as a sequel to the series of "Changjin Lake", although it is slightly inferior at the box office, it still has a good score on Douban.

However, on IMDB, it was at the bottom with "Changjin Lake", with only 5.6 points, leading "Changjin Lake".

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Foreign audiences commented that "Shuimen Bridge of Changjin Lake" has done a good job in visual effects, with good editing and special effects, even if it is a 2D movie, it can also have a 3D look.

However, in terms of plot and content, foreign audiences still have a lot of criticism of "Shuimen Bridge of Changjin Lake".

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

On the one hand, the plot is relatively cliché, switching between action scenes and emotional scenes, rendering emotions through battles, and then there are sacrifices and mourning, continuing to fight, continuing to sacrifice and mourning.

In other aspects, the comments of "Shuimen Bridge of Changjin Lake" are basically the same as those of "Changjin Lake".

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

8. Detective Chinatown 3

"Detective Chinatown 3" should be the most average word-of-mouth among the top ten movies at the box office, and it did not reach a passing score on the Douban platform, which is not comparable to the first two.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

On foreign websites, the rating of 5.6 for "Detective Chinatown 3" is not high, but the evaluation of this movie is surprisingly okay.

First of all, foreign audiences don't think that this movie is much worse than the first two, it is basically still comparable, and the first part of the series only has a rating of 6.6 on IMDB.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Perhaps because "Detective Chinatown 3" itself is positioned as a family comedy, foreign media do not have much expectations for "Detective Chinatown 3", and if you look at it as a comedy, the evaluation is okay.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

7. Wandering Earth

In the eyes of foreign media, "The Wandering Earth", which opened the door to Chinese science fiction films, is not a passing work, with only a score of 5.9.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

The characterization of "The Wandering Earth" is disastrous in the eyes of foreign media, without depth, and is simply like a person in a one-dimensional space.

The elder brother is very "arrogant", and the younger sister spends 90% of the time shouting for help, such a role match has no merit in the eyes of foreign media.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Although the overall evaluation is not good, there are many foreign friends who have given positive comments to this film, saying that they like the story from a Chinese perspective very much.

And I think that films like "The Wandering Earth" are a correct path of development, and it is beneficial for Chinese films to continue this creative way.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

6. Wolf Warrior 2

"Wolf Warrior 2" can be said to have set off a precedent for domestic box office hits, and has been firmly in the first place at the box office before "Changjin Lake", and it is still the second domestic film box office until today.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

On the website, "Wolf Warrior 2" has a rating of only 5.9 points, and supporters of the film believe that the film is very good, although it is still far from the Oscar level, but it can already arouse national pride.

But those who don't like this film will feel that this film is a mixture of Jackie Chan-style action movies and gunfight scenes, and the plot is relatively old-fashioned.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

First of all, there are a lot of meaningless action scenes, and a few unrelated fights in the opening scene are used to attract attention.

The second is the decision that some foreign viewers in the movie think is illogical, such as some fighting scenes, but such actions may cause more casualties.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Even some reviewers who claim to be fans of action movies find this film tiresome, and some foreign netizens feel that the concept output of this film is too strong, so they give it a low rating.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

5. Man Jianghong

Zhang Yimou, the director of "Man Jianghong", can be said to be the most internationally renowned director among these directors.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Prior to that, Zhang Yimou won the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival and the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival, and was the first Chinese director to win the Grand Prix in the main competition unit of the world's three major film festivals.

IMDB also gave a score of 6.5 points to the film "Man Jianghong", on the one hand, it affirms Zhang Yimou's creative spirit, and on the other hand, it is also because of the quality of the film itself.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

The first half of the whole movie is very popular in the comments, mainly the part of the collective chorus in the second half, which makes the critics of foreign media feel embarrassed.

Here, the foreign media also gave us an analogy, saying that Man Jianghong's final chorus was like: he was swearing allegiance to the school, and because today was the birthday of the principal's second son, the audio was played twice.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

4. All or nothing

Among the top ten Chinese films in the total box office, "All or Nothing" is the lowest box office, not even reaching 4 billion, but in foreign media evaluations, it has a high score of 6.7 points.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

The high score of "All or Nothing", the protagonist Zhang Yixing has made great contributions.

Although the role of Zhang Yixing is not highly discussed in China, it is undeniable that Zhang Yixing's foreign fans like Zhang Yixing's performance in this film.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

And the narrative skills of "All or Nothing" have also attracted a lot of good reputation for the movie, and foreign media feel that the three-line parallelism of three different characters makes the movie have no real protagonist.

This treatment is more realistic, and many details can be more touching.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

3. Wandering Earth 2

The evaluation of "The Wandering Earth 2" in IMDB is quite high, although the total score is only 6.8 points, but many viewers are willing to give a score of 7 or even 8 points.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

From "The Wandering Earth 2", many foreign audiences have seen the progress of China's special effects technology, and they do not hesitate to praise these unexpected surprises.

More fans feel that "The Wandering Earth 2" is better than "The Wandering Earth", this movie no longer has reckless young people, and the issues discussed are more in-depth, more like a serious movie.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Of course, foreign audiences can always find some details that are difficult for Chinese audiences to find, such as the obvious dubbing in the film, which affects the perception very much, and even some foreign language lip syncs do not match.

And the pacing of this epic masterpiece is not perfect, although these suggestions can be tolerated in some cases, if Chinese films want to go further, they must still pay attention to these issues in the future.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

2. Hello, Lee Hwan Young

Jia Ling's directorial debut "Hello, Li Huanying" is still very popular in Western countries, and it is reported that it has also been bought by Hollywood for a script and plans to remake it.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

On the IMDB platform, the film has a high score of 6.9, surpassing "All or Nothing" and "The Wandering Earth 2".

When foreign media comment on this movie, they will still use boring to describe the first half of the film.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Stories about traveling back to the time of his parents are not uncommon in the West, such stories have long been filmed in films like "Back to the Future", and "The Terminator" even has a scene where the son sends the robot back.

But the second half of the film deeply touched foreign audiences, and this most simple emotional family relationship between human beings connected China and foreign countries at this moment, and also made foreign media feel the warmth of Chinese families.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

1. Nezha's demon boy descended

"Nezha's Demon Boy Descends" scored 7.4 points on IMDB, while the domestic Douban platform scored 8.4 points.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Among the ten highest-grossing movies in China, netizens at home and abroad coincidentally chose the animated film "Nezha: The Demon Boy Descends to the World" to win the first place.

Prior to this, many foreign audiences were not optimistic about Chinese animation, and they did not have too high expectations for choosing this movie.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

But soon, they were surprised to find that they actually liked the jokes and humor of the film, which foreign media thought was very rare in Chinese films.

Foreign media commented that they liked most of the comedies, although some of the jokes looked a little silly, but the handling of the movie was very clever and made people feel good.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Some people even say that this is the best Chinese movie they have seen in recent years, and it is a real Chinese movie!

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!


IMDB's score can only represent the rating of Chinese films by foreign audiences, and foreign audiences' understanding of movies is naturally different from that of China.

They will understand Chinese culture more in terms of their own culture, and some perspectives are different from those of their own audiences.

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

For some suggestions from foreign audiences, there are some parts that we should learn and accept, for example, in terms of the use of techniques and rhythm, Chinese commercial films do have a long way to go.

But at the same time, we must not blindly learn from foreign countries, we must maintain the characteristics of Chinese films, tell Chinese stories well, and do a good job in real Chinese films.

So what's the best movie in your mind?

Foreign media commented on the ten highest-grossing movies in China, "Changjin Lake" is at the bottom, and the championship is well deserved!

Some references:

Chinese Movie Box Office List|Maoyan Professional Edition

Wolf Warrior|IMDB


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