
On the night shift that day, I sent my crush female apprentice home, and she grabbed me when we parted

author:Wanwan Emotional Zone

"On the night shift that day, I sent my crush female apprentice home, and she grabbed me when we parted"

On the night shift that day, I sent my crush female apprentice home, and she grabbed me when we parted

The picture comes from the Internet

Amid the hustle and bustle of the factory, another long night shift ended. I dragged my tired body and prepared to go home and get a good night's sleep. At this time, I saw her with the same tired face - my female apprentice Xiaoyan.

Xiaoyan was assigned to our workshop a few months ago, young and lively, smart and smart, with big eyes always full of curiosity and desire to learn. From the first day she came, I was unconsciously attracted to her, took special care of her at work, and did my best to pass on her skills and experience.

"Master, it's been hard again!" Xiaoyan walked up to me, with a hint of exhaustion in her voice.

"You're the same, you're tired, aren't you?" I smiled in response to her.

"It's good that the master is here, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do." She playfully stuck out her tongue.

Looking at her cute appearance, my heart couldn't help but move slightly. "Let's go, I'll take you home, it's not safe for girls to be alone." As soon as I said this, I was a little surprised that this impulse came so suddenly.

Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, and then a bright smile bloomed on her face: "Then thank you, master!" ”

The streets are exceptionally quiet at night, save for the sound of our footsteps and the occasional passing car. Along the way, we chatted about interesting things at work, and the atmosphere was relaxed and harmonious.

"Master, do you think I can become a technical expert like you?" Xiaoyan asked suddenly.

"Of course you can, you're so smart and hardworking, it's going to be fine." I answered without hesitation.

On the night shift that day, I sent my crush female apprentice home, and she grabbed me when we parted

The picture comes from the Internet

She smiled softly: "Master, with your words, I have confidence." ”

Before we knew it, we came to the downstairs of Xiaoyan's house. "Master, thank you for sending me back, go up and have a cup of tea before leaving?" Xiaoyan said.

"No, you can go back and rest, you have to go to work tomorrow." I politely declined.

"Okay then, goodbye, master." Xiaoyan turned around to leave, but at that moment, she suddenly turned around and grabbed my hand.

My heart instantly rose to my throat, and I was overwhelmed with nervousness. "Master, actually...... I've always wanted to say to you......" Xiaoyan's voice trembled a little.

"What?" My eyes widened in anticipation of her next words.

"I know that you have taken care of me during this time, not just because of the relationship between master and apprentice......" She raised her head and looked me in the eye bravely, "I can feel your heart, actually...... I ...... too."

Before she could finish her sentence, we were interrupted by the sound of footsteps in the hallway. As if awakened, Xiaoyan quickly let go of my hand.

"Master, I'll go up first, and I'll talk about it another day." With that, she hurried upstairs.

I stood still and could not calm down for a long time. That brief moment just now seemed like a dream. I don't know what Xiaoyan wants to say, is it what I expected? Or is it just my wishful thinking?

In the next few days, when we met Xiaoyan in the workshop, the atmosphere between us became a little delicate. She always wanted to stop talking, and I didn't dare to mention the events of that night lightly, for fear of destroying the hazy emotions that had been built up so hard.

On the night shift that day, I sent my crush female apprentice home, and she grabbed me when we parted

The picture comes from the Internet

Finally, one weekend afternoon, Xiaoyan asked me to go to the park near the factory.

"Master, what I didn't finish that night, I want to tell you today." Xiaoyan's face had a hint of shyness.

"Well, you say." My heart began to beat nervously again.

"Actually, I like you too. I've had a crush on you since the first time you patiently taught me the technique. It's just that I've never been sure what you think, and I'm afraid that speaking out will affect our mentor-apprentice relationship. Xiaoyan finished in one breath, and then took a deep breath.

Hearing her words, I felt like I was in a dream, and happiness came so suddenly. "Xiaoyan, I really didn't expect it, I thought this was my unrequited love all along."

"Master, don't call me an apprentice in the future, call me Xiaoyan." She laughs.

Since then, Xiaoyan and I are no longer just a master-apprentice relationship, we have become lovers. In the workshop of the factory, we can still see our busy figures, but the difference is that there is more tenderness and care in our eyes.

We face the difficulties in our work together and share the happiness of life together. After work, we will stroll through the streets hand in hand and enjoy our sweet time.

However, the road to love has not been easy. When Xiaoyan's parents found out about our relationship, they were adamantly opposed. They think that I am just an ordinary worker and cannot give Xiaoyan a happy future.

On the night shift that day, I sent my crush female apprentice home, and she grabbed me when we parted

The picture comes from the Internet

Xiaoyan is in a dilemma, on one side is the beloved me, and on the other hand is the parents who raised her. Looking at her increasingly haggard face, my heart was like a knife.

"Xiaoyan, why don't we break up, I don't want to see you in such pain." I said bitterly.

"No, master, no, I won't give up. I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to make them accept it. Xiaoyan held my hand tightly, her eyes firm.

In order to get the approval of Xiaoyan's parents, I worked harder, and in my spare time, I also learned new techniques to improve myself. Xiaoyan also kept saying good things for me in front of her parents and telling us about the bits and pieces between us.

After a long time of hard work and waiting, Xiaoyan's parents were finally moved by our persistence and sincerity and agreed to our marriage.

On the day of the wedding, I looked at Xiaoyan in a white wedding dress, and my heart was full of happiness and emotion. When I think back to the night when I took her home from the night shift, I was filled with emotion. If we didn't have the impulse and courage of that moment, maybe we would miss each other and miss this beautiful love.

Since then, we have walked through countless days and nights hand in hand, creating our own happy life together. Whenever we recall that youthful and beautiful time, our hearts are full of warmth and sweetness.