
I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

author:Wooden Bridge said
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Why did "she" steal my life?

In 2004, 20-year-old Chen Chunxiu was admitted to university with a score of 546, but he did not wait for his admission letter.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

With this unwillingness, in the next 16 years, Chen Chunxiu was admitted to the university again with his own efforts.

What she never expected was that when she was admitted to college again, she realized that she had already "gone to college once"!

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

What's going on here?

Chen Chunxiu's stolen admission letter

The protagonist's name is Chen Chunxiu, from an ordinary peasant family in Guan County, Shandong, and she is the second child in the family.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

For children born in such a family, only studying hard and being admitted to university was the only way out at that time, and Chen Chunxiu always kept this in mind.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

In 2001, Chen Chunxiu was admitted to Liaocheng Guanxian Wuxun High School.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

Finally, in 2004, it was finally time for Chen Chunxiu to hand in an answer sheet for his 3 years of hard work, and Chen Chunxiu in the college entrance examination room "put pen to paper" and scored 546 points.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

Seeing Chen Chunxiu's excellent results, the whole family was happy for her, and everyone firmly believed that Chen Chunxiu would definitely be able to be admitted to university and change his fate.

Therefore, Chen Chunxiu was very cautious in the volunteer filling stage, she first filled in two schools in Shanghai, and the third volunteer filled in Shandong University of Technology.
I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

In the end, Chen Chunxiu was admitted to Shandong University of Technology.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

After knowing that he was admitted to university, Chen Chunxiu waited quietly at home for the arrival of the admission letter.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this
But who knows, 4 months have passed since the 2004 college entrance examination, and even the classmates who were admitted to the university with him have gone to school, but Chen Chunxiu still has not received the admission letter.

It wasn't until October 2004 that Chen Chunxiu decided to go to Yantai City, a few hundred kilometers away, to work.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

During this time, she worked as a laborer in a food factory, processed lenses in an electronics factory, and worked as a waitress in a ramen shop.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

However, Chen Chunxiu, who has been working outside, has never forgotten his obsession with going to college, and he is not even willing to return to his hometown, which is a "sad place".

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

It wasn't until after getting married that Chen Chunxiu returned to his hometown of Guanxian and started working as a teacher in a kindergarten.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this
In 2019, Chen Chunxiu applied for the primary education major of Qufu Normal University, and she wanted to make up for the regret of not being able to go to college through the adult college entrance examination.
I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

But who knows, in 2020, after being admitted to Qufu Normal University, Chen Chunxiu found that he had graduated from Shandong Normal University when he checked his academic information on

But Chen Chunxiu has not received the admission letter for 16 years!

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

16 years of life that was stolen

Seeing such information, Chen Chunxiu was very shocked, but the academic information on was clear: except for the photo that was not Chen Chunxiu, the other information was hers!

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

It would be too far-fetched to say that it has the same name and surname, so Chen Chunxiu guessed: Was he impostored?

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

With this question, Chen Chunxiu contacted the admissions office of Shandong University of Technology, and the reply was: You were indeed admitted that year, and the notice was sent.

Hearing such words, Chen Chunxiu felt like "five thunderbolts", he didn't receive an admission letter that year, how could he go to college?

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

After knowing about Chen Chunxiu, Shandong University of Technology also attached great importance to it and sent a group of admissions teachers to Chen Chunxiu's home to understand the situation.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

The teacher of the admissions office was also very shocked after seeing Chen Chunxiu, and he told Chen Chunxiu that the admission notice was indeed sent out that year, but she was replaced by someone else!

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

So, Chen Chunxiu secretly made up her mind that she must get back the 16 years of her life that was stolen and seek justice for herself.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

In May 2020, Chen Chunxiu went to the police station to report to the police, hoping to seek justice for himself through judicial means, but he did not expect that Chen Chunxiu encountered difficulties as soon as he first started to act.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

After writing her self-report at the police station, Chen Chunxiu went to the Guan County Education Bureau to check her student registration information, and she wanted to find out who took her file and why the notice did not reach her.

But who knows, the staff only used one question to stump her: "You have to prove that you are you!" ”

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

Chen Chunxiu was really confused when she encountered this problem, but she still complied, and after returning to the police station to open her identity certificate, she immediately returned to the Education Bureau to check her admission information that year.

But the answer given to her by the Education Bureau was: There is no such person, and Chen Chunxiu's admission information has not been found!

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

This shows that Chen Chunxiu may actually be on the list, so she went back to the high school where she went to school to find her file, but the school archives told her that the file had been taken away, and there was no record of the file.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

At this time, the case began to become suspicious, and even Chen Chunxiu himself felt confused, and the news that Chen Chunxiu was suspected of being impersonated to go to college spread quickly.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this
Just when Chen Chunxiu was at a loss, she received a phone call from a "relative of the substitute", and the person on the other end of the phone told Chen Chunxiu that she should not continue to pursue the case, and the substitute was willing to "compensate" her.
I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

Chen Chunxiu finally determined that he was really admitted to the university back then, but he was stolen by a powerful person!

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

She sternly rejected the other party's "compensation" at that time, and made up her mind to find out the person behind the scenes.

Later, many media paid attention to Chen Chunxiu's story, and the replacement couldn't withstand the pressure of public opinion, so he wrote a handwritten statement of the situation, admitting the fact that he went to college instead of others.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

and also said that all the materials for his admission were handled by his deceased aunt.

Chen Chunxiu didn't want to believe that from the notice to the file to the household registration to the enrollment, this is not something that can be completed by one person at all, and she is determined to investigate it thoroughly!

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

The local government also attached great importance to Chen Chunxiu's case and began to send special personnel to investigate.

In the end, after a period of investigation, Chen Chunxiu and relevant departments worked together to find out all the relevant personnel at the beginning.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

It turned out that the replacement was named Chen Yanping, who was the same age as Chen Chunxiu, but her college entrance examination results were not ideal, and she did not even reach the junior college line.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this
But her uncle was the head of the audit bureau at the time, and under the mediation of all parties, the director of admissions agreed to help Chen Yanping go to college and used his position to extract Chen Chunxiu's file.
I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

After the high school file was completed, there were still problems with the household registration, and her uncle extended his poisonous hand to the director of the Yanzhuang Police Station at that time and forged Chen Chunxiu's household registration.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

After completing this series of operations, Chen Yanping's uncle found the Academic Affairs Office of Shandong University of Technology and arranged for Chen Yanping to enter the school.

Since then, Chen Yanping has used Chen Chunxiu's name to study at Shandong University of Technology, and after graduation, she also entered the street work.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

However, stealing other people's lives will eventually receive retribution, Chen Yanping, who has been called Chen Chunxiu for 16 years, including everyone who went to college with her at that time, has been punished as it should be.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

All those involved were dealt with

After a detailed investigation by the relevant departments, all the people involved in the case have been duly punished.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

Chen Yanping was terminated from her labor contract, her illegally obtained academic qualifications from Shandong University of Technology were also revoked, and she was placed on file for investigation by the public security organs.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

Some of the other people involved in the case were expelled from the party and inspected by the discipline inspection organs, some were given warnings from within the party, their positions were reduced, and some had their retirement benefits reduced.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

In short, all the people involved in the case paid the due price for their mistakes back then.

But who is responsible for Chen Chunxiu's stolen life?

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

A rural girl from a humble background wanted to change her fate in this way, but she didn't expect to be targeted by some high-ranking people.

In the end, because of other people's mistakes, Chen Chunxiu still failed to turn over.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

However, fortunately, Chen Chunxiu has been admitted to Qufu Normal University, and Shandong University of Technology has promised to do its best to help her desire to study.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

Some time ago, a reporter contacted Chen Chunxiu's husband Li Junwei, who told the reporter that he was studying in the primary education major of the School of Continuing Education of Qufu Normal University.

Shandong University of Technology specially sent teachers to provide one-on-one tutoring to Chen Chunxiu.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

Now Chen Chunxiu may have graduated from Qufu Normal University and lived the life she wanted, hoping that she can get better and better in her future life.

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

Although the ending is not perfect, it can be regarded as fulfilling her wish to the greatest extent.


After studying hard for more than ten years, I never thought that my future would be easily stolen by others, which is unacceptable to anyone.

Now that the mainland has perfected the system of voluntary filling in the college entrance examination and university admission management, I believe that this kind of thing will not happen again!

The source of this article is from:

CCTV News2020-06-15"Hot Comments丨University Qualifications Were "Stolen" and Looked Forward to Chen Chunxiu's College Dream as Soon as Possible"

I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this
Baidu Encyclopedia
I can't go to college with 546 in the college entrance examination! The rural girl was stolen from her life for 16 years, and the movie didn't dare to shoot like this

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